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This report details audit findings on program expenditures of White Earth Nation RBC, deviation from tribal regulations, and significant events causing financial discrepancies.
Other Governmental Project (OGP) Quarterly Report Presentation
Mission of the (OGP) is to Audit Questionable Program and Project Expenditures In Order to Assist the White Earth Nation RBC in Accomplishing its Mission
The W.E. RBC requires that the net gaming revenue and tribal program dollars be used for the following purposes:
The White Earth RBC seeks to ensure that established W.E. government programs comply with the following:
White Earth Driveway and Construction Program Program review
The Policy that the W.E. RBC had in place for this program covered two areas:
The criteria that the W.E. RBC put in place in order for participation for this program:
White Earth RBC allowed for special consideration for White Earth Nation Elders:
W.E. RBC restrictions for existing driveway maintenance for Non-Elders:
Work completed that was not in compliance with W.E. RBC Guidelines:
Work completed that was not in compliance with White Earth RBC Guidelines Continued:
Work completed that was not in compliance with W.E. RBC Guidelines Continued:
Work completed that was not in compliance with White Earth RBC Continued:
Work completed that was not in compliance with W.E. RBC Continued:
Work completed that was not in compliance with White Earth RBC Guidelines Continued:
Work completed that was not in compliance with W.E. RBC Continued:
MCT Tribal Constitutional Requirements and W.E. Tribal Ordinances were not followed in the Expenditure of Millions of Dollars of W.E. Nation Tribal Funds Brief review of significant events:
The W.E. Tribal Council was divided and major expenditures were being made without properly notifying the W.E. Nation membership or the Chairman of the W.E. RBC
Tribal Council Meeting Minutes: • THE MINNESOTA CHIPPEWA TRIBE TRIBAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Regular Meeting July 10, 2017 : • Terry Tibbetts inquired whether Minnesota Chippewa Tribe received a request from White Earth to develop Star Lake project on Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Lands. Staff and attorney stated that the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe has not received a request from White Earth to use Minnesota Chippewa Tribe lands for Star Lake development. • WHITE EARTH RBC SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 13, 2017: • (White Earth Tribal Member) wants to resubmit her request to review line items. There is a rumor that the Tribal Council spent $43 million dollars; where is this reflected. Motion made by Umsy Tibbetts to allow copy of the ‘15 audit to be given to (White Earth Member)….Tara stated that there is a concern of revenue information that could be jeopardized by other gaming facilities if information was to get out…...Motion dead due to lack of second.
As of July 2017 the following expenditures were made without W.E. Membership knowledge: • $3,392,074.75 in land purchases with W.E. Nation money that was funneled into the Central Minnesota Land Company, LLC. • Land was purchased for the Star Lake Casino Project but the land was outside the exterior boundaries of the W.E. Reservation with no guarantee that the land could be utilized for Casino purposes. • The Central Minnesota Land Company, LLC was not formed in accordance with the W.E. Nation LLC Ordinance. • $1,536,294.94 of W.E. Nation money was utilized by the Twenty-First Century Tribal Services, LLC on September 14, 2016 to purchase property on Franklin Ave. • $3,019,764.80 of W.E. Nation money was utilized by the Twenty-First Century Tribal Services, LLC on March 20, 2017 to purchase the Clifton Place property in the Twin Cities. • Twenty-First Century Tribal Services, LLC was not formed in accordance with the W.E. Nation LLC Ordinance.
RECOMMENDATIONS MEET WITH Representatives FROM W.E. NATION TRIBAL GOVERNMENT TO COORDINATE THE FOLLOWING: Develop plan of action for recovering funds from the band’s insurer; and develop plan of action for holding responsible parties criminally and or civilly liable for the unlawful use of tribal funds; and Develop recommendations to prevent future misuse of tribal funds.