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Park Senior High School

Park Senior High School. 2009-1010 School Improvement Plan. Our Vision. Our students will meet or exceed all state academic and graduation standards in order to be prepared for post-secondary education in a culturally diverse and democratic society. Why are we here?.

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Park Senior High School

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  1. Park Senior High School 2009-1010 School Improvement Plan

  2. Our Vision Our students will meet or exceed all state academic and graduation standards in order to be prepared for post-secondary education in a culturally diverse and democratic society.

  3. Why are we here? • To celebrate our growth, and present strategies for making continued progress toward attainment of our 2009-2010 school achievement goal: • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.

  4. How have we done in the past? • Last year, 79% of PHS 10th graders met proficiency standards in reading on the MCA II • This marks a trend increase since 2006 • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.

  5. What are we doing already? • Q-Comp PLCs and Team Goals • Reading/writing strategies across curriculum areas through Content Literacy Teams (CLTs) • Use of data and common assessment at Wednesday team meetings • Tiers of targeted reading intervention courses • Including double block Read 180 program • Literacy coach and Student Achievement Specialist positions • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.

  6. Why Do More? • Addition of 9th grade to PHS this year has added 500 new students to the building • 135 (28%) of these students were not proficient in reading on 8th grade MCA IIs • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.

  7. Why Do More? • According to spring 2009 MAP data, 25% of current PHS sophomores are not prepared to demonstrate proficiency on the 2010 MCA IIs • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.

  8. Where can we improve? • Additional tiers of targeted intervention for struggling readers • Fundamentals (SpEd), Read 180, English 9/10 • No intervention class currently exists for “fringe readers” above Read 180, but not ready for English 9/10 • School-wide advisory time focused on test preparation and academic success • Expanded opportunities for free reading time and enrichment • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.

  9. What’s new for this year? • Use the new 6 period/day schedule to increase student achievement • Academic advisory period during 4th hour for most students • Creation of new 85 minute Reading/Writing Workshop course for “fringe readers” in between Read 180 and English 9/10 • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.

  10. How does it all work? • A typical schedule for 2009-2010 Period 1: 8:35-9:25 Period 2: 9:30-10:20 Period 3: 10:25-11:15 Period 4: 11:20-1:15 Period 5: 1:20-2:10 Period 6: 2:15-3:05 *New Reading/Writing Workshop during A or D lunch • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.

  11. What is this new course all about? • Reading/Writing Workshop • Offered to grades 9-10 in place of regular English credits • Aligned to state standards with extra emphasis on specific skills • Aimed at students who are making growth, but are above Read 180 and below English 9/10 (fringe readers) • Combines time from period 4 and advisory together to make 85 minute block of instruction • All sections taught during same block to allow for differentiation and team teaching • Teachers given common prep for developing common formative assessments and utilizing data to drive instruction • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.

  12. What is academic advisory all about? • Academic Advisory • Includes all students 9-12 • Purpose is to provide time for academic enrichment and learning test preparation strategies without sacrificing content • Structured Schedule • Academic Support – Monday/Friday • Free Independent Reading – Tuesday/Thursday • Test Prep Strategies – Wednesday • Created by literacy coach and SAS • Introduced in Wednesday team meetings • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.

  13. How will we know if it’s working? • Measures of Evaluation • Common formative assessments across departments • Growth data from fall to winter MAPs • Spring MCA II and MAP scores • Attainment of our school student achievement goal • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.

  14. References Dufour, R., Dufour, R., Eaker, R., & Many, T. (2006). Learning by Doing. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree. Feeley, J., Strickland, D., & Wepner, S. (2002). The Administration and Supervision of Reading Programs. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. Lyons, C., & Pinnel, G. (2001). Systems for Change in Literacy Instruction. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Minnesota Department of Education. (2009). School Report Card Data. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2009, from http://education.state.mn.us Schmoker, M. (2006). Results Now. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

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