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Explore the importance of co-production and personalization in care services for individuals with long-term disabilities and life-limiting conditions. Learn about outcomes-focused service delivery and the Social Value Act of 2012. Discover tools for measuring success and enhancing community support.
Supporting People Provider Event:Services for People With Long Term Disabilities and Life Limiting Conditions
What is Prevention and Early Intervention? • Care and Support White Paper (2012) • Adult Services Vision (2012-15) • Long Term Strategic Review 2013
Care and Support White Paper A new system for care and support that promotes wellbeing and independence • Early intervention to minimise the need for more intensive care and support services • Better Information and Advice • Real Choice and Control • Active and Inclusive Communities
Adult Services Vision 1. Early Intervention and Prevention - Support offered to all adults and communities. 2. Crisis Care and Reablement – Support which is targeted but not means tested. 3. Long Term Care and Support – Support which is subject to eligibility criteria and means tested.
Strategic Review of Long Term Services • Need to improve access to services for all client groups • Need to deliver services to meet the Adult Services Vision • Services to be community focussed, encouraging co production with and between service users, their communities and other resources available. • Ensure services are person-centred, enabling individual choice and control wherever possible
Supporting People Commissioning Intentions • Outcomes Focussed Service Delivery • Co Production • Personalisation • Public Services (Social Value Act) 2012
Outcomes Focussed Service Delivery Eg. DH Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework: • Enhancing quality of life for people with care and support needs • Delaying and reducing the need for care and support • Ensuring people have a positive experience of care and support • Safeguarding adults whose circumstances make them vulnerable and protecting from avoidable harm. • What outcomes would you include? • Payments by Results?
Co-Production Co-production means designing and delivering services in an equal and reciprocal relationship between professionals, people using services, their families and their neighbours.” enlisting people as co-producers of public services This is not about consultation or participation – except in the broadest sense. The point is not to consult more, or involve people more in decisions; it is to encourage them to use the human skills and experience they have to help deliver public or voluntary service ‘broadening and deepening” public services so that they are no longer the preserve of professionals or commissioners, but a shared responsibility, both building and using a multi-faceted network of mutual support. New Economics Foundation Co Production for a growing economy 2008
Personalisation “Every person who receives support, whether provided by statutory services or funded by themselves, will have choice and control over the shape of that support in all care settings” (DH 2012) putting individuals firmly in the driving seat of building a system of care and support that is designed with their full involvement and tailored to meet their own unique needs. It is not: “one size fits all” system of individuals having to access, and fit into, care and support services that already exist which have been designed and commissioned on their behalf by Local Authorities for example. It is: Innovative and tailored solutions to meet individual need Working better in partnership with other organisations through formal partnerships, sub contractual arrangement, Use of budget to meet outcomes in different ways than now?
Social Value Act 2012 "The opportunity that the Bill gives to us is to give as much credence to social value as to cost. If we do not do this, then we end up knowing the cost of everything and the value of nothing." Baroness Stedman-Scott. • Looks at the wider benefits of publicly commissioned services to the local community • Public bodies need to consider it alongside ‘Best Value’ • Includes social, economic or environmental wellbeing.
Useful Links • https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/caring-for-our-future-reforming-care-and-support • http://www.personalisationagenda.org.uk/ • http://www.neweconomics.org/publications/entry/co-production • http://www.thinklocalactpersonal.org.uk/ • http://www.coproductionnetwork.com/ • http://www.navca.org.uk/socialvalue • http://www.communitycatalysts.co.uk/ • http://www.sitra.org/policy-good-practice/personalisation/ • http://www.timebanking.org/
Workshop • Future Provision What outcomes would you like to see included? How might you measure these? What do you think about payment by results? Who might your potential partners be? • Co-production – • How can we all increase co-production? • Social Value How could your service measure this? How can you evidence its success?