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Aligning Curriculum to the Common Core State Standards Pecos Valley Regional Education Cooperative #8. Elizabeth Bailey elizabethcbailey@bellsouth.net. Welcome to the Pecos Valley Curriculum Design and Construction Team. Admit Slip.
Aligning Curriculum to the Common Core State StandardsPecos Valley Regional Education Cooperative #8 Elizabeth Bailey elizabethcbailey@bellsouth.net Welcome to the Pecos Valley Curriculum Design and Construction Team
Admit Slip • On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no familiarity and 10 being thoroughly knowledgeable, where are you in relation to the CCSS? • What is your biggest concern about the shift to CCSS?
Where do we stand on the CCSS? • Line up based on your admit slip score • Fold the line • Share your concerns with your partner • Share out
Mission • Work with your team • Read the mission statement on p. 3 in planner • Write a 15 word summary of the mission • Create a visual illustration to accompany the summary • Put on chart paper • Share/respond
Alphabet Review Use the Alphabet Review (p. 4) as a learning aid. Refer/match each letter to CCSS terms that you learn during this day’s session. Use the ABC Review to keep track of terms (new vocabulary), recording them by the appropriate letters (Example: “A” = Alphabet Review).
Jigsaw these six reading assignments on the Common Core State Standards: #1 page 3 #2 page 4 #3 page 5 #4 page 6 #5 page 7 #6 page 8 Read your section silently as an individual. Take notes from your reading, marking at least three important facts or themes. Report back to your team. Have each member of the team report out on his/her assigned section. Complete your notes.
Five Key Ideas aboutCommon Core, the Blueprint 1. Outline the most essential skills and knowledge every student needs to master to be college and career ready. 2. Distribute responsibility for students’ literacy development through grade 12. 3. Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills. 4. Written so that all students are prepared to succeed in the global economy and society. 5. Are evidence and/or research based.
Investigating the Standards: CCSS English Language Arts
Overall ELA Structure K-5 6-12 ELA 6-12 Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science & Technical Subjects Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C
Sticky note divider Standards Documents Walk-Through Use sticky notes to mark important sections • Introduction: pp. 2-8 • Standards for English Language Arts, K-5, pp. 9-33 • Standards for English Language Arts, 6-12, pp. 34-58 • Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects, 6-12, pp. 59-66 • Appendix A (Research Supporting Key Elements of the Standards and Glossary of Key Terms), 43 pages • Appendix B (Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks) -183 pages • Appendix C (Samples of Student Writing)- 107 pages INTRO K-5 ELA 6-12 ELA LIT - CONTENT APPEN. A & APPEN. B APPEN. C
College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards • Flowing throughout all strands of standards • Anchoring the document • Defining general, cross-disciplinary literacy expectations • Defining expectations that must be met for entry into college and workforce training programs • Expressing cumulative progressions through the grades to meet CCR by end of high school
Key Design Features • CCR (College and Career Readiness) & Grade specific standards • Grade Levels and Grade Bands • Focus on Results • Integrated Model of Literacy • Research and Media Blended • Shared Responsibility
Reading the Blueprint-Checking the Details and Making Marks Common Core Standards Reading Directions: [ ] Put a bracket around a note. Circle the strand. _______ Underline the organizing elements (subheadings). Put a down arrow by the grade level. Put a check by the specific standard. Or Draw a rectangle around the standard. Anchor Standards for Reading-pages 35-40 Anchor Standards for Writing-pages 41-48
Blueprint Standard Code Reminders 1. Reading has threesubareas. literature information foundational skills (only through 5th grade) 2. Writing has nosubareas. 3. Both have tenrules/standards to live by.
4. Anchor Writing Standards require three types and purposes for writing: argumentative informative/explanatory narrative 5. Speaking/Listening and Language each have six standards. 6. Research and technology use are embedded throughout.
Web Assistance for Planning Your Core Blueprint Common Core State Standards’ Information-http://www.corestandards.org Listing of States that have adopted Common Core- http://www.corestandards.org/in-the-states
Blueprint CORE STANDARDS Review and Processing: Team Table Talk What is still rolling around in my mind? What squares with my thinking?
READING & CCR Reading Anchor Standards • Reading Literature • Reading Informational Text • Foundational Skills (K-5)
College & Career Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standards for Reading Major Organizing Structure Throughout the Reading CCR Categories • Key Ideas and Details • Craft and Structure • Integration of Knowledge and Ideas • Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity Specific Standards are Provided in Each Category by Grade Level/Band
Activity # 2: Investigating College & Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Task: • PART A. Read the CCR Reading standards on p. 35. • Discuss the major concepts in each CCR category. • Complete the chart provided with your thinking on p. 5. • PART B. Read the paragraph in italics on the right of page 35. • Highlight key words and phrases. • Discuss your thinking about range and content of text with your table partners, and make notes below the chart.
Literary Text Literary text is a narrative form of text and can be viewed as fiction, nonfiction, or poetry. • Fiction: Text that is imagined more than real and its main purpose is to entertain and engage readers. Examples include traditional literature, fantasy, science fiction, realistic fiction, and historical fiction. • Nonfiction: Text that contains ideas, facts, and principles related to the natural and social world. Broad enough to include nature writing, travel writing, biographies, memoirs, essays. • Poetry: Text that is more compact writing as well as imaginative and artistic.
Reading Standards for Literature • Note the grade levels • Note CCR Categories • Each category provides specific reading (literature) standards by grade
Informational Text Informational textis a kind of nonfiction text that includes exposition; argumentation and persuasive text; and procedural text and documents. • Expository text: (e.g. textbooks, reports, workplace documents, essays) • Argumentation and persuasive text: (e.g. writing to persuade, appeal to emotions, or sway an audience) • Procedural text: (e.g. “how-to” text, directions) • Documents: (e.g. primary and secondary sources)
Activity: The Importance of Informational Text and Text Complexity Task: • Go to page 3 in Appendix A. • Find paragraph beginning “There is also evidence. . .” • On page 4 read paragraph beginning “Being able to read complex . . .” • Read • Note your “aha’s and questions” • Share with your group
Investigating Reading Standards for Informational Text • Go to Reading Informational Texts standards for your grade. • Note that informational text standards are by grade level. • Note the same CCR Categories, but with specific informational text standards per category.
Activity: ReadingInformational Text Standards Task: • Place the pages for your grade’s Literature and Informational Text side-by-side in front of you. • Highlight the major concepts in standards. Compare and contrast the major concepts of the literature text standards and informational text standards for the selected category. • Complete the Compare/Contrast Chart on p. 6. • Summarize your analysis.
Standard 10: 3 Facets of Complexity • Qualitative complexity • Quantitative complexity • Reader and Task complexity
Analyzing Texts That Have Appropriate Challenges for Students Guiding Questions: • How do you make informed decisions about choosing appropriate texts for students to read? • How do you insure that all students are exposed to texts that are appropriate for them to read as well as exposing them to increasing text complexity?
Activity: Investigating Text Complexity Dimensions Jigsaw • Go to Appendix A, pages 4-10. • Assign each of the three dimensions to your table partners (qualitative, quantitative, reader & task). • Read the descriptions of each dimension and note key concepts in the graphic organizer provided (p. 7). • Share your key concepts from readings and your thoughts. • Discuss the importance of each and how to balance all three when selecting texts for students.
Note reference in the CCSS to the Lexile Framework in pages 7-8, Appendix A. • Page 8 in Appendix A provides a chart with new Lexile ranges aligned to CCR expectations. • More information is included from http://lexile.com/
Activity: Analyzing Text Complexity Jigsaw -Go to Appendix A, pages 11-16 • -Examine three samples of text passages. • -Read assigned passage and its analysis according to the three dimensions (qualitative, quantitative, and reader-task). Make notes (p. 8) and respond to recommendation. • -Share out.
Choosing Appropriate Texts • Note exemplars in Appendix B • Factors for text selection: complexity, quality and range • The text exemplars provided on the CCSS list inAppendix B are … • Examples only • Not required reading • Exemplars provided are LIMITED in … • Including multicultural examples • Current young adult literature (that students would find relevant and meaningful)
Reading Standards: Foundational Skills (K-5) The Foundational Skills are necessary and important components of an effective comprehensive reading program which is designed to develop proficient readers with the capacity to comprehend a wide variety of text materials. Foundational skills foster understanding and knowledge of: • Concepts of print • Alphabetic principle • Other basic conventions of English writing system
Analyze Progression of Reading Standards • Directions on p. 13 • Progression charts p. 14, 16 • Reflection pp. 15, 17
Standards for Writing CCR for Writing K-5 6-12 Appendix C
College & Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing Major Organizing Structure Throughout the Writing Standards CCR Categories forGrades 6-12 • Text Types & Purposes • Production & Distribution of Writing • Research to Build & Present Knowledge • Range of Writing Specific Standards are Provided in Each Category by Grade Level/Band
Activity: Investigating College& Career Standards for Writing Task: PART A. • Read the CCR Writing standards for your grade • Discuss the major concepts in each CCR category. • Complete the chart provided with your thinking. ------------------------------------------------------------ PART B. • Read the paragraph (Range and Content of Student Writing) in italics on the right of page • Highlight key words and phrases. • Discuss your thinking about range and content of text with your table partners, and make notes below the chart. • Watch the time.
Standards for Writing: Text types, responding to reading, and research • arguments • informative/explanatory texts • Narratives • See definitions in Appendix A, pp.23-24
Analyze Progression of Writing Standards • Directions on p. 13 • Progression chart p. 18 • Reflection p. 19
Speaking & Listening Standards: Flexible Communication & Collaboration • Comprehension & Collaboration • Presentation of Knowledge & Ideas
Activity: Investigating Listening & Speaking Standards • Think-Pair-Share • What is the range of this CCR Standard (p. 48)? • What are the expectations for student performance? • What are the implications for instruction? • Questions on a sticky note to share
Analyze Progression of Speaking & Listening Standards • Directions on p. 13 • Progression chart p. 20 • Reflection p. 21