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NOVEMBER 2000. STANDARDS COMMITTEE. OGP/ARPEL/IBP - RIO SEMINAR. Update on International Standards Activities. Presentation to OGP/ARPEL/IBP - RIO SEMINAR by Wilson Barbosa de Oliveira PETROBRAS TECHNICAL STANDARDIZATION MANAGER International Association of Oil and Gas Producers
NOVEMBER 2000 STANDARDS COMMITTEE OGP/ARPEL/IBP - RIO SEMINAR Update on International Standards Activities Presentation to OGP/ARPEL/IBP - RIO SEMINAR by Wilson Barbosa de Oliveira PETROBRAS TECHNICAL STANDARDIZATION MANAGER International Association of Oil and Gas Producers Standards Committee 7 November 2000
ISO/TC67 VISION Global Standards Used Locally Worldwide
STANDARDISATION BODIES - RELATIONSHIPS Recognised ISO / IEC International Vienna Agreement CEN / CENELEC Regional L i a i s o n Japan etc. National ABNT Brazil ANSI BSI Other European OGP API ASME EEMUA UKOOA Industry Companies CONTRACTORS SUPPLIERS OPERATORS
EXTERNAL STANDARDS - HISTORY • 1923 API established • 1947 ISO established • 1961 CEN established • 1970’s/1980’s North Sea developments - no emphasis on international standards • 1987 European “Utilities” Draft Directive • 1988 ISO/TC 67 reactivated - API offer 72 standards • 1991 Vienna Agreement ISO-CEN • 1993 CEN/TC 12 reactivated - 71 work items. CRINE and NORSOK. API Global Policy • 1993/1994 ISO/TC67 published first 17 “fast-track” standards • 1999/2000 Focus on ISO/TC 67. 130 work items (standards) NOTE: BRAZIL - 1940 ESTABILISHED ABNT (NTL STD BODY)
INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ISO/TC67 ISO/TC67: Materials, Equipment and Offshore Structures for Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries • Re-activated in 1988 • Secretariat: United States: ANSI (API) • Chairman: United States: (C. Stark, BP) • 72 API standards offered in 1988, to become ISO standards • 20 P-Members, 22 O-Members • 7 SCs, 47 WGs • Liaisons with 17 other ISO TCs, CEN/TC12, OGP • 130 standards on 2000 work programme
ISO/TC67 STATEMENTS Mission: To create value-added standards for the oil and natural gas industry Vision: Global standards used locally worldwide Goals: • Prepare standards required by this industry • Prepare standards that could be adopted worldwide by bodies such as API and CEN • Publish standards that enable companies to minimize their specifications • Deliver standards to the target dates on the agreed work programme
MEMBERS OF ISO/TC 67 • 20 Participating (P) Members:Austria, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, USA, Venezuela • 22 Observer (O) Members: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Columbia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, Hong Kong (C), Hungary, Malaysia, Poland, Republic of Moldova (C), Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine, Vietnam, Yugoslavia
ISO/TC 67 Materials, Equipment and Offshore Structures for Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries ISO/TC67 MC/EC Management and Executive Committee WG 2 SC 1 SC 2 SC 3 SC 4 SC 5 SC 6 SC 7 Certification principles Drilling & completion fluids, & well cements Pipeline transportation systems Drilling & production equipment Casing, tubing & drill pipe Processing equipment & systems WG 4 Offshore structures Linepipe Data collection WG 5 Aluminium drill pipe WG 7 Corrosion resistant materials 20 Participating (P) member countries 22 Observer (O) member countries WG 8 Materials, corrosion control, welding & joining & NDE WG 9 Life cycle costing
1989 - Paris 1990 - Oslo 1991 - San Diego 1992 - London 1993 - Assen 1994 - Chiba 1995 - Berlin 1996 - Milan 1997 - Jakarta 1998 - Xi’an 1999 - Oslo 2000 - Paris --------------------- 2001 - Samara, Russian Federation 2002 - Denmark 2003 - Italy ISO / TC 67 PLENARY MEETINGS
Oil/Gas Companies Vendors/ Suppliers WORLDWIDE PARTICIPATION IN ISO/TC67 Others 168 380 402 “Others” includes Certifying Bodies, Legislators, National Standards Bodies, Academics etc. Estimated total of 950 people participating in ISO/TC67 from 20 Participating Member Countries and 22 Observer Members
OGP Links to ISO and CEN Representative Company OGP Country ISOCENTC67TC12 Masimo Prazzoli ENI/Agip M Italy HH Alf Reidar Johansen Norsk Hydro C Norway ** Alain Loppinet Total/Fina/Elf M France MC Neil Reeve Shell M Netherlands MM Rolf Remer BEB M Germany MH Sjoerd Schuyleman IP M UK MM Mike Spanhel API M USA M* Cheryl Stark BP M USA C* Jim Heimer Exxon M USA H Wilson Barbosa de Olivera Petrobras M Brazil M • C = Chairman H = Head of Delegation M = Member / Member of Delegation • * = Liaison from ISO/TC 67
ISO/TC67 ACCOMPLISHMENTS(DOCUMENTS PUBLISHED BY YEAR) 40 36 35 30 25 22 NUMBER 20 20 14 15 12 10 4 5 3 2 2 1 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 YEAR
ISO STANDARDS ISSUED BY ISO/TC 67 IN 1999 ISO 13879 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Content and drafting of a functional specification ISO 13880 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Content and drafting of a technical specification ISO 13881 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Classification of products, processes and services (TR) ISO 14224 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Collection of reliability and maintenance data for equipment ISO 3183-3 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Steel pipe for pipe lines - Technical delivery conditions - Part 3: Pipes of requirement class C ISO 14313 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline transportation systems - Pipeline valves ISO 10432 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Subsurface safety valve equipment ISO 13628-1 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 1: General requirements and recommendations ISO 13628-4 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 4: Subsea wellhead and tree equipment ISO 13702 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Control and mitigation of fires and explosions on offshore installations - Requirements and guidelines ISO 10441 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Flexible couplings for mechanical power transmission - Special purpose applications ISO 14691 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Flexible couplings for mechanical power transmission - General purpose applications
ISO STANDARDS ISSUED BY ISO/TC 67 IN 2000 - Slide 1 of 2 ISO TR 13881 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Classification of products and services (Published Apr 2000) ISO 15663-1 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Life cycle costing - Part 1: Methodology (Published Aug 2000) ISO 13623 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline transportation systems (Published Apr 2000) ISO 13847 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline transportation systems - Field and shop welding of pipelines (To be published Oct 2000) ISO 10426-1 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Cements and materials for well cementing - Part 1: Specification (Published Mar 2000) ISO 13534 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling and production equipment - Standard for inspection, maintenance, repair and remanufacture of hoisting equipment - Requirements and guidelines (To be published Dec 2000) ISO 13628-2 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 2: Flexible pipe systems for subsea and marine applications (To be published Dec 2000) ISO 13628-3 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 3: Through flow line (TFL) pumpdown systems (To be published Dec 2000) ISO 13628-6 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 6: Subsea production control systems (Published Apr 2000) ISO 13628-9 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 9: Remotely operated tools (ROT) intervention systems (Published Jul 2000)
ISO STANDARDS ISSUED BY ISO/TC 67 IN 2000 - Slide 2 of 2 ISO 10405 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Care and use of casing and tubing (Published Feb 2000) ISO 13680 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Corrosion resistant alloy seamless tubes for use as casing, tubing and coupling stock (Published Jun 2000) ISO 13678 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Evaluation and testing of thread compound systems for use with casing, tubing and line pipe (To be published Dec 2000) ISO 15544 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Emergency response on offshore installations - Requirements and guidelines (To be published Oct 2000) ISO 17776 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Offshore platform installations - Tools and techniques for identification and assessment of hazardous situations (To be published Oct 2000) ISO 13703 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Piping systems - Design and installation on offshore production platforms (To be published Dec 2000) ISO 13706 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Air-cooled heat exchangers (Published Apr 2000) ISO 15547 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Plate heat exchangers (Published Apr 2000) ISO 15138 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Offshore platform installations - Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (To be published Dec 2000) ISO 13707 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Reciprocating type compressors (To be published Dec 2000) ISO 10440-1 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Positive displacement rotary type compressors - Process compressors (To be published Nov 2000)
Comments on MMS slide “Proposal” - Slide 4 of 4 Conclusion • Full support for proposal with regard to common Standards for Equipment Specifications and Recommended Practices • Measured support for proposal with regards to Common Standards for Regulations/Guidelines (Plans, Permits, Procedures)
INTERNET WEB SITES • ISO CS http://www.iso.ch/ • ISO TC67 http://www.api.org/iso/tc67/ • API http://www.api.org/ • ANSI http://www.ansi.org/ • CEN http://www.cenorm.be/ • OGP http://www.ogp.org.uk/
INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS HIGHLIGHTS 1999/2000 ISO/TC 67: - 12 ISO standards issued in 1999 - 20 ISO standards to be issued in 2000 API E&P: - 3 API-ISO standards to be issued in 2000 - ISO 10432 (SSSVs) to be adopted by MMS in 2000 API CRE: - “In synch in 2 years” CEN/TC 12: - Seamless adoption of ISO standards in Europe (12 issued by end 2000) OGP and Europia: - OGP International Standards bulletin issued - OGP ISO/IEC catalogue issued (International Standards used by oil companies) - OGP funding in place for technical editing of ISO/TC 67 standards - OGP discussing issues with IRF - Europia continue active and positive support to international standardization process IFAN and ICSCA: - OGP members joined
CONCLUSIONS • The industry is moving towards ISO • ISO/TC67 is delivering • Removing barriers to international trade • OGP welcomes all the interest parties in this subject
27 FOCUS ITEMS FOR ISO/TC67 (for 1999) ISO 10423 (Wellhead & christmas trees) ISO 13535 (Hoisting equipment) ISO 13702 (Control & mitigation of fire & explosion) ISO 13703 (Piping systems) ISO 10437 (Steam turbines) ISO 10439 (Centrifugal compressors) ISO 10441 (Flexible couplings - special) ISO 13706 (Air-cooled heat exchangers) ISO 13707 (Reciprocating compressors) ISO 13709 (Centrifugal pumps) ISO 14691 (Flexible couplings - general) ISO 13623 (Pipelines) ISO 3183-3 (Linepipe) ISO 13847 (Pipeline welding) ISO 14313 (Pipeline valves) ISO 13819-2 (Offshore Structures) ISO 13628-1 (Subsea production systems) ISO 13628-2 (Flexible pipe) ISO 13628-4 (Subsea wellhead of christmas tree) ISO 13628-6 (Subsea production controls) ISO 11960 (Casing & tubing) ISO 11961 (Drillpipe) ISO 13680 (CRA casing & tubing) ISO 10426-1,2 (Well cements) ISO 13500 (Drilling fluids) ISO 10432 (SSSV)
27 FOCUS ITEMS FOR ISO/TC67 SUBSURFACE - ISO 10432 (SSSV) - ISO 11960 (Casing &Tubing) - ISO 11961 (Drillpipe) - ISO 13680 (CRA Casing & tubing) - ISO 10426-1,2 (Well cements) - ISO 13500 (Drilling fluids) SUBSEA SYSTEMS - ISO 13628-1 (Subsea systems) - ISO 13628-2 (Flexible pipe) - ISO 13628-4 (Subsea wellhead & christmas tree) - ISO 13628-6 (Subsea production controls) OFFSHORE STUCTURES - ISO 13819-2 (Offshore structures) OFFSHORE TOPSIDES - ISO 10423 (Wellhead & christmas trees) - ISO 13535 (Hoisting equipment) - ISO 13702 (Control and mitigation of fire & explosion) - ISO 13703 (Piping systems) PIPELINES - ISO 13623 (Pipelines) - ISO 3183-3 (Linepipe) - ISO 13847 (Pipeline welding) - ISO 14313 (Pipeline valves) PROCESS FACILITIES - ISO 10437 (Steam turbines) - ISO 10439 (Centrifugal compressors) - ISO 10441 (Flexible couplings - special) - ISO 13706 (Air-cooled heat exchangers) - ISO 13707 (Reciprocating compressors) - ISO 13709 (Centrifugal pumps) - ISO 14691 (Flexible couplings - general) 8 billion 2.5 billion 1.5 billion 1.5 billion 5 billion 1.5 billion TOTAL US $ 20 billion p.a.
COST/BENEFIT Total worldwide industry expenditure covered by the 27 ISO/TC67 Focus List Standards = US $ 20 billion p.a (Shell share 10% = US $ 2 billion) If only 1% is saved by the use of the ISO standards, then BENEFIT = US $ 200 million p.a. Investment to achieve this is COST = US $ 8 million p.a. Hence RETURN = BENEFIT/COST = 200/8 = 25 : 1
OGP • The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (upstream) http://www.ogp.org.uk/ • “E&P Forum” founded 1974, based in London, UK • Membership • ~50: oil and gas companies, and national associations, from 18 countries • members operate in more than 60 countries • Main Aims • to represent the interests of the oil companies directly to international agencies seeking to regulate exploration and production activities • to work for balanced regulation and to promote consistent standards • to solve technical problems, for safety and environmental authorities • Standing Committees • Standards Committee 27
OGP Standards Committee members Representative Company Country ISO TC67 CENTC12 Wilson Barbosa de Oliveira Petrobras Brazil M * Jim Heimer Exxon USA H* Alf Reidar Johansen (C) Norsk Hydro Norway * * Alain Loppinet TotalFinaElf France MC Anders Mjelde OLF Norway * * Massimo Prazzoli ENI/Agip Italy HH Neil Reeve Shell Netherlands MM Rolf Remer / Gerhard Froelich BEB Germany MH Sjoerd Schuyleman IP UK MM Mike Spanhel API USA M* Cheryl Stark BP Amoco USA C* C = ChairmanH = Head of delegation M = Member of delegation Corresponding members from: BG, Conoco, DONG, Mærsk New members from OGP companies are welcome!
COMPANY BENEFITS FROM STANDARDS • Cost Reduction - Increase Business Efficiency • Simplify design and procurement; Variety Control • Interchangeability of equipment • Promote stable and global market • Enhance Technical Integrity • Safety, Health and protection of the Environment • Maximise availability, minimise lost revenue • Establish a Common Technology Base • Technology transfer / Sharing best practice • Support Legislation where linked • Safety and Environmental Regulations (e.g. Process Safety Management, US) • Procurement Legislation (e.g. European Directives) • Essential Requirements (e.g. ‘New Approach’ European Directives) 29
COMPANY POLICY TO WIN THE BENEFITS • Maximize use of common industry standards (International if possible) • Minimize additional company requirements • Ensure variations justified (technical and commercial) • Ensure continuous improvement (feedback from users to standardisers) • Influence external standards bodies • Participate actively in the technical committees and working groups of key external standards The benefits are maximised when all companies use the same common industry standards
Position paper Development and use of international standards • Development and Use of ISO standards should be promoted. • ISO numbering should be used at regional and national levels. • International standards should be used without modification • International standards should recognise performance, quality and regional variationsto meet the industry needs worldwide • ISO and CEN should identify and prioritisethe standards needed, based on consensus • Industry effort should be focussed on ISO to maximise efficient use of scarce resources; avoid duplication of effort • Companies should focus on functionalrequirements • Companies shouldminimiseand justify any company • requirements supplementary to the ISO Standards
International Standards Bulletin • Main goal:Disseminate information on oil and gas industry international standardization work to the global oil industry. • International Standards Bulletin: • Combined OGP and ISO Central Secretariat effort • 32.000 copies distributed with “Offshore Engineer” + web • Promotes the ISO/TC67, IEC/TC18 & CEN/TC12 work • Reflects OGP position on international standards • European work use ISO standards • API support for ISO work
Limited Interest Project (LIP) • OGP LIP established for • Financial support for editing of ISO/TC67 standards • Thirteen participants (so far): • API, Arco, BP Amoco, Chevron, ENI Agip, IP, Mærsk, Phillips, Saga, Saudi Arabian Oil Co, Shell, Texaco, US MMS • Steering Committee: OGP Std Com + Participants • Total: GBP 43.500 • Contract signed with two editors in UK+US • Selected standards targeted for support: • 10414.2, 10426-2, 13679, 15156-2 & 15156-3 (so far)
Catalogue of International standards • Purpose - construct an international standards catalogue for the petroleum and natural gas industry • Objective - provide a tool for userawareness of international standards • More such standards in place of regional, national, or company / project - specific standards • Result - reduction in procurement cost; greater efficiency in use of resources to develop / maintain local standards and specifications. • Now available at OGP website
OGP Standard Committee plans • Issue newInternational Standards Bulletin • Revise and reconfirm OGP Position paper • Continue support of ISO/TC67 standards work • Presentation at OMC 2001, Ravenna, Italy, of international standards work (Massimo Prazzoli take lead) • Standards session at OTC 2001, Houston, Tx (Cheryl Stark member of OTC Programme Committee) • Maintain Catalogue of international standards • Poster sessionsat OGP general meetings
International Regulators Forum • IRF includes: Australia, Canada, Netherlands, Norway, UK & US. (BRAZIL - ANP - First Time) • OGP Std Com dialogue with IRF continues: • Harmonization of national and industry standards in ISO (particularly TC67) and IEC • Work with IRF to avoid unnecessary national differences in the regulations causing problems for the international trade and movement of equipment, drilling rigs, diving vessels, FPSOs etc. • OGP invited to IRF meeting 2000-10-12 • US and Norwegian regulations in revision NOTE: BRAZIL STARTING FEDERAL REGULATION BY ANP