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Moody Middle School Orientation 2014-2015. District Goals. The district will exceed all state mandated academic goals. The district will have a budget that is aligned with the academic needs of the students.
District Goals • The district will exceed all state mandated academic goals. • The district will have a budget that is aligned with the academic needs of the students. • The district will have a competent faculty and staff that meet the needs of the students. • The district will collaboratively plan and communicate with parents and the community. • The district will offer a curriculum that prepares students for 21st century job skills. • The district will have a comprehensive athletic program K-12.
Mission Statement Moody ISD will equip students with the tools and abilities to be competitive in a global society, while upholding the traditions, pride and trust of the community.
Vision Statement Moody ISD will demonstrate a firm commitment and dedication to the relentless pursuit of excellence in every level and area of education. We will recognize and value the potential for every student to become the absolute best that they can be.
MMS Faculty • Kathy Stanley – 5th Grade Math • Leah Rich – 5th Grade ELAR • Gavan Bass – 5th and 6th Grade Science • Donnelle Hancock – 5th and 6th Grade Social Studies • Claire Postell – 6th Grade ELAR • Robyn Jackson – 6th Grade Math • Leah McGuire – 7th and 8th Grade Science • Mallory Poe – Technology • Zach Shirley - Band
MMS Faculty • Beverly Bredemeyer – 7th Grade Math • Lyndsey Yates – 8th Grade Math • Jerry Shubert – 7th and 8th Grade Social Studies • Megan Claverie – 7th Grade ELAR • Melissa McQuatters – 8th Grade ELAR • Shawn Peach – Athletics/PE • Tara Scholwinski – Special Education • Jason Hill – ISS/Athletics
Bell Schedule 5th/6th Grade 1st Period – 7:55-8:40 2nd Period – 8:43-9:28 3rd Period – 9:31-10:16 4th Period – 10:19-11:04 5th Period – 11:07-11:52 6th Period – 11:55-12:40 Lunch – 12:40-1:11 7th Period – 1:14-1:59 8th Period – 2:02-2:47 9th Period – 2:50-3:35 7th/8th Grade 1st Period – 7:55-8:40 2nd Period – 8:43-9:28 3rd Period – 9:31-10:16 4th Period – 10:19-11:04 5th Period – 11:07-11:52 Lunch – 11:52-12:23 6th Period – 12:26-1:11 7th Period – 1:14-1:59 8th Period – 2:02-2:47 9th Period – 2:50-3:35
Schedule All students will follow a 9 period day which will consist of the following classes: • Math • Math Lab • English/Reading • English/Writing • PE/Athletics • Science • Social Studies • Elective (5th and 6th Grade Band) • Academic Support
Academic Support Periods • Strategy for providing intervention to meet the varied needs of students in all core areas. • Academic Support will focus on the individual needs of students. • Supportive of the Accelerated Reader program. • Allows for student access to provide individualized ESL, Dyslexia, GT and Resource instruction. • Allows time for UIL academic practice and extracurricular activities. • All Academic Support classes are 2nd period.
Tutorials Teachers will be available for after school tutorials until 4:05 each day. Any student who needs assistance completing an assignment or additional instruction is encouraged to attend tutorials.
Attendance Students are expected to be at school and on time to their classes each day. Attendance is the first key to academic success! Compulsory Attendance Law – By law, a child and/or the parent commits a criminal offense if the child fails to attend school on 10 or more days or parts of days in a six month period or 3 or more days or parts of days within a 4 week period. The Principal is responsible for filing on students and/or parents for violations of compulsory attendance law.
Attendance Attendance for Credit – By law, a student may not be given credit for a class unless the student is in attendance for at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered. Students who are absent more than 10% of the days a class is offered may be retained in their current grade level.
Attendance Tardies Students are expected to be on time to every class, every day. Teachers will be recording tardies each class period and are responsible for notifying the principal when a student has been late to class 3 times. Tardies will be addressed through campus discipline procedures.
BLAST Students who have perfect attendance will be eligible for a BLAST reward trip. The only absences that do NOT count against perfect attendance for BLAST are partial day absences due to medical appointments with appropriate documentation. We will continue to partner with Grand Avenue Theater in Belton to take students with perfect attendance to the movies. It will be a BLAST!!!
Student Dress Code • Boys’ hair should be clean and well-groomed. Hair may not be in the eyes, exceed collar-length, or exceed the middle of the ear. • No headcoverings are allowed in the building. • Girls’ tops must be 4 fingers in width at the shoulder. • Boys’ shirts must have a sleeve. • No holes in pants (no skin visible above the knee) • Shorts and skirts must be no shorter than the width of a credit card above the kneecap. • Leggings or tights are not permitted unless worn under a dress code appropriate garment.
Student Dress Code • Boys are not allowed to wear earrings, loops, studs, gauges, or any device designed to keep a piercing open. • No body piercings are allowed. • No faux hawk or Mohawk hairstyles. • No house slippers.
Dress Code If a student is in violation of the dress code, they will be given an opportunity to correct the issue at school or allowed to contact a parent to bring appropriate clothing to school. If the issue is not corrected, the student may be placed in ISS until the dress is in compliance.
Medications All student medications must be checked in through the nurse and administered by trained district personnel. Students who are in possession of medications on campus are subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the student code of conduct.
Cell Phone Policy Students MAY possess cell phones on campus, but they must remain off unless they are being used for an approved instructional purpose. Any student using a cell phone without authorization during the school day is in violation of the district policy. The device may be confiscated and submitted to the office. Students may be charged a $15 fine before collecting their device from the office.
Bullying The district is committed to eliminating Bullying and Harassment from our schools. Students are encouraged to report any conduct that may meet the elements of bullying to the principal. Parents are also encouraged to report any bully related issues to the campus principal. An investigation will be conducted that will include documentation of the complaint and specific actions taken to remedy the situation.
Discipline • Students are expected to comply with the student code of conduct. • Students are expected to comply with any reasonable directive from a staff or faculty member. Ultimately, discipline issues are a distraction from our primary goal – educating our students and working to improve their academic success.
Grading Policy Nine-weeks grades will be determined as follows: • 4-6 Major grades (summative) 60% • 8-20 Minor grades 40%
Late Work Policy A 20 point deduction will be assessed for any student in regular attendance who fails to turn in their assignment on the regularly scheduled due date. ZAP may be assigned for missing work.
ZAP A letter will be sent home at the beginning of school and be posted on the website that will clearly outline the ZAP policy of Moody Middle School.
Retesting Policy Students are expected to retake tests on which they make a failing grade within 5 days of the failed grade. Students will not be able to retake nine-week tests, semester exams or benchmarks. Any passing grade on a re-test will be recorded as no higher than a 70. Before a student can retake a test, the student must be in contact with the teacher and/or attend tutoring with the teacher. A student who has been caught cheating must retake the test with an academic penalty.
Volunteers If you are interested in volunteering at Moody Middle School, please complete a volunteer packet so that we can contact you regarding the specific details of how you can help the students of our school.
School Website Please check the school website often for information about upcoming events or other important news.