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Discover the essence of teamwork, its benefits, and strategies for effective team building. Learn how to align individual strengths for optimal team performance. Explore the stages of team development and management principles.

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  1. TEAMWORK ““None of us is as smart as all of us.” (Ken Blanchard)

  2. Summary • 0. Description of theObjectives and teachingmethod1. WhatisTeamwork?2. Characteristics.3. Differences between group of work and team work.

  3. Description of the Objectives and Content • Objective 1.- To define the concept of teamwork and its characteristics. • Objective 2- Characteristics to be a team worker. Differences between group of work and team work. • Contents: Concept of teamwork, characteristics to be a team worker, .

  4. Group of people who have a common goal, who work coordinated and that contribute their talent, their skills and their energy to work Whatisteamwork? • When you look at what makes a good team, teamwork is more when a group of people work well together towards a common goal, creating a positive working atmosphere, and supporting each other • “The combined action of a group, especially when effective and efficient” • Teamwork does not only mean "working together". The success of the team depends on each member, there is a mutual responsibility

  5. Common objective and accepted tasks. • A team must dedicate time to clarify, through a free discussion, the common objectives, so that they are formulated in such a way that the members accept and commit themselves to its achievement • Small number of participants. • Otherwise, there is a danger that its structure will become very complex, and difficult to achieve the objectives • Organization • a team has a structure based on behaviors or "roles" oriented to the task or goal • Personal commitment • Based on the establishment of a common goal and the acceptance of the tasks to be carried out, a personal commitment is generated in the team members, understood as the physical and emotional disposition of the individual to create and maintain the spirit of the team • Limits and discipline • personal interaction implies a sacrifice, because each member has to renounce, depending on their work with others, a part of their autonomy and their personal interest. • Synergy • the whole is more than the sum of its parts • The influence of a leader should lead to positive results • Characteristics

  6. One thing to create a team, but another to create teamwork. • Teamwork provides: • Motivates unity in the workplace. It fosters friendships and loyalty • Provides improved efficiency and productivity, allows for workload to be shared. • Differing perspectives and feedback through different thoughts, perspectives, opportunities, and problem-solving approaches. • Great learning opportunities by learning from others, insight from differing perspectives, and learning new concepts. • Workplace synergy by providing mutual support. • So why is teamwork important?

  7. So what is efficient teamwork? • Efficient teamwork is when • Individuals use and develop their strengths. • People build strong working relationships and work together well. • The combination of the individual’s strengths and teamwork increases performance and results.

  8. How to geteffectiveness. • To effectively manage a work team, it is necessary to assume two sets of responsibilities • On the one hand, it is necessary to manage the environment. • Which means having to constantly observe the competitive environment and manage the relationships with the groups. The managers of the organization must work proactively to guarantee their success. • On the other hand, manage the team itself, with regard to its design and in terms of facilitating its operation process • Managers must also manage the equipment itself, considering the aspects that have to do with its design and facilitate its operation process.

  9. The most famous teamwork theory is Bruce Tuckman’s “team stages model”. • So for effective teamwork managers need to align the strengths of individuals and focus on meaningful results. • The theory is based on the fact teams do not start off fully-formed but they grow into a team and go through defined stages, from groups of individuals, to cohesive, task-focused teams. Forming Storming Norming Performing

  10. To help we will look at the following Team building Techniques and 4 factors • Forming • Is when individuals get together but do not know each other, people are trying to find their place in the team, working each other out, and asking themselves why they are here! • Results • Strengths • Teamwork • Alignment

  11. Forming • Team building techniques results • Set out the results the team is expected to achieve. Evidence suggests that teams with clear and meaningful goals form a lot more quickly than those without. • Set a vision and purpose of the team. • Set a clear sense of identity and purpose • Set meaningful results the team is expected to achieve • Look at what meaningful results the team want to achieve • Establish team tasks for the team • Identify who should do the tasks

  12. Forming • Team building techniques strengths • Find out the individual strengths of team members. • Focus on what individual development may be important at this stage. • Select team members based on clear strengths • Determine what skills and strengths are needed • Look at how an individual’s strengths can contribute to the results • Explore what the team need to be good at

  13. Storming • is when people begin to see themselves as part of a team. However at this stage they may challenge each other, the team leader, what the team is doing, and how things should be done. As the stage title suggests, conflict, confrontation and differences can surface here. This may result in some loss of performance or focus.

  14. 1. Be able to establish satisfactory relationships with team members. • 3. Have a spirit of self-criticism and constructive criticism. • 5. Have the capacity for self-determination, optimism, initiative and tenacity. • Conditions that team members must have • 2. Be loyal to yourself and others. • 4. Have a sense of responsibility to meet the objectives. • 6. Have a restlessness of improvement for the improvement.

  15. Effective leadership, that is, having a vision of the future that takes into account the interests of the team members, developing a rational strategy to approach that vision, getting the necessary support, and encouraging the people whose actions are essential to put in practice the strategy. • Necessary aspects for teamwork • Promote communication channels, both formal and informal, while eliminating communication barriers and also promoting adequate feedback • Harmonious work environment, allowing and promoting the participation of the members of the team, where disagreement is used to seek an improvement in performance

  16. Leaders need to be able to communicate their ideas to others • Leader therefore need to be highly effective speaker, but also be adept at listening and interpreting body language and other non-verbal communication • Developing your communication skills can help all aspects of your life, from your professional life to social gatherings and everything in between. • The ability to communicate information accurately, clearly and as intended, is a vital life and profesional skill A meeting is the participation of a group of individuals united by a common issue and therefore, with a mutual interest in addressing it • Effectiveteam meetings


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