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Disseminating the Community Health Club Approach from Zimbabwe

This comprehensive approach focuses on establishing Community Health Clubs to address hygiene, disease prevention, poverty alleviation, and promote environmental health. Learn about successful implementations in Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Uganda, South Africa, Vietnam, and Rwanda. Explore the impact on households, communities, and public health policies in these regions. Discover the training modules and tool kits developed for Community Health Workers and Environmental Health Officers to drive sustainable behavior change. Join the movement towards improving health outcomes through community empowerment.

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Disseminating the Community Health Club Approach from Zimbabwe

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  1. Disseminating the Community Health ClubApproach from Zimbabwe Anthony Waterkeyn UNC- 2nd Nov 2012

  2. Zimbabwe 1995 Graduation Day for this Community Health Club!

  3. Community Health Clubs in Sierra Leone (2002)

  4. Northern UGANDA : IDP Camps (2004)

  5. A CHC in an ethnic Thai community of Vietnam

  6. Over 380 Community Health Clubs started in the 200+ informal settlements in Cape Town & Durban, SOUTH AFRICA

  7. HOLISTIC HEALTH:Which DISEASES / conditions are addressed by health promotion in your model? 11 million children die each year 88% deaths could be prevented by good hygiene

  8. Roll-Out of CHCs since 1995 Zimbabwe: 1995 -2002 500 CHCs 2003-2012 1,950 Sierra Leone: 2002 150 Uganda: 2004 150 Guinea Bissau: 2007 120 South Africa: 2008 400 Vietnam: 2010 48 Namibia : 2011 30 Rwanda 2012 >14,000 Villages

  9. GOOD 85% households have latrines “Culture of Sanitation” BAD Only 10%are hygienic UGLY 80% Disease Burden in Rwanda caused by poor personal, domestic & community hygiene practices

  10. Rwanda has developed policies to address poverty and disease Rwanda: Background 11 million people; 30 districts, 4 Provinces Well organized MoH that values & enhances its EHD; One of few African countries set to achieve MDG WS targets High coverage of traditional latrines but very poor hygiene standards. MoH was seeking a practical, holistic & cost-effective strategy, not only to meet sanitation MDGs, but also to decrease the burden of disease and to ALLEVIATE POVERTY in Rwanda.

  11. Poverty, Health, & Environment Placing Environmental Health on Countries’ Development Agendas

  12. Poverty, Health & Environment Box 6 p33 “Behavior Change can be Cost-effective: DFID funded the Community Health Clubs in rural Tsholotsho District, Zimbabwe. The project increased the proportion of households using a ladle to draw water from 3 % - 93 % and the proportion with an improved pit latrine from 40 % - 80 %, as well as improving other aspects of hygiene behavior, at a cost of $3.33 per household”.

  13. “Here in Rwanda we have NO time for Piloting. You have been piloting. We want to go to scale! Go and develop a Roadmap for national roll-out of CHCs” Minister of Health: Dr Jean-Claude Damascene

  14. CBEHPP Community-Based Environmental Health Promotion Programme • PLANNING TO START • COMMUNITY HYGIENE • CLUBS • IN RWANDA PARTICIPATORY ACTIVITIES FOR TRAINING IN COMMUNITY HYGIENE CLUBS Development of Road Map and Training Manuals and Tool Kit of >300 cards MANUAL FOR FACILITATORS AND COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS MANUAL FOR TRAINERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICERS ABOUT THE CBEHPP TRAINING The training for CBEHPP is designed at three levels: Module 1: Advocacy for the CBEHPP Target audience: Opinion leaders in government and Development Agencies This one day Orientation Workshop is conducted by MoH for stakeholders at National and District level, based on the Road Map for CBEHPP launched in Nov. 2009. Module 2: Planning to start up CBEHPP in Rwanda using Community Hygiene Clubs Target Audience: District Environmental Health Officers The workshop is a 3 day training in all aspects of the CHC Approach to be used in CBEHPP, which is contained in this manual. As it is largely theoretical to enable planners to have an understanding of the CHC approach, it is not designed to be passed on to Community Health Workers in the village. Module 3: Participatory Sessions for Community Hygiene Clubs Target Audience: Community Health Workers at Village level This is a 5 day workshop, to enable Environment Health Officers and Community Health Workers to effectively facilitate the 24 topics which comprise the CBEHPP training, in the weekly sessions held within the Hygiene Club. This is a practical rather than theoretical training on the methodology, and not the health knowledge which is also needed for effective facilitation of Public Health. CBEHPP Tool Kit for the Participatory Sessions in CHCs Target Audience: semi-literate and illiterate villagers in Rwanda This is a Kit of 24 topics, each with 20 illustrated cards, which is used by the facilitator and CHC in the 24 sessions, in a participatory approach to training. The cards are visual aids with no written text, and can therefore be used at every level of education. They are culture specific to Rwanda and have been pretested in the field to ensure over 80% comprehension by the . ABOUT THE CBEHPP TRAINING The training for CBEHPP is designed at three levels: Module 1: Advocacy for the CBEHPP Target audience: Opinion leaders in government and Development Agencies This one day Orientation Workshop is conducted by MoH for stakeholders at National and District level, based on the Road Map for CBEHPP launched in Nov. 2009. Module 2: Planning to start up CBEHPP in Rwanda using Community Hygiene Clubs Target Audience: District Environmental Health Officers The workshop is a 3 day training in all aspects of the CHC Approach to be used in CBEHPP, which is contained in this manual. As it is largely theoretical to enable planners to have an understanding of the CHC approach, it is not designed to be passed on to Community Health Workers in the village. Module 3: Participatory Sessions for Community Hygiene Clubs Target Audience: Community Health Workers at Village level This is a 5 day workshop, to enable Environment Health Officers and Community Health Workers to effectively facilitate the 24 topics which comprise the CBEHPP training, in the weekly sessions held within the Hygiene Club. This is a practical rather than theoretical training on the methodology, and not the health knowledge which is also needed for effective facilitation of Public Health. CBEHPP Tool Kit for the Participatory Sessions in CHCs Target Audience: semi-literate and illiterate villagers in Rwanda This is a Kit of 24 topics, each with 20 illustrated cards, which is used by the facilitator and CHC in the 24 sessions, in a participatory approach to training. The cards are visual aids with no written text, and can therefore be used at every level of education. They are culture specific to Rwanda and have been pretested in the field to ensure over 80% comprehension by the . PLANNING TO START COMMUNITY HYGIENE CLUBS IN RWANDA PLANNING TO START COMMUNITY HYGIENE CLUBS IN RWANDA Ministry of Health Environmental Health Desk Ministry of Health Environmental Health Desk MANUAL FOR TRAINERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICERS MANUAL FOR TRAINERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICERS Membership number Membership number PARTICIPATORY ACTIVITIES FOR TRAINING IN COMMUNITY HYGIENE CLUBS PARTICIPATORY ACTIVITIES FOR TRAINING IN COMMUNITY HYGIENE CLUBS MANUAL FOR FACILITATORS AND COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS MANUAL FOR FACILITATORS AND COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS Community Based Environmental Health Promotion (CBEHPP) Programme Republic of Rwanda Community Based Environmental Health Promotion (CBEHPP) Programme Republic of Rwanda Topic. 17. Topic. 17. Drinking Water Drinking Water

  15. RWANDA Community-Based Environmental Health Promotion Program (CBEHPP) 2009: Roadmap developed for dissemination of CHCs 2010: President Paul Kagame calls for CHCs to be established in all 15,000 villages across Rwanda 45,000 Community Health Workers in Rwanda now being trained in CHC Approach Gates Foundation: Evaluation of Health Impact of CHCs (Tom Clasen - RCT 2012 - 2015) RWANDA WILL BE THE 1ST COUNTRY TO TAKE CHCs TO SCALE THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY ABOUT THE CBEHPP TRAINING The training for CBEHPP is designed at three levels: Module 1: Advocacy for the CBEHPP Target audience: Opinion leaders in government and Development Agencies This one day Orientation Workshop is conducted by MoH for stakeholders at National and District level, based on the Road Map for CBEHPP launched in Nov. 2009. Module 2: Planning to start up CBEHPP in Rwanda using Community Hygiene Clubs Target Audience: District Environmental Health Officers The workshop is a 3 day training in all aspects of the CHC Approach to be used in CBEHPP, which is contained in this manual. As it is largely theoretical to enable planners to have an understanding of the CHC approach, it is not designed to be passed on to Community Health Workers in the village. Module 3: Participatory Sessions for Community Hygiene Clubs Target Audience: Community Health Workers at Village level This is a 5 day workshop, to enable Environment Health Officers and Community Health Workers to effectively facilitate the 24 topics which comprise the CBEHPP training, in the weekly sessions held within the Hygiene Club. This is a practical rather than theoretical training on the methodology, and not the health knowledge which is also needed for effective facilitation of Public Health. CBEHPP Tool Kit for the Participatory Sessions in CHCs Target Audience: semi-literate and illiterate villagers in Rwanda This is a Kit of 24 topics, each with 20 illustrated cards, which is used by the facilitator and CHC in the 24 sessions, in a participatory approach to training. The cards are visual aids with no written text, and can therefore be used at every level of education. They are culture specific to Rwanda and have been pretested in the field to ensure over 80% comprehension by the . PLANNING TO START COMMUNITY HYGIENE CLUBS IN RWANDA Ministry of Health Environmental Health Desk MANUAL FOR TRAINERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICERS Membership number PARTICIPATORY ACTIVITIES FOR TRAINING IN COMMUNITY HYGIENE CLUBS MANUAL FOR FACILITATORS AND COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS Community Based Environmental Health Promotion (CBEHPP) Programme Republic of Rwanda Topic. 17. Drinking Water

  16. CHCs : Vehicle for HolisticIntegrated Development Stage 1: Entry point is Health Promotion all common diseases are addressed Diarrhoea Worms Bilharzia Skin diseases Malaria Cholera HIV/AIDS Acute Respiratory Infections Stage 2: Water and Sanitation Stage 3: Food and Nutrition Stage 4: Social development: HIV/AIDS, Human Rights Livelihoods Water Sanitation Health Club Hygiene Nutrition

  17. Integrated Community Development Primary Health Water & Sanitation Environment Home-based care POVERTY ALLEVIATION THROUGH CHCs Education Food Security Skills Training Income Generation

  18. Community-Based Environmental Health Promotion Programme Cross - cutting Sectors & Ministries CBEHPP MOH: Sustainable Hygiene behavioral change CHWs MINEDUC: Enhancing human resources CBEHPP MINALOC & MINECOFIN: National development poverty alleviation MININFRA: Increasing access to rural /urban WSS

  19. CHC Dissemination • Locate HBC within overarching context of achieving preventative health (i.e. national disease burden) & poverty reduction Outcomes. • Provide a practical, low-cost, high-impact approach to enable MoH to generate Political Will and DP support • Provide a model that does not depend on external funding for start-up but can be initiated by LG and MoH extension staff (e.g. CHWs) • Capacity-build and motivate CHWs • Provide appropriate Tool-kits and Training Manuals

  20. THANK YOU & GOOD LUCK!! Shared Understanding Common Unity Shared norms and values CommunityHealth Clubs

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