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The Islam. Given by Maitreya. The teaching of the Fourth Seal and it’s Prophet, Muhammad. Lecture Given at The Feast Of Tabernacles. When did Islam Started. It started in Eternity (EDP started in Eternity).
The Islam Given by Maitreya
The teaching of the Fourth Seal and it’s Prophet, Muhammad Lecture Given at The Feast Of Tabernacles
When did Islam Started • It started in Eternity (EDP started in Eternity). • Who was the First Spiritual Teacher to humanity? God through His Son, Adam (Male/Female). • But when did it start historically (scriptually). • God chose Abram (father of a nation) to start a Historical/Spiritual event.
God Blessed Abram • God called upon Abram to leave his family and go to a new land. • God Blessed Abram.
The name of Abram was changed to Abraham, and the same Blessing were also given to Abraham • God gave a new name to Abram. He is called Abraham (father of many nations). • God gave the same promisses he gave to Abram to Abraham. • The promises were the Birthright (material Blessing) and Spiritual Domination (Scepter, Spiritual Kingship)
The Blessings of the Birthright and Scepter given to Abram were for the children of Hagar (The Arabs). The Kingly Spiritual personality (Messiah) was Prophet Muhammad • When God Blessed Isaac, a child to be born from Sarah (age ninty) and Abraham (age ninety nine), Abraham did not believe it is possible, he asked God that this Blessing be bestowed upon Ismael. • God replies: I have already Blessed Ishmael. • Ishmael is the Father of Arabs. • What does prophet Muhammad says about this matter? • The Blessing which were given to Abram were for Ishmael and his seeds (the Arabs) • The Birthright (the Material Blessing) given to them is their territories, from Saudi Arabia and it’s western Arab neighbors all the way through North Africa, through Spain and South America, etc. • The Scepter (Spiritual King, Messiah) was Prophet Muhammad.
The Blessings of the Birthright and Scepter given to Abraham were for the children of Sarah (The Hebrews). The Kingly Spiritual Personality (Messiah) was Esa the Christ. This part of God’s promises was discussed in the lecture we gave last year in the Feast Of Tabernacles. From here on, this year, we will concentrate on the prophecies given for the children of Ishmael and their relationship with the promises God gave to Abraham for Isaac’s children.
Prophet Muhammad is the One who brought the Fourth Seal and its teachings to humanity • He was an orphan by the age 6. • His uncle raised him • He became a caravan master. Became known as trust worthy. • At the age of 25 married a wealty woman (she proposed) by the name Khadijah. • After the marrage he goes to the mountain a lot and meditates there. • On the age of fourty he received his first Call to prophet-hood (hears the voice of Gabriel, etc.) • He does not believe he has been called to be a prophet. • A relative of his wife (Khadijah) conforms the possibility of a new Prophet to come from the Arabs. It has been a Prophecy known by Jews and Arabs in that time (then they knew about the promise given to Abram about a Messiah also come from children of Ishmael) • He accepts His Position as the Prophet of God. • No revelation for three years.
First converts. The name of God, “Allah” he used (similar names in Hebrew: Eluhim, Elial, Eloha, Eli, etc.) Opposition of the rich people in Mecca, to His preaching of One God (There Is No God But God). Death of His uncle. He and His followers sufferings (flee of His followers to other countries, Abassian). Medina comes to the rescue . Period in Medina. Law giving, ruling (Kingship). Forced to take up the sword (this is Prophecies that they will take one third of the earth by sword, Jihad). Battles with Meccans. Prophet Muhammad starts His Mission
Ten Years Period of Peace • Attempt to go for a pilgrimage to Mecca. • Second attempt to go for the pilgrimage. • Period of peace. • The peace is broken. • Conquest of Mecca. • His departure (death).
Spread of Islam After Prophet Muhammad • The first four successors. • The start of the Kaliphats period. • Split of Islam into two main branches, Sunni and Shiit. • What are the differences between these two branches (question of successor)
What did Prophet Muhammad Accomplished? • Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth for a short period of time. It should have been this way, since there would be more revelation to come. • Grace came with Isa, Law with Muhammad!
Has Humanity Undertood His Message? • He brought the Highest Spiritual teachings to humanity (Surrendering and Submission to God’s Will). • He Brought the Divine Laws (Shariah) • He said the Truth, that is why it hurt ego of many and was persecuted. • He suffered.
Spiritual Message of the Fourth Seal • Sybolic meaning of the life of Prophet Muhammad (symbol of the first four seals). • Symbolic meaning of Prophet Muhammad acting as a King! • Submission to the Will of God. • Only with Submission (His Will be done) can the communities Of Light be Manifested (the Garden of Gatsemety, where Christ realized this!). • Each person has to go through the Eternal Divine Path.
Relationship between the Fourth Seal and the Greatest Sign • It is the Fourth Seal in the Greatest Sign • It shows that Submission to His Will is ncessary in order for the Communities Of Light to manifest. • It is a part of the Plan of God. • Prophet Muhammad as the Messiah, The First Beggoten Son of God, has brought it to us. • It is a part of The Great Truth:The Greatest Sign and The Eternal Divine Path.
Each Seal in The Greatest Sign is a part of a Greater Truth. The whole is Greater than each part. The Whole has Life. Separate each organ (part) from the body (whole), no life will exist. However, parts are needed for life to manifest! • Each Sign in the Greatest Sign are a part of a Greater Truth (The Greatest Sign and the Eternal Divine Path). • The Whole is Greater than the parts. • The Whole has many different parts, as body gas many different organs. • When these different parts (organs) are put together, life can be manifested. Separate the parts (organs) are lifeless. • These organs together still need Spirit to have life. Withour Spirit they still will be lifeless. • The Mission as the body and its components (parts) has to be received in whole. Our Teachings is the Spirit (Life) giving life to these parts. These together will Manifest the KOHOE. • Accepting only one (or few) part(s) of the Mission and rejecting other parts is like receiving a few organs of the body and expecting to have a normal life (receiving life). It will not work. • Each part, however, is necessary for the body (Mission) to function properly. Of course, some organs (parts) are more vital than others. Some parts are, like the brain in the body, if they are not there, they body will die. Some others are not that vital but they are good to have (followed, accepted, etc.).
The Greatest Sign and the eternal Divine Path are the answer for human salvation, physically, mentally and Spiritually; individually, and collectively • The Mission is the whole body, and soul. It has Life. • Any Separated part (not accepting the whole) make the whole to die fast. • It Unifies all the Great Religions of the world. • It fulfills the Prophecies. • It shows the way to bring the KOHOE. • It bring the individual and collective salvation to humanity. • It shows the shortest Path to the Highest Spiritual Achievment. • It is the answer to all human longings, physically, mentally, emotionally and Spiritually; individually and/or collectively.
End of The Islam! Sal-Om (My Salutation to the Divinity within you all) M a i t r e y a