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Guidance Lesson of This is English II(I)-3 Mao Hai ping

Guidance Lesson of This is English II(I)-3 Mao Hai ping. Unit Thirteen. Study language related to education and university studies Study model verbs of obligation Study the use of the gerund. Vocabularies of education: nursery school primary school / state school

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Guidance Lesson of This is English II(I)-3 Mao Hai ping

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  1. Guidance Lesson of This is English II(I)-3 Mao Hai ping

  2. Unit Thirteen • Study language related to education and university studies • Study model verbs of obligation • Study the use of the gerund

  3. Vocabularies of education: • nursery school • primary school / state school • secondary school /vocational school • university/college

  4. Unit Thirteen Text p 177 The British School System The first school is called a primary school, and in this school children study a range of basic subjects, such as reading, writing and mathematics.

  5. nursery school • Primary school • middle school high school secondary-- • university • colleage • institution • state school private school

  6. They have to stay at this school for five years as(因为) schooling is compulsory(强制的)in the UK until the age of 16.

  7. In many secondary schools(中学)children have to wear a uniform for the first five years, but often in the last two years they don’t have to.

  8. Over(超过) 20% of students in the UK go on to higher education (university or college) to take degrees or diplomas.(学位或毕业证书)

  9. As well as(除了…) this, many students think that they will benefit from(获益)the ideas in Western universities.

  10. in addition to • In addition there are six other applicants. • besides • There will be five of us for dinner, besides John. • except for • The restaurant is open every day except Monday.

  11. So, many further education colleges and universities offer(提供)foundation course for foreign students to prepare for(准备)university study in the UK.

  12. Text 2 p 186 Hello, new students First, as you know, there are no longer(不再)any grants.

  13. But if you are struggling to make ends meet(使收支平衡), you can get a part-time job-restaurants and bars in the town take lots of students on(雇佣) in the evenings and at weekends.

  14. Finally, remember to work hard and play hard. Go on working steadily towards your first degree(BA or BSc) throughout(在…期间) your three years here - try to keep things in perspective.(正确认识事物)

  15. Language Focus 一、must与 have to的用法: p179 1. 结构:must 表示“必须”,肯定式由must+动词原形构成;否定式由must + not (mustn’t)+动词原形构成,疑问式则将主语提至句首。

  16. have to +动词原形,表示“不得不”、“必须”,在肯定句中,to have随人称和时态的不同而变化(has/had),其否定式和疑问式的构成形式与行为动词to have相同,即需使用助动词(do /does/don’t/doesn’t/did/didn’t)

  17. 2. must与have to的异同 在表示义务和责任时,must和have to 意义相近,二者可以互换使用。二者有下列几点不同: must多表示主观意志,是从说话者的角度出发谈必须做某事,而have to 则强调客观需要。

  18. I must finish my homework. 强调主观意志,即 I want to do it (我想这样做), I have to do my homework before I have dinner. 则强调客观要求,即I’ve been told to (客观情况要求我这样做)。

  19. 二者否定式的意义大不相同。have to 的否定式表示“不必”,而must not/ mustn’t表示“不准”。 must 通常只表示现在的义务,而have to可有不同的时态变化。

  20. 二、动名词的用法:p 187 动词-ing 形式可以与助动词be一起构成谓语动词。 动词-ing 形式与可作动名词,具有名词的特征,可以用作句子的主语和宾语。

  21. 英语中有不少动词既可接动名词作宾语,也可接动词不定式作宾语,在意义上没有什么区别。常见的动词有start, being, continue, like等。

  22. 但有些动词接动名词或不定式作宾语,意义上有区别。后接动名词指的是在主动词所增行为之前发生的事,后接不定式是指可能发生在主动词所示行为之后的事情。在本单元我们学习的这类的动词有remember, forget, stop 和 regret。

  23. to remember doing sth 表示“记得已经做了或发生了某事”,to remember to do sth 表示“记住需做某事”。 I remember telling her about the meeting. Please remember to post the letter.

  24. to forget doing sth 表示“忘记了已做的事或已发生的事”,to forget to do sth表示“忘记要去做某事”。

  25. to stop doing sth 表示“停止正在做的事”,to stop to do sth 表示“停下(正在做的事)以便去做某事”。

  26. to regret doing sth 表示“对已经做过的事情感到懊悔”,to regret to do sth 表示“很抱歉要做某事”。

  27. 英语中有些动词只能接动名词作宾语,而有些动词则只能接不定式作宾语。常见的只能接动名词作宾语的动词有:to admit, avoid, deny, enjoy, finish, mind等。

  28. Unit Fourteen • Learning and Learning Styles • Study language of education and training and of information. • Study non-defining attributive clauses • Study the use of the future perfect tense.

  29. New words: • Be engaged in 从事;参与 • Be in engaged in politics,business • Engage.v • I have no time to engage in gossip • I engaged him in conversation.

  30. Enroll/ enrol: 注册;登记;吸收成为成员 • Enroll new students • We enrolled him as a member of society

  31. Up and down 来来回回;一上一下;起伏 • Walking up and down outside our house. • The boad bobbed up and down in the water. • 小船在水面上颠簸

  32. Unit Fourteen Text 1 p 193 Learning Styles Are these three speakers, who just chatting naturally, actually revealing what many people believe is their dominant(主要) thinking and learning style?

  33. Students who find their dominant learning style can make their learning more efficient(使…有效).

  34. The auditory learner prefers to(选择)listen to explanations, enjoys conversations, usually talks very well, with a wide vocabulary.

  35. They prefer listening to music to looking at art and pictures.

  36. Kinaesthetic learners are used to(习惯) doing things physically, not listening to explanations or watching demonstrations.

  37. Language Focus 一、非限定性定语从句 p196 定语从句分限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句两种。 1. 限定性定语从句 限定性定语从句与被修饰词之间的关系密切,对其起限定作用,因此不可缺少,否则影响全句的意义。限定性定语从句之前不用逗号。

  38. 2.非限定性定语从句 非限定性定语从句与被修饰词之间的关系松散,不能对其起限定作用,而是提供有用的补充。在口语中用停顿表示,在书面语中用逗号与句子的其他部分分开,因此句中的关系代词不能省略。

  39. 二、将来完成时 p 202 1.用法 将来完成时表示将来某时间之前已经完成的动作,并往往对此后产生影响,它常与表示将业的时间状语连用。在肯定句中,表示将来的时间短语位置灵活,可置于句首,也可置于句尾,而在否定句和疑问句中则置于句尾。

  40. 2. 结构 肯定式 : 主语+will have +过去分词 否定式: 主语+will not (won’t) have +过去分词 疑问式 : Will + 主语 + have + 过去分词 Activity 12

  41. 1. By the end of July the building committee will have approved the plans. 2. By the end of July the finance committee will have approved the budget. 3. The new Director will not have started his job by the end of July.

  42. 4. By the end of December the Director will have appointed the a Director of Studies 5. By the end of June next year the centre will have bought computers. 6. The technicians will have installed the computers by the end of June next year.

  43. 7. By the end of June next year the Director will have appointed new trainers. 8. By the end of January the year after next, the centre will have been launched.

  44. Unit Fifteen • Town life • Study the language of towns and their development. • Revise the form and the use of the present continuous, active and passive

  45. Learn to write a paragraph using topic sentences

  46. New words: • Combine 使….合并;联合 • Hydrogen and oxygen combine water • Circumstances have combined to ruin our plans for a holiday.

  47. Hold up 使…停顿 • We should arrive in half an hour,barring hold up.

  48. Push forward: 推动 • He rpeatedly pushed forward his own claim

  49. Unit Fifteen Text . P 211 Mapping the Future Visitors are crowding around it to locate their neighborhoods and to learn about the changes that are occurring.

  50. Because during the last decade the government and the local authority have been pushing forward(推动)urban development at great speed.

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