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Welcome Back

Welcome back to Ms. Fogarty's classroom! Follow our rules, read novels, take quizzes, complete projects, do homework, and participate actively. Be respectful, raise your hand, and remember your belongings. Come see our classroom library and ask any questions you may have!

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Welcome Back

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome Back Ms. Fogarty

  2. Classroom Rules • Be respectful • Raise your hand • Remember your belongings • Be friendly to ALL peers/teachers • Honesty • Try your best! 

  3. Bathroom Rules • Only 1 student at a time • Take the hall pass and put it on your desk • Sign in and out • Try to go before class begins

  4. Consequences • 1 – Warning • 2- Principal • 3 – Email/Call parent

  5. Novels 5th Grade • We will read 1-2 novels each term • 1- Holes • 2. Running out of time • 3. The bridge to Terabithia

  6. Novels 6th Grade • We will read 1-2 novels each term • 1. Number the Stars • 2. The Wild Children • 3. Percy Jackson

  7. Novels 7th Grade • We will read 1-2 novels each term • 1. Hatchet • 2. My Brother Sam is Dead • 3. Outsiders • 4. Tom Sawyer

  8. Overview • Tests/ Projects: 50 % (This includes Essays) • Quizzes: 30% • Homework: 10% • Participation: 10%

  9. Quizzes • We will have a quiz every Friday • 3-5 Questions about the current chapter • Vocabulary: multiple choice, matching or fill in the blank. • Grammar- editing a sentence or fill in questions on literary elements

  10. Tests 1 test every 3-4 chapters • 10 multiple choice • 5 matching • 5 true/false • Essay question: choose 1/3 questions • Write minimum 3 paragraphs response

  11. Projects • One project each term • Example: PowerPoint Poster board Come up with your own idea *Use rubric to guide your work*

  12. Homework • Monday – Thursday • Put on your desk (open) before starting the Do Now • Home helper walks around to check • Assignments may vary: • Finish Reading a chapter • Read a new chapter • Always do your nightly (INQ) • Questions/readings in your textbooks • If you do not complete a homework assignment you will be asked to do it that night or on FRIDAY. • If there was an extenuating circumstance have your parent or guardian contact me.

  13. INQ • I- Important ideas • N- New vocabulary • Q- Questions about the text • While reading each chapter think of INQ • Use your notebook or a post-it to answer these ideas for each chapter.

  14. Participation • Following classroom rules • Being on time • Attendance • Hand in assignments on due date • Raise your hand frequently • Be present in EACH lesson/discussion.

  15. Extra help • Monday: 2:30-3 • Wednesday: 2:30-3 • Thursday: 2:30-3 • Friday: 2:30-3 • NOT Tuesdays!

  16. Classroom Library • You are welcome to browse • If you would like to borrow please: • Ask • Sign it out • Treat it with respect • Sign it in • (Don’t forget to write your class # on sign up sheet)

  17. Classroom Jobs • Homework Helper • Teacher’s Assistant • Paper Passers • This will be changed every Monday

  18. Other topics Seating Group work Extra credit Bullying Any questions?

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