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The Cold War. Tension between the US and Soviet Union. Following WWII, tension arose between the United States and the Soviet Union over how the new governments would be structured. The US wanted these new nations to be democratic, while the Soviet Union favored communism
Tension between the US and Soviet Union • Following WWII, tension arose between the United States and the Soviet Union over how the new governments would be structured. • The US wanted these new nations to be democratic, while the Soviet Union favored communism • In 1949, the US and her allies formed NATO to support the spread of democracy • Six years later, the Soviet Union and her allies began the Warsaw Pact.
The Truman Doctrine • Established by President Harry Truman in 1947 • It was now the official policy of the United States to support those who were being subjected to Communism • America pumped millions of dollars into European countries in an effort to stop the spread of communism.
The Marshall Plan • Created by General George Marshall • Believed that poor countries were more likely to fall to communism • Pumped billions of dollars into European country to CONTAIN communism.
The Division of Germany • Following World War II, Germany had been divided into four sections • In 1949, those sections were reduced to two • The Federal Republic of Germany, or West Germany, was controlled by the United States and her allies. • The German Democratic Republic, or East Germany, was controlled by the Soviets • A wall was constructed in 1961, to formally separate the East from the West.
Brinkmanship • The Soviet Union and the United States were always on the brink, or edge of war with one another • Nuclear Arms Race • A-Bombs and H-Bombs • Cuban Missile Crisis • Soviets had missiles in Cuba pointed directly at key US cities • Very heated period between the two rivals • U-2 Incident • US said that they were not flying any secret spy missions • A US plane was shot down over the Soviet Union • What do we now look like? • Space Race • Race between the US and Soviets • Who can get to space first? What about the moon?
American Spies • America was very concerned about the threat of her citizens becoming spies for the Soviet Union • Many were accused of being spies and executed based on very little evidence. • The Rosenbergs • Husband and Wife team • Had been giving secrets to the Soviets which allowed them to build the atomic bomb • Denied charges against them • Found guilty and sentenced to death.
HUAC • House Un-American Activities Committee • Investigated communist influence in the movie industry • Believed that communists were sneaking information into American films • Those that refused to testify and answer the committee’s questions were blacklisted
McCarthyism • Senator Joseph McCarthy • Began somewhat of a “witch hunt” for communists • Accused many of being communists, with little evidence • Only ended when he began to accuse the “wrong” people of being communists
The Domino Theory Belief that if one nation falls to communism, other nations around it will also fall For this reason, the US gets involved in the Vietnam War
The Division of Vietnam • Following a civil war in Vietnam, the major world powers created a peace agreement called the Geneva Accords • This agreement divided Vietnam along the 17th parallel • The Communist, led by Ho Chi Minh controlled North Vietnam and the anti communist nationalists controlled South Vietnam
War in Vietnam • The Vietcong (communists living in SV) began attacks on the SV government • Ho Chi Minh began supporting this group by supplying them with weapons • Soon, another war began between the NV and SV
The US Gets Involved • Kennedy • Sent advisors to SV to help train troops • Johnson • Escalates the conflict in Vietnam • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, allows the president to use “broad military powers” in Vietnam, but doesn’t declare war • Johnson further increases US involvement in the war, even as he says he isn’t • Nixon • Begins “Vietnamization” • Withdrawal of troops
Problems Faced by the US in Vietnam Hard to determine who is the enemy Jungle warfare Napalm and Agent Orange Low troop morale
The American Home-front • Credibility Gap • What the President was saying and what was appearing on the nightly news were two very different things • Opposition Movement • Large-scale protest movement • Students for a Democratic Society • Spread to college campuses across America • Kent State • Students killed by national guardsmen at a peaceful protest • Pentagon Papers • Proved that Johnson was planning to take part in Vietnam, even when he said he was not.
Latinos • During the 1960s, the Latino population grew from 3 million to 9 million • As their population grew, so did the demand for greater representation and better treatment • United Farm Workers Organizing Committee • Led by Cesar Chavez • Led peaceful protests and boycotts to gain rights for Latino farm workers
Native Americans American Indian Movement Native American rights organization Regain possession of many Native American lands during this period
Women • Feminist movement was on the rise in the 1960s • National Organization for Women (NOW) • Fought for equality for women • This movement was led by progressive women who wanted an end to discrimination
Culture of the Sixties • Hippie Culture • Began in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco • Lived a lifestyle counter to the mainstream • Art • Pop Art: Characterized by bright, simple, commercial looking images • Rock Music • Beatles • Woodstock Music Festival • Attitudes • “Do your own thing”