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Summer 2014 Elementary Virtual Training.
Summer 2014 ElementaryVirtual Training We will train covenant families to learn and apply God's word in their lives by enfolding families into our ministry, teaching the children Truth from God's Word, and helping them learn to apply this Truth to their own lives. As a result our children will worship God, grow in community, love others, and serve the world.
Welcome to the Team! Dear Volunteer, We are elated that you are interested in becoming a part of the Children's Ministry team at Christ Covenant Church. Your service to our children is one of the most important ways to get involved in training the youngest members of our church for the sake of Christ's Kingdom. Our children are indeed the next generation but they are a part of today's church as well. We will be embarking upon a study of the 10 Commandments this Summer as our children learn what it means to follow God’s laws for His people and also use those same laws as a motivation to evangelize and take the gospel to the ends of the earth. In the following pages you will find all of our general policies and procedures as well as policies and procedures that are specific to Elementary. You will also find teaching aides and relationship building suggestions. Finally, thank you for hearing and obeying the call of Christ to worship through service. You are already an example to our children in your willingness and joy in obeying the call of Christ. We are praying for you and your ministry to our precious children! Children’s Ministry Staff
Where are You Serving? In the following slides, you will find several descriptions of the service opportunities that exist within the Elementary Ministry. Please find the slide that describes the ministry opportunity you will be participating in.
The Road to Serving….Below are the “steps” to serving in the Elementary Ministry. Please make sure you have completed all of these items prior to July 1st 2014. • Have you been CARE trained? Please contact Jessica Wells jwells@christcovenant.org if you have not been trained. • Interview Have you spoken with a member of Christ Covenant Children’s Ministry regarding your service opportunity? Do you understand your commitment to the ministry? This is the best time to have all your questions answered! • Train Please drop by the Children’s Ministry Visitor Center to pick up your Welcome Packet, complete the Virtual Training Course, and complete your paper-work online. • Stay in Touch As always, the Children’s Ministry Staff is here to serve you. Please make sure to let them know if you ever need anything at all. Finally, the Elementary Manager will be sending out Weekly Updates/Reminders regarding the upcoming Sunday. Please make sure you read all correspondence.
Team Leader A team leader is someone who works closely with the Elementary Manager to help ensure that activities on Sunday morning run smoothly. There are three positions; K-1, 2-3, and 4-5. Their responsibilities include: · Checking classes in their age group to make sure all leaders are present and have appropriate supplies · Answer questions from parents · Deal with any “last minute” changes to the volunteer schedule · Make sure that large group begins on time · Shepherding volunteers in their group (along with the Elementary Manager). - The Elementary Manager will prepare a clipboard each week for the Team Leader “on duty”. The team leader will use this clipboard on Sunday mornings to check on volunteers, keep the schedule for the day, and write any changes/concerns to the Elementary Manager. Large Group Teacher Large group takes place after scripture memory, and/or mission’s moment each Sunday. Large group teaching should only be 20-25 minutes at most. During the Summer, Kindergarten – 3rd grade small groups meet together for small group and 4th-5th grade small groups meet together. We typically have anywhere between 2-4 Large group teachers that rotate throughout the Summer. Our curriculum for Summer2014 will focus on the 10 Commandments.
Small Group Mentor A small group leader is responsible for a particular age group in the Elementary Ministry. Their responsibilities include: · Shepherding the children in their group · Leading the children in small group activities that include crafts, discussion, and games · Keeping attendance The small group leader is the “relationship builder” of the Elementary Sunday School. Their main function is to meet the children where they are so that they can share the Gospel with them. This is not a teaching position. Anyone that loves children and is passionate about their spiritual health will make an excellent leader. During the Summer quarter we don’t ask that you serve every Sunday, but do value consistency in relationships; therefore, we would love to have you as much as we could!
Policies/Procedures: Where are my supplies? How do I take attendance? What do I do if I need to be out on day I am scheduled to serve?
Arrival Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the beginning of Sunday School. This time will be 8:45am throughout the year. This is one of the most important things you can do to help Sunday School, for all ages, run smoothly. Many of our parents are volunteers in other ministries around campus. If they have to wait with their child, for a late arrival, then they will also be tardy to their ministry which throws off the next waiting individual. If you see that you will be tardy, please let us know as soon as possible by calling the Children's Ministry helpline. 704.708.6134 Substitute . When "life happens" what do you do? There is a list of available substitutes for you this year. If you know well in advance that you will be absent, we ask that you pursue our substitutes to fill your place. However, we know that having one more thing to do can be frustrating. If you find yourself in a place of needing assistance locating a sub; please call the Elementary Manager. What if you have an emergency? If you have a last minute emergency please contact the Elementary Manager via cell phone and/or the Children's Ministry helpline. Our Children's Ministry staff will take it from there!
Taking Attendance Key-Tags Each Sunday you will receive a clipboard that has the attendance attached on top. Please sign in each Sunday you serve at the top left-hand corner. As parents drop off their children they must sign their child in with the place they will be. In case of an emergency we need to be able to locate them. As parents pick up their children please have them initial in the same place. It is very important that parents sign-out their children before you release a child to an adult. This helps ensure the safety and well-being of our children and the volunteers. Key Tags As a child arrives to class, please make sure that each child has a yellow name tag. If they do not have their nametag, send them to the Children's Ministry Visitor's Center, with their parent, to pick up a temporary tag. Each family receives a key-tag, per child, and a matching card for the parents. Every member of the family should have the same number on their key-tag. When a parent picks up their child please ask to see their matching tag. Visitors If you have a child(ren) not on the roster, that are members or regular attendees, please write their name(s) at the bottom of the attendance form to let me know a change needs to be made If a child is a first time visitor please note this on the attendance form and direct them to the Children's Ministry Visitor Center so that we can get important information and issue them a key tag.
Small Group Supplies Small Group Supplies The Elementary Manager's commitment to volunteers is to prepare activities, crafts, and gather all supplies needed for instruction. The supplies are located on the cart outside of the Children’s Ministry Visitor Center. Each class has a canvas bag that is labeled. Before going to your class, please come by the Children’s Ministry Visitor Center to pick-up your bag. (There is only one/class; therefore, if you are second to arrive, you won’t be picking anything up!). What’s in your bag: • Attendance clipboard with ParentPages, craft examples, and any extra publications located inside the clipboard. Everything in the clipboard, excluding the craft example, should be sent home with the children. • Craft supplies for each small group, labeled and in a bag. • Any "teaching aides" will be located in the folders inside the craft bag per small group. If at any time you should lose an item or an item did not get delivered, please let the team leader know. She will be able to assist you so that you can remain with the children
Large Group Supplies If you should need any supplies to use as teaching aides, please let the Elementary Manager know the Monday before you teach. The Elementary Manager will be happy to assist you in gathering supplies, making teaching aides, etc. You can find any supplies needed/requested at the front of the stage in the crate labeled “Summer 2014 large group” Children learn by being hands-on as much as they do any other form of learning. This is why we have incorporated the “Discover” aspect of small groups. You will have anywhere from 10-15 minutes with children before large group begins; therefore, we wanted to offer you a way to engage children in learning about the lesson before they hear the lesson! “Discover” also has some conversation starters for you as you greet the children each Sunday. This is the best time for relationship building in children’s ministry. You will not have another opportunity to really engage them one on one.
Curriculum/Structure Welcome (8:50-9:10) When you first arrive on a Sunday morning- please take out your clipboard. During the “Welcome” time of the morning, you will have the unique opportunity to have conversation with the children surrounding their lives. Engage (9:15-9:45) “Engage” is “large group” simply said. During “Engage” children will participate in Scripture recitation and a large group lesson. This will be held, for K-3rd grade, in the A-building gym and room B203 for the 4th-5th graders. Createand Participate (9:50-10:25) Small group will have two components: Create and Participate! “Create” is where they get to engage is some sort of creative activity to emphasize the main point of the lesson of the day. “Participate” is a place where they will learn to apply truths as they delve into Scripture even further. This is also when you will pass out any information that the Children’s Ministry has for them. “Parent Page” is a piece of paper that will hopefully help families to bridge what they are learning in Sunday School each week. It will also offer parent resources, online resources, and information regarding the life of the church. This is the most important paper to send home every week. At the conclusion of Sunday School, around 10:30a, you can bring in remaining children to the Children’s Ministry Visitor’s Center to be picked up by their parents.
Staff________________________________________________ Karen Chambers Director of Children's Ministry 704.814.1026 Sara McKissick Nursery Coordinator/ Supervisor of Managers 704.814.1024 Diane Dworek Preschool Manager 704.814.1025 __________________________ Ashley Shepherd Elementary Manager 704.814.1027 Mindy Thornton Paid Childcare/Support 704.814.6133 Jessica Wells Volunteer Coordinator 704.814.1028 Gatha Schleicher Administrative Assistant 704.814.1045 Children's Ministry Helpline 704.708.6134