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David Stackrow Task Force Co-chair. APTA Task Force on Member Collaboration. Update May 2, 2016. Member Collaboration Task Force Background and Organization.
David StackrowTask Force Co-chair APTA Task Force on Member Collaboration • Update • May 2, 2016
Member Collaboration Task Force Background and Organization • Task Force Charter: Identify ways for APTA to enhance internal partnerships and collaboration amongst key membership constituent groups (Transit Operator Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), Business Member Board of Governors (BMBG), Transit Board Members (TBM) as the core groups) and between APTA and key external associations and organizations with shared program and policy interests. • Internal and External collaboration focus: • Internal: APTA key groups (Operator CEOs, Bus Members, TBMs) • External: US Conf of Mayors (USCM) , Nat’l League of Cities (NLC), Nat’l Assoc of Reg’l Councils (NARC) • Focus on internal collaboration as first priority • Structure: 3 co-chairs, 15 committee members, 3 ex-officio, 3 APTA support staff • Deliverables identified on or before May 2016 • Committee and workgroups are encouraged to engage and survey (where appropriate) a broader range of all membership groups to ensure multiple viewpoints are included on issues
Transit Board Members Members of the Task Force are: Beverly Silas, Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Austin, TX Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Los Angeles, CA Carol Herrera, Foothill Transit, West Covina, CA Anthony Giancola, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, Washington, DC Fred Daniels, Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority, Atlanta, GA
Member Collaboration Task ForceWorkgroups Overview • Key Initiative Alignment • Find a mechanism by which APTA constituent groups can share and achieve alignment on key priorities and initiatives including enhanced communications and collaborative efforts among the groups • APTA Strategic Plan Alignment • Ensure that all constituent groups are engaged with forwarding APTA’s Strategic Plan as an essential component of their committee work plans • Staff Support for APTA Constituent Groups • Evaluate the expectations for staff support of APTA constituent needs as compared to current staff services and amount of resources • Input to the APTA budget and business planning process where appropriate • APTA Staff Engagement with Executive Committee and Board of Directors • Ensure APTA staff, executive committee and board members know how to engage with each other to ensure the highest level of respect and transparency • APTA Member Services and Association Culture • Review APTA delivery of member services with specific focus on association culture to best understand variability of constituent needs
Member Collaboration Task Force - External Key Focus Areas • External collaboration activity is a priority 2 following internal collaboration items on prior slide • Focus on engagement and alignment with: • US Conf of Mayors (USCM) , Nat’l League of Cities (NLC), Nat’l Assoc of Reg’l Councils (NARC) • Develop MOUs where appropriate with above external groups • APTA support (policy staff) in conjunction with APTA Chair and all Task Force members • Key focus areas for extended engagement: • Joint involvement at meetings • Study abroad • Target announcement of MOUs and engagement activities at at APTA Legislative Meeting
Final Report APTA TASK FORCE ON MEMBER COLLABORATION Work Group 1: APTA Key Initiative Alignment Lead: Beverly Silas Members: Keith Parker Jeff Wharton Oversight: Doran Barnes Staff: Petra Mollet
Work Group 1 MANDATE: Find a mechanism by which APTA constituent groups can share and achieve alignment on key priorities and initiatives including enhanced communications and collaborative efforts among the groups
Work Group 1 – ITEMS FOR APTA STAFF ACTION • Ensure committee collaboration pages are up-to-date and members are trained on how to use them • APTA Committee Staff Advisors held training on 1 April which included use of Collaboration Pages • A video on how to use Collaboration Pages has been created by APTA staff was distributed to the APTA Board on 14 April, posted to the APTA website on 15 April and subsequently distributed for all APTA committee members • The Collaboration Page for the Task Force on Member Collaboration continues to be used to post Task Force materials
Work Group 1 – ITEMS FOR APTA STAFF ACTION 2.Identify mechanisms for committees to share information between themselves on best practices A. Committee mandates and priorities have been updated on the APTA website B. Designated Committee chairs have been reminded to use the Quarterly Reporting Mechanism to the Board as a way of communicating about current work products and priorities
Work Group 1 – ITEMS FOR APTA STAFF ACTION 3.Provide a mechanism for committee chairs of key constituent groups to attend each others’ meetings A. APTA staff are reviewing the sequence of meetings of key constituent groups at the next annual meeting in 2016 to allow chairs and/or vice-chairs to attend at minimum a portion of each meeting B. APTA staff will ensure invitations are sent to key constituent group chairs and vice-chairs for respective meetings
Work Group 1 – POLICY ITEMS FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTION • Provide a mechanism for a revision of the APTA Travel Policy for APTA officers to attend annual meetings of key constituent groups A. A new policy will be reviewed by the APTA Finance Committee on 20-21 April and subsequently be proposed to the Executive Committee on 14 May for approval
Work Group 1 – POLICY ITEMS FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTION 2.Provide a mechanism for committee chairs of key constituent groups to attend each others’ meetings A.Propose a mechanism be established for chairs of key constituent groups (i.e., BMBG, Transit Board Members, Small Ops, Mid-size Ops, Bus, Rail, and Commuter Rail CEOs) to meet at least once a year to discuss governance, processes, committee best practices, and key initiatives
Final Report APTA TASK FORCE ON MEMBER COLLABORATION Work Group 2: APTA Strategic Plan Alignment Members: Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker Carl Sedoryk Oversight: David Stackrow Staff: Petra Mollet
Work Group 2 MANDATE: Ensure that all constituent groups are engaged with forwarding APTA’s Strategic Plan as an essential component of their committee work plans
Work Group 2 – ITEMS FOR APTA STAFF ACTION 1. Provide templates for committee work plans on a voluntary basis A. Two models for work plans to act as guidance for committees were presented at the meeting of Designated Committees on 12 March and will be redistributed as part of meeting minutes
Work Group 2 – ITEMS FOR APTA STAFF ACTION 2. Improve transition and succession between chairs of committees to ensure continuity and include in Committee charter/bylaws • APTA staff to create guide/checklist to be used consistently for onboarding of new chairs – to be completed prior to the APTA Bus Conference • Ask all committees to ensure vice-chairs are in place and given opportunities to prepare to lead committee – to be completed by end of June • APTA staff conducting committee bylaws review include sufficient processes for leadership succession – to be completed by end of June
Work Group 2 – ITEMS FOR APTA STAFF ACTION 3. Explore more cross-pollination of speakers and topics between key constituent groups (e.g., BMBG, CEOs and TBM seminars) A. APTA staff advisors to coordinate closely on proposed programming of annual seminars and meetings to ensure synergies are leveraged
Work Group 2 – POLICY ITEMS FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTION • Continue to request Strategic Plan is a guide for committee work plans • Strategic plan to continue to be a key element of Board orientation and annual meeting of designated committee chairs • Connection to strategic plan included in template for quarterly committee reports and oral committee report outs
Work Group 2 – POLICY ITEM FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTION 2. Include APTA Diversity Policy in Committee Work A. All committee chairs asked to review Diversity Plan and how their committee contributes, and give feedback to Diversity Council when relevant
FINAL REPORT APTA TASK FORCE ON MEMBER COLLABORATION Work Group 3: Staff Support for APTA Constituent Groups Lead: Lauren Skiver Members: Hugh Harrison Carol Herrera Oversight: Ann August Staff: Dick White
Work Group 3 ITEMS FOR APTA STAFF ACTION: • Revise membership application to include individual membership: Completed and new form available online and otherwise will become available with the next batch printing of APTA membership application forms • How to get small and rural agencies to attend conferences/meetings • Identify transit agencies who are not APTA members, by state: Will be completed before April 30th • Examine how the use of technology could better support enhanced member “virtual participation”: Improvements to be identified and acted upon on or before the Annual Meeting
Working Group 3 ITEMS FOR APTA STAFF ACTION (cont’d): • Identify how to strengthen Associate Group affiliations (CTAA, State Transit Associations, etc.) with APTA: Staff summary report on current activities has been issued; staff recommendation for enhanced activity under development and to be completed in conjunction with August 2016 State Public Transportation Partnerships/ Transit Midwest Conference.
Working Group 3 POLICY ITEMS FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTION: • Identify “Not to Dos” for constituent groups (e.g. TBM): Final draft of APTA Sponsorship Guidelines in preparation and will be ready for approval and implementation by April 30th • How to get small and rural agencies to attend conferences/meetings: Action item for Revenue Task Force (RTF)
APTA TASK FORCE ON MEMBER COLLABORATION Work Group 4: Staff Engagement with Executive Committee and Board of Directors Lead: Chuck Wochele Members: Tony Giancola Don Orseno Oversight: Kim Green Staff: Jim LaRusch
Work Group 4 ACTION ITEM: Create mentoring process for new board members RESULT: • Drafted and accepted by work group • Ready to be implemented • Work Group 4 deliverable
Work Group 4 ACTION ITEM: Create mechanism to deal with urgent and emerging issues RESULT: • Drafted and accepted by work group • Ready to be implemented • Work Group 4 deliverable
Work Group 4 ACTION ITEM: Assess applicability and identify KPIs for board and committee work RESULT: •Identified variation in designated committee purpose and recommend matching variation in work plan drafting/KPIs • Work Group 4 deliverable
Work Group 4 ACTION ITEM: Develop and issue a survey to the APTA BOD. It was later decided to extend the survey to the CEO’s and TBM Committees. RESULT: •Survey issued to all groups, results reported to full task force. • Work Group 4 deliverable
FINAL REPORT APTA TASK FORCE ON MEMBER COLLABORATION Work Group 5: APTA Member Services and Association Culture Lead: Fred Daniels Members: Joe Calabrese, Paul Skoutelas Oversight: Patrick Scully Staff: Dick White
Work Group 5 ITEMS FOR APTA STAFF ACTION: • Recommend President/CEO to immediately foster a can do approach and attitude with staff. Treat members as customers. Improve openness, transparency and flexibility. Address ADA Strategy for meeting. • Re-training for all staff advisors underway and to be completed by July 2016 • Customer service training for all employees underway and to be completed by July 2016 • New employee onboarding/orientation process issued and in effect • ADA check list issued and included as part of Staff Advisor manual/training program • Methods of measuring success identified in earlier report and included as appendix
Work Group 5 POLICY ITEMS FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTION: • Recommend optimization of President’s performance review to be broader and focus on culture: Action item for President/CEO Compensation Subcommittee and Executive Committee • Recommendation for Member Services Committee to address how to gain back lost members: Key membership cost and conference pricing issues are to be addressed by Revenue Task Force (RTF) • Recommendation of Member Services to assess how to address large operation and small operation needs: Same as number 2 • Implement concepts from Morgenstern Board Performance Imperative: Receive proposal from Amy Morgenstern for an implementation plan to help deliver recommended principles and best practices for high performing APTA governance
APPENDIX Work Group 5 Action Item: Recommend President/CEO to immediately foster a can do approach and attitude with staff. Treat members as customers. Improve openness, transparency and flexibility. Address ADA strategy for meetings. – Methods of Measuring Success • President/CEO action plans to improve staff morale, performance and accountability is based on the following building blocks • Baseline/benchmark survey in early 2015 by TPO consultant as part of their scope for implementing the new APTA Performance Management System • New Performance Management System currently being implemented and which is based on quarterly (vs annual) performance reviews and which drives two way dialogue and enhanced performance accountability • New Strategic Plan/Business Plan/Budget Alignment Program advanced under Davidoff consultant assistance; based on S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused, and Time-bound) outcomes: and with linkages to employee performance management plans • The frequency for conducting Member Satisfaction Survey will be shortened from five years, to two years, effective CY2017