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Park Senior High School. 2009-1010 School Improvement Plan. Our Vision. Our students will meet or exceed all state academic and graduation standards in order to be prepared for post-secondary education in a culturally diverse and democratic society. Why are we here?.
Park Senior High School 2009-1010 School Improvement Plan
Our Vision Our students will meet or exceed all state academic and graduation standards in order to be prepared for post-secondary education in a culturally diverse and democratic society.
Why are we here? • To celebrate our growth, and present strategies for making continued progress toward attainment of our 2009-2010 school achievement goal: • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.
How have we done in the past? • Last year, 79% of PHS 10th graders met proficiency standards in reading on the MCA II • This marks a trend increase since 2006 • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.
What are we doing already? • Q-Comp PLCs and Team Goals • Reading/writing strategies across curriculum areas through Content Literacy Teams (CLTs) • Use of data and common assessment at Wednesday team meetings • Tiers of targeted reading intervention courses • Including double block Read 180 program • Literacy coach and Student Achievement Specialist positions • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.
Why Do More? • Addition of 9th grade to PHS this year has added 500 new students to the building • 135 (28%) of these students were not proficient in reading on 8th grade MCA IIs • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.
Why Do More? • According to spring 2009 MAP data, 25% of current PHS sophomores are not prepared to demonstrate proficiency on the 2010 MCA IIs • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.
Where can we improve? • Additional tiers of targeted intervention for struggling readers • Fundamentals (SpEd), Read 180, English 9/10 • No intervention class currently exists for “fringe readers” above Read 180, but not ready for English 9/10 • School-wide advisory time focused on test preparation and academic success • Expanded opportunities for free reading time and enrichment • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.
What’s new for this year? • Use the new 6 period/day schedule to increase student achievement • Academic advisory period during 4th hour for most students • Creation of new 85 minute Reading/Writing Workshop course for “fringe readers” in between Read 180 and English 9/10 • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.
How does it all work? • A typical schedule for 2009-2010 Period 1: 8:35-9:25 Period 2: 9:30-10:20 Period 3: 10:25-11:15 Period 4: 11:20-1:15 Period 5: 1:20-2:10 Period 6: 2:15-3:05 *New Reading/Writing Workshop during A or D lunch • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.
What is this new course all about? • Reading/Writing Workshop • Offered to grades 9-10 in place of regular English credits • Aligned to state standards with extra emphasis on specific skills • Aimed at students who are making growth, but are above Read 180 and below English 9/10 (fringe readers) • Combines time from period 4 and advisory together to make 85 minute block of instruction • All sections taught during same block to allow for differentiation and team teaching • Teachers given common prep for developing common formative assessments and utilizing data to drive instruction • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.
What is academic advisory all about? • Academic Advisory • Includes all students 9-12 • Purpose is to provide time for academic enrichment and learning test preparation strategies without sacrificing content • Structured Schedule • Academic Support – Monday/Friday • Free Independent Reading – Tuesday/Thursday • Test Prep Strategies – Wednesday • Created by literacy coach and SAS • Introduced in Wednesday team meetings • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.
How will we know if it’s working? • Measures of Evaluation • Common formative assessments across departments • Growth data from fall to winter MAPs • Spring MCA II and MAP scores • Attainment of our school student achievement goal • 84% of 10th grade students at Park High School will score in the proficient range or better on the MCA II reading assessment in 2010.
References Dufour, R., Dufour, R., Eaker, R., & Many, T. (2006). Learning by Doing. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree. Feeley, J., Strickland, D., & Wepner, S. (2002). The Administration and Supervision of Reading Programs. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. Lyons, C., & Pinnel, G. (2001). Systems for Change in Literacy Instruction. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Minnesota Department of Education. (2009). School Report Card Data. Retrieved Dec. 9, 2009, from http://education.state.mn.us Schmoker, M. (2006). Results Now. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.