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Cullman Middle School Orientation for Parents and Students

Get ready for the Parent Orientation regarding the Student Laptop Computers issuance on August 15th and 16th at Cullman Middle School. Learn about laptop use, textbooks, conduct expectations, dress code, and more.

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Cullman Middle School Orientation for Parents and Students

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  1. Cullman Middle School Parent Orientation

  2. Student Laptop Computers August 15th and 16th - Students will receive laptop computers. Parents must sign the Parent/Student Laptop Agreement prior to the laptop being issued to their child. Laptops needing repair should be reported promptly. They can be given to a technician each morning in the CMS cafeteria from 7:15 until 7:40. Charge computers each night. You may be charged for damaged computers. Students are responsible for content found on their computers. They are not allowed to download programs on their computers.

  3. Welcome to Cullman Middle School Main building, round building, two gyms Pod System

  4. Bell Schedule Entry 7:40 Warning Bell 7:48 0 7:50-8:24 1st 8:29-9:16 2nd 9:21-10:08 Warning Bell 10:15 3rd 10:17-11:04 4th 11:09-11:56 5th 12:01-1:16 6th 1:21-2:08 7th 2:13-3:00

  5. Clubs and Organizations SGA Lane Hill Scholars Bowl Bama Turner FCCLA Karen Adams FFA Lucas McCollum Beta Club Courtney Waters Math Team Kylie Bates, Kim Dockery Robotics Team Lucas McCollum Humbolt Society Chris Quattlebaum

  6. Extracurricular Activities Band Linda Bean Volleyball Leann Evans Football Gerald Turner Cheer Katie Burney Boy’s Basketball Brent Hill Girl’s Basketball Lauren Shelton Track Trent Dean

  7. Textbooks Generally, students will be given a set of textbooks to keep at home. Some textbooks will be on their computer.

  8. Communication Email is often the fastest way to communicate with teachers. You can call or make an appointment to meet with teachers during their pod time. Look for announcements on Canvas and the school’s website.

  9. Homework/Assignment Policy Incomplete or poorly attempted assignments are not acceptable. If an assignment is not submitted on time, the student will be assigned detention to complete the assignment. The credit will be 50% of the earned grade. In the event that work is not submitted after the detention, the student will be referred to Saturday School. While in Saturday School, the student will complete the assignment for no credit. If the student does not attend Saturday School and complete the assignment, he/she will be referred to the administration for discipline that will include completion of the assignment. Disciplinary action will not conclude until the assignment has been completed.

  10. Conduct ExpectationsBehave in a manner that is conducive to learning.Harassment and classroom disruption will not be tolerated.Show respect for all people on this campus. Fighting and bullying on school grounds or at school functions is prohibited. Violations will result in suspension.Assembly conduct – Students are expected to be quiet and respectful to guests/speakers. No outbursts. Violations will result in suspension.Students are not allowed to cheat on tests, cheat on assignments, or plagiarize work. Violations will result in a grade of 0 and disciplinary action.Students with poor conduct, grades, and attendance will not receive certain privileges such as attending field trips, field day, participating in extracurricular activities, etc.

  11. Dress CodeDress in a manner that is appropriate for school. Students must be neat and clean at all times.Earrings may be worn only in the ears.Students can’t have chains hanging from their pants.No hats are allowed in school. This includes toboggans, bandannas, etc.No clothing with alcohol, drugs, sexual innuendo, satanic, or things that can be offensive.No exposed midriffs.No sweatpants or athletic shorts. Nylon athletic pants may be worn; not yoga pants.

  12. No sleeveless shirts.Hair must be a natural color; no patterns or designs in hair; no spiked hair or mohawks; no hair in eyes.No low rider pants or baggy clothing.Skirts, dresses, and shorts must be an appropriate length (i.e., no more that 4 inches above the knee; if it rides up above this length, it is too short).No spaghetti straps or low cut shirts.No holes in clothing.No sunglasses are allowed on school grounds.No pajama pants.No clothing that is too revealing. This included shear clothing and tight clothing such as “skinny jeans”.

  13. Cell PhonesCell phones are not allowed during the school day. When students come on campus in the mornings, their cell phone should be off and placed out of sight.If seen or heard, it will be taken up and the student will be placed in Saturday School or detention on the first offense.Cell phones will be returned to a parent. Cell phones may be used on campus before the 7:40 bell and after the 3:00 pm bell.

  14. AttendanceStudents are expected to be on time for school and class. Discipline will begin after the 3rd tardy during a term. All excuses must be turned in within 2 days of the student’s return after an absence or it will be unexcused. Students will not be allowed to make up work for a grade on days that they have unexcused absences.Parents may excuse five (5) absence occurrences per year.A note from the parent must be turned in to the office when the student returns from the absence.The excuse must be turned in to Mrs. Parker. Students must get assignments from teachers prior to a planned absence.

  15. MedicationsStudents are not allowed to possess prescription or over-the-counter medications. If a student needs medication, parents should complete a medication authorization form and leave the medication with the school nurse.

  16. Student Pick Up and Drop Off Parents may drop off and pick up students in the front or back of the main building. Do not pull into the back parking lot of the round building. When students arrive on campus they will go to the cafeteria for breakfast or the front of the old gym until 7:40. After 3:15 students should be picked up at the front of the building. The outside lane is a drive through lane. Please do not block traffic. Band instruments can be carried to the band room at 7:40.

  17. Lunch Lunch - $2.50 Breakfast - $1.30; free/reduced applies to breakfast; breakfast begins at 7:20. Free/reduced lunch forms will be given to each student on the first day of school. Complete the form and return it to Mrs. Parker in the office by September 6th. Students that received free or reduced lunch last year are considered temporary through the 30th day of school (September 20th). It takes 10 days to process the application. Students may pay into their account on the first day of school. Students are not allowed to charge their lunch.

  18. Other • Student handbook, calendar, and student planner will be given to all students on the first day of school. • Lockers Hall - $12.00 PE - $5.00 • If you need help with Canvas, please let us know. • If you need addition sports insurance and accident plan, have information available at the front desk. • Parent Involvement

  19. Three major expectations of students: • Work hard • Act right • Show respect

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