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Orange Charter School January 26 th 2-4pm http://orangecharterschool.org/. New Middle School Orientation. Common Core. Encourages teachers and students to delve deeper into topics of study. STEAM.
Orange Charter School January 26th 2-4pm http://orangecharterschool.org/ New Middle School Orientation
Common Core Encourages teachers and students to delve deeper into topics of study
STEAM ST@M = Science & Technology interpreted through Engineering & the Arts, all based in Mathematical elements
PBL PBL = Project Based Learning
Challenges of Middle School Multiple teachers vs. One teacher Class changes Daily homework in every class INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY!
If your student struggles you should… Communicate with your student any ideas or tips for success. Take an active role in checking your student’s planner and the website for due dates on projects, homework assignments, and upcoming tests. Express concerns to the specific teacher or teachers with the student present. Notes in the planner and email are the easiest ways to communicate with the teachers.
A Note on Homework Homework is every day in almost every class!!!! Roughly 15-30 minutes per class per day. Students- Use your planner and write down assignments in detail. Writing down “worksheet” or “study” may not be a sufficient reminder for you by the time school gets out. Parents- Check your student’s planner and corresponding homework assignments to check for completion. Many teachers have their own class website. Have a study buddy! Be sure to have a friend’s phone number in case of absence or if you feel unsure about a homework assignment.
What does it mean for homework to be “complete”? When students are given a homework assignment, it is required that they complete it “to the best of their ability”. “I don’t know” or “?” is not an acceptable answer on a completed assignment. Our priority in assigning homework is that students learn to investigate information on their own and TRY, TRY, TRY! Homework is legible in pencil or blue/black pen.
Late Homework All students are required to turn in homework assignments on the day that they are due. If an assignment is late, points will be deducted at a rate of 10% of the assignment’s point value per day for up to 5 days. Assignments more than 5 days late will not be graded.
No Name?? • Papers with no name will have points deducted AUTOMATICALLY. • Students will be given a chance to claim no-name papers.
Grades • Grades are posted online • Grades can be checked from any computer with internet access. • Grades are usually updated weekly. • Parents are encouraged to check grades AS WELL AS the student. • Username & Password information given out during the first week of school.
The Importance of Attendance Students will become overwhelmed and be less likely to succeed if they have excessive absences, tardies, and early check-outs. If your child is truly ill, please keep them home until they are well and check the website for assignments. Students are responsible for making up all work and notes that were missed. They have as many days as they were absent to make up the work. If you MUST check-out early, assignments due that day should be turned in and that night’s homework should be requested before the student leaves.
Discipline Policy • OCS’s discipline policy can be found in your handbook. • Plagiarism = ISS • Teachers try to stay in contact with you so behavioral issues can be worked out together.
Morning Drop-off Drop off occurs between the North and South Buildings Drop off starts at 7:30 a.m. Middle Schoolers wait in the Cafeteria until 7:45. Then they may go to their homeroom. The traffic barriers will be moved at 8:00. After 8:00, you must pull around to the circle to sign your child in at the Main Office in the South Building. If you are the parent of a child that is in the North Building, you must walk your child to class after signing in for his/her safety.
Afternoon Pick-Up • Middle Schoolers who have a sibling in grades K-4 or who are carpooling with students from grades K-4 will be picked up downstairs. • All other Middle Schoolers will be picked up upstairs at the breezeway. • School ends at 3pm.
Snack Every middle school student may eat a snack during the first 5 minutes of their 3rd period class (10:00am). Snack should: Be easy to consume Be easy to clean-up Not be shared with classmates Not require a utensil Not contain peanuts Ex: pretzels, granola bar, trail mix, banana, crackers Resealable water bottles are acceptable, but no other drinks will be allowed in class.
Lunch • The school does not provide hot lunch. You need to bring your own lunch and own snack. • Sometimes fundraisers (such as pizza) may be available for lunch options.
Strings • Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass • Progressive instruction beginning with learning to read music. • 3-4 Concerts per year • Occasional travel opportunities to play in the community. • Practice Logs and other assignments are counted for grades.
Band • Flute, Trumpet, Trombone, Saxaphone, Baritone • Progressive instruction beginning ith learning to read music. • 1-2 Concerts per year
Performing Arts • Level 1 = Introduction • Level 2 = Spring Musical • Past musicals include “Beauty and the Beast” and “Footloose.” • This year’s musical is “The Wizard of Oz.”
Tiger Time • A time set aside for all middle school students to engage in STEAM related projects for self and curricular enrichment. • Will not interfere with ARTS classes.
Lockers • Students will be assigned lockers during the first week of school. • Students should bring their own locks if wanted and give a copy of your combination to your homeroom teacher. • Students should try to keep their backpacks in their lockers at all times. • All lunchboxes should be kept in the locker until lunch.
Computers • Google School • Chrome books available for all middle schoolers • Individual emails and passwords • Google Docs
Math Assistant • Ms. Smalley is our Math Assistant! • She will be in some Math and other various classes throughout the day.
Orange Charter School MS Counseling Program Guidance Curriculum Designed to promote empathy, problem solving and impulse control in addition to introducing various life skills and career options Individual and Group Counseling Crisis situations or As needed basis Open door policy for children, parents/guardians
Middle School Mentors Program Middle School Mentors assist teachers and other staff with tasks such as tutoring, assisting in the classroom, helping with special projects and acting as role models. Focus is on developing responsibility and leadership skills. Mentors must be willing to volunteer one lunch period per week. Parental permission is required.
Clubs • After school clubs are available • Science Olympiad • Writing Club • History Club • More clubs can be scheduled with parent commitment.
Meet Our Staff: Mrs. Hover – 6th Language Arts & Social Studies, Strings Mrs. Keith – 6th Math & Science, Performing Arts Mrs. Potter – 7/8th Language Arts, Performing Arts Mrs. Martin – 7/8th Math, Performing Arts Mr. Jewitt – 7/8th Social Studies, Health & PE Mr. Gatt – 7/8th Science, Performing Arts Mrs. Alvarado – Spanish Mr. Whitten - Health & PE Mrs. Frank – Art, Performing Arts Mr. Dawson - Band Mrs. Beasly-Bunnell – Exceptional Children Dr. Breedlove - Exceptional Children Mrs. Apelgren – Counseling
Thanks for coming!!! Any questions or concerns?