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Individual Care Grant Program Training March 3 & 5, 2009 Chicago & Springfield. Seth Harkins, EdD, Director ICG Program Bill White, LCSW, Clinical Director, Illinois Mental Health Collaborative for Access and Choice. Goals for the Training. To review the application of Rule 135
Individual Care Grant Program Training March 3 & 5, 2009 Chicago & Springfield Seth Harkins, EdD, Director ICG Program Bill White, LCSW, Clinical Director, Illinois Mental Health Collaborative for Access and Choice
Goals for the Training • To review the application of Rule 135 • To facilitate an understanding of Rule 132 and application to the ICG program • To facilitate an understanding of the role of the Illinois Mental Health Collaborative for Access and Choice (the Collaborative) • To facilitate an understanding of Rule 135 clinical eligibility criteria and Rule 132 medical necessity • To facilitate an understanding of the authorization of ICG Services • To facilitate an understanding of the role of the Collaborative clinical care manager (CCM). • To facilitate an understanding of the new billing process.
DHS/DMH Objectives for the Changes in ICG Services • Enhancement of recovery and resilience focus • Increase family participation • Focus on least restrictive environment • Outcomes • Enhanced clinical care management • Fee for service reimbursement • Resume Medicaid billing
What’s the Same? • ICG application process and requirements • ICG eligibility criteria and determination process • Quarterly and Annual Eligibility Reviews under Rule 135 • Rates for services, except for application assistance and care coordination • Retrospective billing and payment for community-based services and residential claims
What’s the Same? • Rates for services except for application assistance and care coordination • Retrospective billing and payment for community services and residential per diems • Payments to providers will be made by DHS/DMH
What’s the Same? • Payments will be made to providers by DHS/DMH • Active parent and family role in treatment planning • Providers required to assist with Medicaid applications • Consumer registrations must be submitted to the Collaborative system.
What’s Different? • Claims submitted to the Collaborative for dates of service after 4/1/09 • Services will be billed using the DMH Service Matrix and the old ICG codes are no longer valid • Residential nights of care will require authorization for claim payment
What’s Different? • Consumer registrations into DHS/DMH ROCS system not required for consumers receiving services on/after 4/1/09 • Collaborative Clinical Care Manager role in placement decisions and treatment planning • HCD field offices aware of ICG program and exclusion of family income for Medicaid eligibility at 90th day of residential stay
What’s Different? • Behavior management and child support services annual limits of $1570 (72M) and $3500 (97M) respectively. Medical necessity reviews for additional services • All providers and sites required to be certified for Rule 132 services
Roles and Cooperation • The cooperation between the parent/guardian, ICG/SASS worker, and the Collaborative clinical care manager is vital to the ICG model. • ICG/SASS workers continue to provide case management and care coordination to all ICG youths. • Collaborative care managers will be a resource during placement decision meetings to assist with the factors that should be considered in determining the most appropriate treatment for youths eligible for ICG services. Collaborative CCMs will also participate in treatment planning meetings for youths placed in residential settings to assist with whether or how the treatment plan might need to change to assure progress toward treatment goals.
ICG/SASS Worker Responsibilities • ICG/SASS workers will provide the following case management services for ICG youth and families. • Application Assistance Activities: • Assist families in determining whether to apply for ICG. • Assist families with compiling the documentation necessary to apply for the ICG • Assist families with submitting a completed ICG application.
ICG/SASS Worker Responsibilities • Case management services (Cont.) • Provide resource information regarding residential facilities available to families • Compile application packets for families seeking residential services, and assist with distribution to facilities • Maintain ongoing relationships with families, schools and the youth’s community in order to support the treatment plan. This includes participation in IEP meetings.
ICG/SASS Worker Responsibilities • Participate in quarterly staffings for treatment plan revision. • Submit Quarterly progress report. • Provide case management assistance to the parent/guardian to enroll the ICG youth in Medicaid by the 90th day of residential treatment.
ICG/SASS Worker Responsibilities • Meet with the family and the residential case manager at least once every 90 days by phone or in person. • Conduct on-site visit of the youth’s residential facility twice yearly if in-state or adjacent state, once yearly to another state. Participate in treatment plan revision meeting during the visit to advocate for the youth and family. • Provide case management to facilitate transition to intensive community-based services, when indicated. • Assist parents/guardians with completing forms and documentation necessary to support the ICG recipient (e.g. Annual Eligibility Review documentation)
ICG/SASS Worker Responsibilities • Maintain communication with the family, residential facility, Collaborative CCM, and DHS/DMH program staff. • Provide staff to attend DHS/DMH ICG training or meetings specific to residential care. • Assist with transition planning when an ICG recipient transitions out of the ICG residential program to community-based services or to adult services. • Maintain documentation of the support services rendered and provide that documentation to DHS/DMH ICG program staff upon request.
Registration of ICG Eligible Consumers • All consumers who are eligible for ICG providers must be registered with the Collaborative prior to submitting any claims for services after April 1, 2009.
Registration of ICG Eligible Consumers • Registrations must be completed through data entry at ProviderConnect. • For providers who have their own software, the Collaborative can accept batch registrations. • Requirements for consumer registrations can be found on the Illinois Mental Health Collaborative for Access and Choice website at the following link: http://www.illinoismentalhealthcollaborative.com/provider/prv_information.htm
Collaborative Clinical Care Managers • Collaborative CCMs are Licensed Practitioners of the Healing Arts (LPHA) with child/adolescent experience consistent with the requirements of Rule 135. • Clinical Care Managers will continue to review ICG eligibility packets: • for completeness • to make eligibility determinations
Enhanced Role of the Collaborative • The Collaborative CCM will be linked into the placement decision- making process once a youth is determined to be eligible for an ICG. • The Collaborative CCM will initiate a meeting between the parent/guardian and the ICG/SASS worker regarding the initial decision to select a community-based ICG or a residential ICG.
Enhanced Role of the Collaborative (Cont.) • The Collaborative CCM will join the parent/guardian and ICG/SASS worker for quarterly staffings, discharge staffings, and other staffings that affect the care and treatment of the client. • The Collaborative CCM will provide authorization for residential services. • Initial 120 day authorization • 90 day Concurrent authorizations
Clinical Care Managers Responsibilities • Authorizes residential nights of care based on the authorization request submitted by the provider • Authorizes child support and behavioral management services above the annual limits based on authorization requests from the providers. 97M threshold is $3500 and 782M is $1570. • Conducts reviews of Quarterly and Annual Eligibility Reports for continued eligibility, assists with transition to community services or a planful discharge from ICG funded services.
Quarterly Review Questionnaire Items • 1. Briefly describe the reason for admission. • 2. Describe the treatment goals you hope to accomplish with this client so that he/she can be discharged. How has the client progressed toward these goals during this quarter. • 3. Describe the current efforts you are making to prepare the client for discharge. Please give a tentative discharge date. If that is not possible tell why, describe why you feel continued residential treatment is necessary and list the barriers to discharge.
Quarterly Review Questionnaire Items • 4. List the discharge criteria that need to be met before discharge can occur. • 5. List the current diagnoses. Include a CGAS score with the diagnoses. Be sure to include scores from the Ohio Scales and the Columbia Impairment Scale List the current medications as well as the symptoms, behavior, etc. they are targeting. • 6. Is individual therapy occurring and, if so, with a frequency of at least once a week? If not, give a clinical justification. • 7. Is family therapy occurring and, if so, with a frequency of at least once a month? If not, give a clinical justification.
Quarterly Review Questionnaire Items • 8. Is there a need for any specialized therapy (e.g. treatment for clients who are sexual offenders)? If so briefly describe the need for specialized therapy and the type of therapy offered. If indicated, but not offered or ongoing, give a clinical justification. • 9. Is the family involved in the client’s treatment? Describe the nature of their involvement and state whether or not it is sufficient to the client’s needs. If the family is not sufficiently involved describe what efforts your facility is making to improve their involvement. • 10. (Optional) Include anything else you may wish to tell us about this client or your treatment plan for him/her.
Annual Eligibility Review • The Annual Eligibility Review determines whether the youth continues to meet Rule 135 eligibility criteria (continuing medical necessity). • The Annual Eligibility Review can result in continuation of services, step-down to community-based ICG services or termination.
Annual Eligibility Review • Parents/guardians are to be given six weeks notice of grant termination to allow sufficient time for transition to DMH funded community services, or, if the child will remain in a residential setting, for the payment responsibilities to be transitioned to another payer.
Quarterly Reports and Annual Eligibility Reviews • Send Quarterly Reports and Annual Eligibility Review information to: Illinois Mental Health Collaborative for Access and Choice, P.O. Box 06559, Chicago, IL 60606
Medicaid Application • Most ICG clients are eligible for Medicaid benefits after 90 days in a residential treatment facility. According to 94R this is considered “away from home” and the parent/guardian’s income does not apply to the youth and therefore the client becomes eligible for Medicaid during residential treatment. • Human Capital Development Offices will have a DHS/DMH memorandum indicating Medicaid eligibility for residential ICG clients.
Medicaid Application • Residential providers, ICG/SASS workers, and parents/guardians must cooperate to secure Medicaid enrollment. • Residential providers make the application on behalf of the youth. • It behooves the residential provider to establish a good working relationship with their local DHS office.
Medicaid Application • The date of the application for Medicaid and the consumer’s Medicaid eligibility status will be required in order to obtain authorization for residential nights of care.
Provider Certification • All providers, including residential providers and out-of-state providers will be required to be certified in accordance with the requirements of Section 132 either by the DHS Bureau of Accreditation, Licensing, and Certification (BALC) or by DCFS. • Each site that serves ICG youth will be required to be certified for the Applicable Rule 132 services for community or residential services.
Provider Certification • Questions about certification can be directed to: • DCFS if the provider is certified by DCFS • Cathy Cumpston at BALC (217-557-9282) for all other providers.
Services • The same types of services will generally be billable after 4/1/09 and the array of services is expanding in some areas to include other activities such as vocational services. The service descriptions and documentation requirements are changing for many services.
Services • The rates for most services are not changing, and residential rates will continue to be established by the Illinois Purchase Care Review Board (IPCRB). • However, application assistance (the old 51M) and case coordination (the old 50M) will now be reimbursed based case management on 15 minute units instead of a flat event rate of a flat monthly rate.
Authorization Requirements • Residential ICG • An authorization request form and the required documentation must be submitted to the Collaborative within 72 hours of residential admission. • The initial authorization will typically be for 120 days to allow the initial treatment plan to be complete before the next authorization is required. • CCMs authorize nights of stay approximately every 90 days.
Authorization Requirements • Concurrent authorization • The authorization request form and all required documentation must be submitted 7 - 14 days prior to the expiration of the current authorization and Section B should be completed. • Concurrent authorization will typically be for 90 days, unless the transition to community services or the termination of the grant appears imminent.
Authorization Requirements • Authorizations will be reviewed by LPHAs with child/adolescent experience. • If authorization is denied, the denial may be appealed.
Authorization Requirements • Community-based ICG services • Child Support Services (old 72 M) requires authorization for services after a $1,570 threshold has been reached. • Behavior Intervention Management (old 97M) requires authorization for services once a $3,500 threshold has been reached. • CBICG will require Quarterly Reports beginning 4/1/09. The Quarterly Reports will replace the current 6 month reports.
Authorization Requirements • Therapeutic Stabilization is provided through Community Support Individual. There is no authorization required for this service. • Community Support Individual will be tracked on a case-by-case basis through post payment reviews.
Authorization Phase-in for Existing Youth in Residential Settings • ICG youth who are in residential placements as of 4/1/09 will not require authorizations prior to that date. • DHS/DMH will phase in authorizations for these clients between 4/15 and 7/15/09.
Authorization Phase-in for Existing Youth in Residential Settings • The phase-in procedures are as follows: • The Collaborative is in the process of compiling a list of ICG youth and their placements with the assistance of ICG/SASS workers and residential providers and expects to have a comprehensive census by April 1. • The Collaborative will build a transition authorization for each client from 4/1/09- 4/15/09.
Authorization Phase-in for Existing Youth in Residential Settings • If the first Quarterly or Annual Eligibility Review falls between 4/1 - 4/15, the client will be given an authorization through the same date in July. However, the extended transition authorization does not extend the due date for any Quarterly or Annual Eligibility Reviews that fall between 4/1 0 and 4/15.
Authorization Phase-in for Existing Youth in Residential Settings • Transition authorization example: • If the review date is 2/1/09, and the youth was admitted to residential care on 3/15/09, the transition authorization will expire 5/1/09 and the provider authorization request would be due 7 - 10 days before that.
Authorization Phase-in for Existing Youth in Residential Settings • The Collaborative will notify each provider in writing of authorization expiration dates for each client by March 31, 2009. • If a provider is serving an ICG youth that is not included on the list of authorization expiration dates, the residential provider is responsible for contacting the Collaborative by phone of the omission no later than April 10, 2009.
Differentiation of Quarterly/Annual Eligibility Reviews and Authorizations • Quarterly and Annual Eligibility reviews are required by Rule 135 and relate to the youth’s continued eligibility for ICG funding. • Authorizations for residential nights of care relate to meeting medical necessity criteria for a residential level of care and are required for payment of residential per diem claims.
Billing for Services • Before billing for an ICG consumer, the ICG provider (for residential or community services) should assure that the consumer is registered to the provider under the appropriate ICG funding code (ICG for residential services and ICGC for community services).