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United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine

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United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine

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    18. Likelihood of introduction was considered low Consequence and likelihood of establishment rated high if introduced

    19. Capability to identify larva by DNA in 2009 USDA must confirm the first moth in each county Confirmed identification September 2009 in Napa County

    20. Made up of experts from throughout the world Provide science-based recommendations to the program

    21. USDA responsibility Notification sent to countries concerned about European Grapevine Moth Negotiate conditions of movement

    22. USDA worked with CDFA to develop quarantines and regulations that are similar if not identical Try to parallel import regulations CDFA regulates movement within California; USDA regulates movement interstate

    23. Communication and outreach through a Joint Information Center Part of Incident Command Structure Secured emergency funding Regulatory protocol development

    24. Center for Plant Health Science and Technology working with Agriculture Research Service developing treatments Incorporating information from the TWG members

    25. Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance working closely with the Counties Following up on leads and looking at connections between areas

    26. Jointly developing plans for trapping Evaluating regulations Securing resources Outreach

    27. For EGVM click on Plant Health under Browse by Subject and then Plant Pest Program Info Scroll down to EGVM

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