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INDEX 1. Energy Sector and KONELSIS 2. HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS 2.1 HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS(HEPP) 2.2 Main Parts of Hydroelectric Power Plants 2.3 Types of Turbine 2.3.1 Kaplan Turbine 2.3.2 Francis Turbine 2.3.3 Pelton Turbine Vertical Axis Pelton Turbine Horizontal Axis Pelton Turbine
INDEX 2.4 Governor (Speed Regulator) 2.5 Generator 2.6 Generators and Synchronization 2.7 Power Transmission Lines 3. Elecrical Solutions 3.1 HEPP A TYPCAL SINGLE LINE 3.2 HEPP Typical Electrical Installation 3.3 HEPP and KONELSIS Solutions 3.3.1 Middle Voltage Distrubution Panels 3.3.2 Low Voltage Distrubution Panel Solutions 3.3.3 Compensation Panel Solutions 3.3.4 MCC Panel Solutions 3.3.5 Local Panel Solutions 3.3.6 Transformers
INDEX 4. AUTOMATION SOLUTIONS 4.1 AutomationSystemFunctions 4.2 AutomationSystem Components 4.3 PLC Panels 4.4 Plant PLC Board Features 4.5 Plant PLC Board Functions 4.6 Unit PLC Board Functions 4.6 ScadaSystemFunctions 4.7 GeneratorandTransformatorProtection 4.8 SwitchgearMonitoringand Control Reference Examples 4.9 Energy Control Systems Reference List 4.10 HydroelectricPlants Reference List of Our Partner Company
Energy Sector and KONELSIS • Hydroelectric Power Plant, • Thermal Power Plant, • Natural Gas Power Plant, • Geothermal Power Plant, Turnkey Electrical and Automation Solutions.
HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS(HEPP) • Hydropower station that uses the energy released as a result of water falling, or flowing downhill or by wave-differences, under the influence of gravity to produce electricity. • Specifically, the mechanical energy of the flowing or waving water is converted to electrical energy by a water turbine and generator. • As a result, the motion generator to generate electrical energy would have been.
Main Parts of Hydro Electric Power Plants(HEPP) • Water supply structure • Water intake • Forced (pressure) Pipes • Helix (spiral) • Turbines • Generators • Transformers • Switchgear area • Other equipment
Water supply structure: Reservoir plants in dam, the channel-type plants in a tunnel orchannel that is open. Water intake: Water input section of the forced pipe. Forced (pressure) Pipes : Between the water intake and the power plant, according to measurements calculated flow and fall water are the large-scale steel pipe. Spiral case : Spiral case lead water into runner. Make water in the same radial velocity. Made of metal or concrete. Turbines : Hydraulic turbine is a prime mover which transforms the energy of fallingwater into mechanical energy of rotation and whose primary function is todrive a water-wheel hydroelectric generator. Generators: In electricity generation, an electrical generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy, generally using electromagnetic induction. Transformers : Upgrade or degrade the voltage Switchgear area: Typically switchgear in substations is located on both the high voltage and the low voltage side of large power transformers. The switchgear located on the low voltage side of the transformers in distribution type substations, now are typically located in what is called a Power Distribution Center (PDC). Inside this building are typically smaller, medium-voltage (~15kV) circuit breakers feeding the distribution system. Also contained inside these Power Control Centers are various relays, meters, and other communication equipment allowing for intelligent control of the substation. Other equipment : Separate from the main equipment as heating and ventilation systems, lighting systems, emergency DC power, alternating current emergency power (diesel generator) systems, seepage collection ponds, feed pumps, discharge pumps, communication systems, compressors and tanks such as pressurized air systems, fire protection and extinguishing systems, maintenance, installation and demontaj fields, cranes, lifting systems, purification systems, first-aid section, batardo covers, laboratories, etc. Main Parts of Hydroelectric Power Plants
Types of Turbine Water turbines were developed in the nineteenth century and were widely used for industrial power prior to electrical grids. Now they are mostly used for electric power generation. They harness a clean and renewable energy source. Hydraulic Turbine Types: • Kaplan Turbine • Francis Turbine • Pelton Turbine
Types of Turbine Kaplan Turbine Francis Turbine Pelton Turbine
Kaplan Turbine Kaplan turbine, thought to be high in places of low flow is used. Most suitable type of turbine. Between 2 and 40 meter fall height can be productive. Types of Turbine
Types of Turbine Francis Turbine Francis turbines of 50 m and 350m between the low-are used. Francis typeIn 1838 the first turbineBy American HOWD was discovered in 1848 Americans still FRANCIS developed bytested.
Types of Turbine Pelton Turbine Pelton turbine operate best with heads from 200 metres to 1,800 metres, although there is no theoretical limit. Pelton turbine is seperated into 2 groups as horizontal and vertical.
The amount of water entering the turbine can be regulated by openingor closing the wicket gates which are arranged in a ring around the turbine inlet. Depends on the load, change active power of the set. Governor (Speed Regulator) Digital Valf Governor Mechanical Governor Step Motor Governor
Generator • The main device ofHydro power station • To convert hydraulic energy into mechanical energy,then into electric energy.
Two AC generators operated in parallel must be not only at the same speed but also the same phase to be paralleled. The standard power plant method of synchronizing two generators is to use instrument called a synchroscope. This instrument indicates whether the incoming generator is faster, slower or in phase with the bus. Since the rotors of power plant generators weigh many tons, the phases must be extremely accurately matched or else the rotor will be forcibly yanked into phase, possibly wrecking the generator. Generators required to connect the parallelsynchronizationrequirements, Voltage equation, Frequency equation, Connected to the end of the same name, The lack of phase difference Generators and Synchronization
PowerTransmissionLines Energy, produced by generators, is transmitted to the transformer center using energy transmission lines. Generator output directly connected Medium Voltage Cells (MV Panel) and then MV Panel connected to the amplifier transformer. Transmission lines carry electric energy from one point to another in an electric power system. They can carry alternating current or direct current or a system can be a combination of both. Also, electric current can be carried by either overhead or underground lines. The main characteristics that distinguish transmission lines from distribution lines are that they are operated at relatively high voltages, they transmit large quantities of power and they transmit the power over large distances.
HEPP and KONELSIS Solutions • Procurement of MV (Medium Voltage) cells, • Manufacturing of AC, DC, UPS distribution boards, • Manufacturing of Compensation board, • Manufacturing of MCC board manufacturing, • Procurement of Step-Up Transformer and DC requirements transformer, • Procurement of Transformers and generator neutral cells, • Diesel generators, UPS, battery, supply rectifier groups, • All equipment to be made for the earth, • Procurement and installation of all power and control cables, • Otoproduktor feeder equipped, • Procurement and installation of field instruments(Compressed air, oil, governor, etc ...), • Mechanical and electrical installation, • 154 kV salt plant, We offer Turnkey Solutions.
Middle Voltage Distrubution Panels *Schneider, Merlin Gerin products • Metal clad MV cells, • Metal enclosed MV cells, • Metal enclosed, with drawers MV cells, * Are available in local manufacturing.
Low Voltage Distrubution Panel Solutions LV Panels are produced in standarts of TSE, CE and ISO 9001-14001 . All switchgear materials used in Panels are SCHNEIDER, SIEMENS and ABB trademarks
Compensation Panel Solutions All switchgear materials used in Panels SCHNEIDER, SIEMENS and ABB trademarks
MCC Panel Solutions MCC Panels are produced in standarts of TSE, CE and ISO 9001-14001 . All switchgear materials used in Panels are SCHNEIDER, SIEMENS and ABB trademarks
Local Panel Solutions Local Panels are produced in standarts of TSE, CE and ISO 9001-14001 . All switchgear materials used in Panels are SCHNEIDER, SIEMENS and ABB trademarks
Transformators • Over 36 kV and 6000 kVA • Can be used inside or outside, • IEC standards, • Immersed in mineral oil, • Hermetic or expansion tank of oily transformersfor Bess, ABB, Transtek, Best brand Oil Level Indicator Air Drying Oil Filling Expansion Cover Thermometer Buchhoiz Relay Power Plate Terminal Box Wavy win Wheels
Transformers and Generator Neutral Cells • Reducing single phase fault currents which occur in M.V. electrical networks to prevent damages on transformers and generators, • Reducing temporary over voltages occurred by braking instantaneous fault current, • Providing long-life for switchgear, • Reducing step voltages to a harmless level for staff.
Transformers and Generator Neutral Cells Neutral Grounding Resistor (with Zn Earthing Transformer) Generator Neutral Cubicle 6,3 kV 2000 A with Neutral Grounding ResistorGenerator Leads Cubicles 6,3 kV 500 A
Automation System Functions • Start/stop sequences • Monitoring and control of electronic turbine controller • Monitoring and control of hydraulic turbine controller • Monitoring and control of turbine cooling system • Monitoring and control of lubrication system of turbine bearings (with tripping to stop sequence when the temperature is too high) • Monitoring and control of generator cooling system • Monitoring of iron and generator coil temperature (with tripping the stop sequence when the • temperature is to high) • Processing of electrical measurements of generator • Alarm processing of turbine, generator, unit transformer and all subsidiary appliances of the machinery • Power management system
Control of headpond water level • Recording of power meter values • Monitoring and control of 36 kV switchgears • Monitoring of 400 V A.C. and 24 V DC auxiliary distribution including 24 V DC supply • Monitoring and control of the transformers neutral-point earthing disconnectors • Monitoring and control heating & ventilation • Monitoring and control fire detection • Monitoring and control security system • Monitoring and control drainage pumps • Monitoring and control distribution system • Facility Monitoring and Control, • Generator Synchronization System • Switchgear (LV / MV / HV) Monitoring and Control, • Automatic / Manual - Local / Remote Control Functions, • Automatic Entry and Exit Sequential Processing,
Automation System Components • PLC Panels, Schnedier; Modicon Quantum, Premium, M340 Solutions, Siemens, S7 400, S7 300 PLC Solutions, • SCADA systems hardware, Schnedier Vijeo Citect scada software, Siemens WinCC scada software, • Web via the Remote Access to the Plant , • GPS System, Accuracy with 1ms, • Fiber Optic Cable, Copper Cable With Communication Infrastructure, • Ethernet switch, • 110VDC / 24VDC Battery Rectifier Groups MGE / APC Uninterruptible Power Supply
PLC Panels • Facilities (common / Plant) PLC Board, • Unit PLC Board, • Download Pool / Regulators PLC Board, • Generator Syncronization Control • Turbine Control • Generator Control
Plant PLC Board Features • Indoor to use appropriate, • Schneider and Siemens PLC Modules, • Industrial PC, Touch Screen, • Soil Copper bus, • Voltmeter, 1% Accuracy, • Frequency, 1% Accuracy, • Synchronoscope, • Watt Transducer, 4-20mA • Manual / Auto Switch, • Alarm Horn, • Alarm Silence Switch, • Primery and Secondory PLC modules,
Plant PLC Board Functions • Download Pool Level, • Switchgear PanelsMonitoring and Control, • Diesel Generator Control, • Station Service Functions, • Regulators Lighting, • Cover Tear-Off PositionTracking, • Incoming Water Flow Information and Records,
Unit PLC Board Functions • Start / Stop Sequential Processes, • Generator and turbine control, • Synchronization, • Protection Functions, • Excitation Control, • Inlet Valve Control System, • Hydraulic System Monitoring, • Lubrication System Monitoring, • MCC Controls Unit,
SCADA System Functions • Plant Monitoring and Control of the Control Room, • Human machine interface (HMI), • All data of Plant monitoring the Mimic Display, • Plant Alarm and Event Management, • Monitoring Real-Time and Historical Data, • Historical Data Recording, • Statistical Process Control, • Reporting,
Generator Synchronization and Protection System • The SPM-D10/YB is a three-phase synchronizing unit with expanded dead bus start functionality. The following functions can be realized by using the appropriate discrete inputs: • • Synchronization • • Synch-check • • Dead bus start The MFR 13 is an intelligent protection unit. The primary values are measured over integrated voltage and current measuring inputs and converted into configurable limit values which are displayed and monitored.
Generator Synchronization System MRN3 Mains Decoupling Relay The MRN3 is a universal mains decoupling device and covers the protection requirements from VDEW and most other utilities for the mains parallel operation of power stations. • Over/ and under voltage protection, • over/ and under frequency protection, • extremely fast decoupling of generator in case of mains failure (MRN3-1) or The ESDR 4T is a three-phase current differential protection relay for generators, motors and transformers in block connection (protected object). The currents flowing in the individual conductors are each measured using a current transformer on both sides of the protected object. They form the protection area boundary or zone. All two or three-phase short-circuits and line-to-earth faults within this protection area are detected by the ESDR 4T as fault currents which cause tripping. The unit does not trigger if fault currents occur outside the protection zone. In this way, a selective protection is guaranteed.