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Age of Exploration 1000-1607

Age of Exploration 1000-1607. England Spain Portugal Italy France. To describe the importance of new technology in early navigation and exploration. To identify the major European explorers and the areas they explored.

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Age of Exploration 1000-1607

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  1. Age of Exploration 1000-1607

  2. England • Spain • Portugal • Italy • France

  3. To describe the importance of new technology in early navigation and exploration. To identify the major European explorers and the areas they explored. To describe how England’s and Spain’s power in Europe changed after the Spanish Armada was defeated. To identify the first European colonies and who started them. Goals for learning

  4. BC & AD 1AD 1BC

  5. Name Birth Flag What he explored Country Country Explorers

  6. 986 AD 1st European in N. America—in a way -- or was he? BjarniHerjólfsson

  7. 1000 A.D. Stoneland Woodland Vinland Leif Eriksson

  8. .

  9. Italian traders • Route to the Far East by sea • Events Affecting Exploration: • Published account of Marco Polo • Henry the Navigator’s School • Invention of the Compass • Accurate maps helped people accept that the world was round • Early globes Ideas of Exploration Begin

  10. Marco Polo Explored Far East in 13th Century Europeans dreamed of a safer & shorter route to the Indies--India, China, Thailand, and Vietnam

  11. Prince Henry the Navigator

  12. BartholomeuDias • 1488 -- Cape of Good Hope

  13. Cristoforo Colombo Wanted to find an all water route to the Indies by sailing west Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to finance his voyage. On his initial voyage, he had three ships. He called the natives Indios(and the area the West Indies) because he thought he was in Indonesia

  14. Conquerors Married Indian women creating new class of people, mestizos Creates a link between Latin American Indians and European races Conquistadores

  15. Vasco daGama • 1498, reached India

  16. John Cabot • 1497, Newfoundland, northeast North America. AmerigoVespucci • South America. Juan Ponce de Leon • Went in search of gold and the fountain of youth • Florida Vasco Nunez de Balboa • Pacific Ocean

  17. Francisco Pizarro • Defeated the Incas Ferdinand Magellan • Found the water route around the New World (around South America) • Proved the world was round Hernando Cortes • Defeated Montezuma, the Aztec King • Landed in what is now Mexico

  18. Giovanni daVerrazzano • Searched for the Northwest Passage • Sailed from what is nowNorthCarolina to Cape Cod Jacques Cartier • Explored Canada via the St. Lawrence River searching for Northwest Passage Sir Francis Drake • Sailed around South America and traveled up the Pacific coast as far as what is now the state of Washington

  19. Hernando de Soto de Soto led the largest expedition of the 16th and 17th century through the southeast and midwest of today's USA

  20. King Philip II of Spain sent a fleet of ships to England to defeat them The English sailors defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588. Queen Elizabeth granted Sir Humphrey Gilbert a charter to establish a colony in North America. Gilbert died. However, his half brother received the charter (Sir Walter Raleigh). England and France Start Colonies

  21. 1578—sails to New World with Sir Humphrey Gilbert 1584—his ships land at Roanoke Island 1585--Named governor, he calls his colony Virginia 1587—Roanoke Colony established 1588—led English navy against Armada Sir Walter Raleigh

  22. John White led the Roanoke Colony. White returned to England in 1587 to get more supplies. On his return in 1590, White was unable to find a trace of the colonists. The word “CROATOAN” was found carved on a tree. Virginia Dare, White’s grand-daughter, was the first English child born in America. The Lost Colony

  23. Samuel de Champlain • Founder of a small colony in 1535, on the St. Lawrence River • This became known as Quebec. Robert de La Salle • Sailed down the Mississippi in 1680 Other Colonies

  24. In England, people were looking for land and religious freedom. 1607—Jamestown, Virginia (Virginia Company) 1620—Massachusetts Colony (Plymouth Company) Other Colonies

  25. Do you think the Europeans would have found the New World as quickly if Columbus had not made his voyages? Why or why not? Who do you think was the most important explorer? Why? Critical Thinking: Write your Opinion

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