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Explore the importance of JASPERS knowledge community in Hungary, focusing on capacity building, best practices, and sectorial workshops for climate change issues. Join stakeholders in interactive learning events to disseminate guidelines and promote strategic planning. Enrich your knowledge at workshops, seminars, and the JASPERS network for a comprehensive understanding. Contact balazs.pichler@me.gov.hu for more information.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CAPACITY BUILDING NEEDS IN HUNGARY Balázs Pichler Head of Departmentfor Monitoring and Evaluation JASPERS StakeholdersMeeting Brussels, 9-10 November 2015

  2. Importance of JASPERS knowledgecommunity Major projectsadvisoryoperations, major project preparation Workshops and Seminars (annualprograms) Interactiveknoledge and Learning center (jaspersnetwork.org) Dissemination of guidelines Forums for exchange of experiences and good practices

  3. Capacity building Capacity building needs Climatechangeissue Definitelysectorialworkshopswithbestpractices Supportingstrategicplanning Sectorial „Best practices” database IQR workshopfor major project experts Non-major project advisoryoperations RemarkingCallsforproposals – qualityrewiew

  4. Enlarge the circle (1) Challengeforthefuture: tranfer of informationthroughoutthechain of knowledge Regionalworkshopsbesides multi-country events Trainthetrainer’ events Translatedrésumé Video summary One-yearplan forworkshops forworkshops

  5. Enlarge the circle (2) Feedback Visiting local (memberstates) workshopsasJASPERS advisors Comparingpresentations and nationalguides Interconnection Best practicesonwebsite - withforum and contactsinfos

  6. Thankyouforyourkindattention!balazs.pichler@me.gov.hu

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