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Introduction to Community College Workforce Outcomes

Explore the workforce outcomes of Wyoming community college graduates from welding and nursing programs between 2007-2014. Data includes graduates, employment rates, and median wages in Wyoming and partner states.

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Introduction to Community College Workforce Outcomes

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  1. Wyoming Department of Workforce Services Research & Planning Introduction to Community College Workforce Outcomes Presented by: Tony Glover, Workforce Information Supervisor Wyoming Workforce Development Council, September 16, 2016

  2. Research & Planninghttp://doe.state.wy.us/LMI OUR ORGANIZATION: R&P is a separate, exclusively statistical entity. WHAT WE DO: R&P collects, analyzes, and publishes timely and accurate labor market information (LMI) meeting established statistical standards. OUR CUSTOMERS: LMI makes the labor market more efficient by providing the public and the public’s representatives with the basis for informed decision making.

  3. Research & Planning’s Mission: To establish an empirically based comprehensive understanding of the labor market: its constituent elements, systems integrating its components, and subsequent outcomes.

  4. Number of Wyoming Community College Graduates From a 1-Year Occupational Welding Technology/Welder (CIP*-480508) Program, 2007-2014

  5. Number of Wyoming Community College Graduates From a 1-Year Occupational Welding Technology/Welder (CIP*-480508) Program by College and Graduation, 2007-2014

  6. Percent of Wyoming Community College Graduates From a 1-Year Occupational Welding Technology/Welder (CIPa-480508) Program Found Working in Wyoming or 11 Partner Statesb Four Quarters After Graduation, 2007-2014

  7. Percent of Wyoming Community College Graduates From a 1-Year Occupational Welding Technology/Welder (CIPa-480508) Program Found Working in Wyoming or 11 Partner Statesb Four Quarters After Graduation by College and Graduation, 2007-2014

  8. Median Quarterly Wage for Wyoming Community College GraduatesFrom a 1-Year Occupational Welding Technology/Welder (CIPa-480508) Program Found Working in Wyoming or 11 Partner Statesb Four Quarters After Graduation, 2007-2014

  9. Median Quarterly Wage for Wyoming Community College GraduatesFrom a 1-Year Occupational Welding Technology/Welder (CIPa-480508) Program Found Working in Wyoming or 11 Partner Statesb Four Quarters After Graduation by College and Graduation, 2007-2014

  10. Number of Wyoming Community College Graduates From a 2-Year Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse (CIP*-513801) Program, 2007-2014

  11. Number of Wyoming Community College Graduates From a 2-Year Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse (CIP*-513801) Program by College and Graduation, 2007-2014

  12. Percent of Wyoming Community College Graduates From a 2-Year Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse (CIPa-513801) Program Found Working in Wyoming or 11 Partner Statesb Four Quarters After Graduation, 2007-2014

  13. Percent of Wyoming Community College Graduates From a 2-YearRegistered Nursing/Registered Nurse (CIPa-513801) ProgramFound Working in Wyoming or 11 Partner Statesb Four QuartersAfter Graduation by College and Graduation, 2007-2014

  14. Median Quarterly Wage for Wyoming Community College Graduates From a 2-Year Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse (CIPa-513801) Program Found Working in Wyoming or 11 Partner Statesb Four Quarters After Graduation, 2007-2014

  15. Median Quarterly Wage for Wyoming Community College Graduates From a 2-Year Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse (CIPa-513801) Program Found Working in Wyoming or 11 Partner Statesb Four Quarters After Graduation, 2007-2014

  16. To view the full tables from which the data for these slides were extracted, please see: http://doe.state.wy.us/LMI/education_we_connect/WCCC_Graduates_08-15.pdf

  17. Questions? Tom Gallagher, Manager tom.gallagher@wyo.gov Research & Planning Wyoming Department of Workforce Services PO Box 2760 246 S. Center St. Casper, WY 82601(307) 473-3807 DWS-RESEARCHPLANNING@wyo.gov http://wyomingLMI.org

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