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Discover the transformative impact of mentoring through organized efforts that create a mastermind group, boosting collective intelligence and fueling personal and professional growth. Join now for a mentorship journey towards success!

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  1. Mentoring

  2. Mentoring can mean the difference between Success and Failure

  3. An Organized effort is produced through the effort of two or more people who work together in the spirit of harmony.

  4. Mentoring produces a Mastermind Group that helps you focus on the present and guides you to the future.

  5. The Me – You Relationship

  6. A Mentor adds to the Group Intelligence and aids in creative imagination

  7. A Mentor Group Adds to your Accumulated Experience

  8. A Mentor Group makes you bigger than you would be acting alone

  9. No man is an IslandNo man can stand aloneA TEAM meansTogetherEachAchievesMore

  10. A Mentor Group works on two planes:EconomicPsychic

  11. On the economic level when people surround themselves with advice, council, and personal cooperation then all benefit as a result. All parties enjoy a practice that transcends any dollar figure.

  12. This is a reciprocal arrangement You will help me and I will in turn help you achieve your goals.

  13. On the Psychic Level a Master Mind Mentor Group creates an atmosphere of an intangible force which is Synergetic which is bigger than the sum of the individuals participating.

  14. The advantage to each who participate in a Mentoring Master-mind is significant because the increased energy that is created in this process becomes available to every individual in the group.

  15. Many people tend to think that this is an unnecessary element of Success. After all weren’t the Great Men of the past all Self Made men?

  16. Well, if you look at the real history of such people you will walk away a total believer in the Mentoring Process

  17. For Example:Henry Ford began his business under the handicaps of PovertyIlliteracyIgnorance

  18. How did he overcome these handicaps?He became the friend and Mentor of Thomas A. EdisonHarvey FirestoneJohn BurroughsandLuther Burbank

  19. The human mind is a form of energy!When two or more minds join together in harmony they form a super form of energy that makes each bigger that the individuals.

  20. None of the Brain Trust of Henry Ford ever asked for money for their services. Their payment was in the intangible experience of the shared Mentoring Master Mind. This was the best form of payment which could not be measured in terms of cash or normal value.

  21. The keyword in this process is Harmony!Without harmony, perfect harmony a Master-Mind Mentoring Group will be of little value to any of the participants.

  22. I could cite example after example of how the so called Self Made Manis really the product of a Mentor Master-Mind Group

  23. The People Skills that are developed alone make the Mentoring Systemone of ultimate value.

  24. By helping others get theirs You get yours doubled!

  25. When you work with your Mentoring Group be sure to write things down.An unrecorded idea is often lost forever.

  26. Your Mentoring Group has another positive effect and that is you start believing in yourself and in your ability with help to achieve the little goal which are the building blocks for the bigger goals .

  27. I offer my services as your Mentor and can be reached atrmawson@positiveclassroom.com

  28. Together we can build a bigger Team For You

  29. OK! Lets get started!

  30. What are some things to do to build the relationship?

  31. 13.Get acquainted, tell your career history, share information about your interests, ask questions, tell why you are interested in the relationship, talk about past mentoring experiences

  32. 14. What’s one thing mentoring is not?

  33. 14.Counseling, psychotherapy, gripe sessions, or pity parties.

  34. 15. How many years older should the mentor be?

  35. A trick question. The mentor can be the same age, older, or younger.

  36. Syllabus of First Course • Designing Your Own Success • Overcoming the Causes of Failure • Making Your Dreams a Reality • Self Motivation the Esteem Builder • Attracting a Mentor Success Group • Visualizing Reality, See it to Be it. • Positive Listening • Imagineering for Solutions • Positive Banking for Wealth Building • Positive Relaxing Builds Stamina • Connecting with Fellow Positive People • Sharing the Positive Experience with Others • Memory the keys

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