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Overview of: READ 180 System 44 MATH 180 English Learners (EL) Program MAP Testing One-Click Reports. New Staff Academy Presentation August, 2014. Who are we?. Idea Wave My name is _____________________. My licensure is in _________________.
Overview of:READ 180System 44MATH 180English Learners (EL) ProgramMAP TestingOne-Click Reports New Staff Academy Presentation August, 2014
Who are we? • Idea Wave • My name is _____________________. • My licensure is in _________________. • My experience working in education is ______________. (You can count your student teaching experience!) • I will be the __________________ in the ___________ program(s)/building(s).
Carousel Activity • Share what you know about each: • READ 180 • System 44 • MATH 180 • English Learners / WIDA • MAP
READ 180 • District 287 has adopted the READ 180 intensive reading intervention program to combat the reading deficiencies of our students in Grades 4-12. This is our seventh year utilizing the program. • READ 180 has been significantly updated to meet the rigorous reading and writing expectations of the Common Core State Standards. • The program directly addresses individual needs through: • differentiated instruction • adaptive and instructional software • high-interest literature • direct instruction in reading, writing, and vocabulary skills.
System 44 • System 44 Next Generation is the new foundational reading program for our most challenged readers om Grades 3-12. • It is proven to help students master the foundational reading skills required for success in College and Career through explicit instruction in decoding, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing and a personalized learning progression driven by technology.
READ 180 and System 44 Year in Review • 45 READ 180 and System 44 classroom variations • 28 READ 180 classrooms • 3 System 44 classrooms • 11 Mixed READ 180/System 44 classrooms • 4 ELA Integrated classrooms (3 English Language Arts and READ 180 and 1 ELA/READ 180/System 44)
MATH 180 • MATH 180 is a math intervention program designed to meet the rigors of the Common Core and accelerate students to grade level. • It has a focused and coherent scope and sequence and scaffolded practice that includes Next Generation assessment item types and performance tasks. • MATH 180 ensures that older struggling students have an explicit and accelerated path to college and career readiness. • It prepares our students for algebra readiness andit has growth mindset embedded.
MATH 180 Pilot 2013-2014 • Our first year implementing MATH 180 • Edgewood Education Center • Explore Middle School • West Education Center • West High School
MATH 180 Expansion 2014-2015 • Adding new student populations • SAFE /STRIVE HS at WEC • SECA ALC • CIP South • InVEST/VENTURE HS NWTC
SAM • The Scholastic Achievement Manager is the data warehouse for the READ 180/System 44/MATH 180 data. • To access: • On the ISD 287 desktop open the Staff Shortcuts folder. • Click on the Scholastic Educator file. • On the Scholastic Central log in page, type in your username and password. • Further instructions provided in the READ 180/System 44/MATH 180 trainings).
Reflect • Think-Pair-Share • Take one minute and think of a new learning about either READ 180, System 44, or MATH 180 as it relates to our district. If you are already an expert, think of one additional piece of learning you could share with your partner. • Turn to your partner and each take one minute to relay the above. • Share out. • Questions/Comments
English Learner Program (EL) and WIDA Standards • ISD 287 serves approximately 60-65 ELs’ who come from a variety of cultural backgrounds. • English Learner defined: • Students who… • first learned a language other than English, come from a home where the language usually spoken is other than English, or usually speak a language other than English, and • lack the necessary English skills to participate fully in classes taught in English • EL’s must meet academic content standards, as well as academic and social language standards in each of their classes.
World-Class Design and Assessment (WIDA) Standards • English Language Development Standard 1 • English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting • English Language Development Standard 2 • English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts • English Language Development Standard 3 • English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Mathematics • English Language Development Standard 4 • English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science • English Language Development Standard 5 • English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies
Language Proficiency Levels and Documentation • ISD 287 English language Proficiency Levels • Pre-Level 1 through Level 5 • It is through a joint collaboration on the part of the EL teacher, the subject area teacher, specialists, and educational assistants that will increase English learners’ English language proficiency. • Documentation to include in unit or lesson plans: • EL’s proficiency level • WIDA standard being addressed • Language supports to enable the student to meet the academic standard • Resources are available!
Just a Few Resources • Site EL teachers • English Learner Language Features and Supports Bank
Reflect • Think-Pair-Share • Take one minute and think about a new learning you gained related to ELs or something regarding ELs you want to share. • Get up and move around until you hear the signal to stop. • Share with someone closest to you. • Share out.
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) What new staff need to know about MAP testing in Intermediate District 287
In this presentation… • MAP basics • Purpose of MAP testing • Preparing the students for testing • Using the results to drive instruction
Description of the MAP Assessment MAP = Measures of Academic Progress Achievement-level test, not a grade-level test Identifies what students know and what they are ready to learn NOT a test for determining mastery of skills; a test for showing instructional level Provides immediate feedback
Description of the MAP Assessment, cont., Test levels: Grades 2-5 Grades 6+ MAP for Primary Grades MPG K-2 and select older learners
Description of the MAP Assessment, cont., Subjects: *Reading – MN CCSS aligned *Mathematics – MPG National CCSS aligned *Language Usage – CCSS aligned General Science Concepts and Processes *End-of-course specific Mathematics tests * These assessments are available for 287 students
Description of the MAP Assessment, cont., Reading and Math MAP 2-5 and 6+ Assess from the 2nd – 10th+ grade level (moving towards College and Career Readiness) Reading Grades 3-12: Long version administered in the fall and spring for data analysis and implementing instruction; 42 questions Transition students: Option of administering the short version in the fall and spring Math Long version – 52 questions Option of administering the short version in the fall and spring; 20 questions
Description of the MAP Assessment, cont., MAP for Primary Grades (MPG) Assesses the foundational skills in reading and mathematics Used with K-2 students and some older Special Ed students Tests Adaptive Survey w/Goals Diagnostic Screening tests and Skills Checklist tests – assesses attainment of skills
Purpose of MAP Testing • Teachers and Support Staff • The purpose is to help guide planning and instruction • It provides a student’s instructional level (the level of a student’s skills), which helps teachers and support staff differentiate and personalize to meet each student’s academic needs. • It provides a stable measure of growth towards the CCSS, which can be tracked within the school year, and from year to year. • Students • Students can see what they already know and what they have left to learn. • It gives students specific goals to work towards. • Providing meaning to the scores helps students take control of their own learning. • In addition, many of our member districts MAP test, which allows for comparable data analysis
Preparing Students for MAP Testing Share with the students: What the MAP test is and the purpose for taking it It may be beneficial to use the term “measure” or “inventory” to reduce anxiety; there is no pass/fail. When they will be taking it (prior to the day of the test!) How long it will last That you or the reading/math specialist will meet with them to go over the results, and that they should set goals (yes, this step is very important!) That they will re-take the test in the spring or when they exit to see if they met their goals and to celebrate their reading and math improvement Teach the students test-taking strategies Test prep resources MAP Test Warm Up MAP for Primary Grades Warm Up
Using the Results to Drive Instruction MAP Scores are given in three ways: Percentile score Used to compare a student to a large group of students of similar age or grade – by school/district/nation RITScale Score(Rasch Unit – named after the inventor)(This is the score that is shown on the computer screen at the end of the test) RIT scores range from 150 – 300 for MAP; 110-228 for MPG Goal Descriptors Sorts goal performance by “LO”, “AV”, or” HI”
Example of grade level equivalence of RIT scores: NWEA 2011 Normative RIT Growth Data Alignment studies: MN 2013 Linking Study MCA and NWEA Linking Study College Readiness Linking Study ACT and MAP Alignment for Different College Types
Two Important Reports One-Click Reports To access: District 287 webpage - 287 Staff tab – TIES (in the right Column) – i-Cue(One Click) in the left column Class Breakdown by RIT Report A visual grouping of your students by RIT ranges to help you group your students for differentiation so they are learning at their instructional level… It’s a good idea to print this out for each of your classes and keep in your lesson planner
Access reports (except One-Clicks) and resources at: ISD 287 MAP Administration and Reporting Center You will be sent a username and password once you are entered into the system
Take the MAP Test! The best way to understand what is covered in the MAP Test is to take the new MN CCSS aligned reading version and the MN aligned math version yourself! See your site reading specialist or Donna for more details
A Bit About Differentiation The goal of administering the MAP reading assessment is to use the results to create maximum growth toward the CCSS for ALL students!
A Good Resource for Using the MAP Data to Create Differentiated Lesson Plans • www.fortheteachers.org • Premade curriculum ladders and blank templates • Created lesson plans and blank templates • Reading skills • Differentiation strategies and activities • Instructional strategies
Protocols • Reading Protocols • MAP Protocols • READ 180/System 44 Protocols • EL Protocols
Reflect and Plan • Think-Write-Share-Share • One minute – think of one-three areas related to MAP/MPG testing you would like to dig a little deeper into • Two minutes – pick one of those areas and set a three week goal of the action steps to achieving that goal. • Take two minutes and share with a partner. • Volunteers for sharing out?
Questions? Comments? Thank you and have a great year!
Contact information • For READ 180/System 44/Math 180 • Site reading specialist or math support • Scott Wright, READ 180 Coordinator • Mary Peters, Math Specialist (MATH 180 only) • For EL • Site EL teacher • David VanDenBoom, EL Coordinator • For MAP • Donna Moe, Ass’t Director of Research, Evaluation, and Assessment • For One-Clicks: • Travis Voels, Dep’t of Research, Evaluation, and Assessment Support
Questions/Comments • Thank you and have a great year!