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Seminar 10b : OODB Design (Self-Study). Purpose This seminar is the continuation of the running example of UNN-IS. How different kinds of inheritance are implemented in ODL. Scenario
Seminar 10b : OODB Design (Self-Study) • Purpose • This seminar is the continuation of the running example of UNN-IS. • How different kinds of inheritance are implemented in ODL. • Scenario • A UML class diagram of a the UNN-IS database is given in Figure 1, which shows a conceptual model of the database. • An ODL file unn_is.odl is provided that implements all the classes and their associations in Figure 1 except the inheritance bits. • It is assumed that the students understand UML notations. Seminar #: 10b (Object Oriented Database Design) Advanced Databases (CM036)
Figure 1 Seminar #: 10b (Object Oriented Database Design) Advanced Databases (CM036)
Using Lambda-DB • Open a DOS window. • Connect to cgapp1 using your Unix user account and password by writing telnet cgapp2on the Linux prompt. • From now on every thing you type is case-sensitive. • Run the script for setting up seminar10b files by /home/makhtarali/CM036/setupSem7b • Go to the folder seminar10b by cd CM036/seminar7b • Open the file unn_is.odl and complete the schema by pico unn_is.odl. Save by Ctrl + x. • Once ready, compile the schema by make • If the compiler reports errors open unn_is.odl and go to the specific line by Ctrl + w then Ctrl + t. • Save and recompile (by make) until all errors are removed. Seminar #: 10b (Object Oriented Database Design) Advanced Databases (CM036)
Tasks for the Seminar • It is assumed that you understand how the UML classes and their associations in Figure 1 are implemented in ODL (see unn_is.odl file) • Using the implementation of different kinds of inheritance in ODL (described in the Lecture 10), implement the various specialization/generalization relationships given in Figure 1 using ODL. Seminar #: 10b (Object Oriented Database Design) Advanced Databases (CM036)