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Enhancing Localisation in Nigeria: Key Observations & Recommendations

This report highlights the need for more collaborative partnerships and sustained capacity building for local actors in Nigeria to take on independent roles in service delivery. Recommendations include mentoring/coaching partnerships, leadership coaching, and sector strategy development.

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Enhancing Localisation in Nigeria: Key Observations & Recommendations

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  1. Nigeria – Scoping Mission (Localisation) Key Actions and Recommendations

  2. Key Observations Re-affirms what we already know: Local actors are providing a majority of services, but most funding comes through UN or INGOs; and is generally short term, project based. There were no examples of unearmarked/indirect budget lines for local organisations. Partnerships are generally positive; but are predominantly sub-granting or sub-contracting in nature. The application of the Principles of Partnership is inconsistent. Institutional capacity building remains limited (less that 1% of programme support costs) and poorly coordinated. Capacity building commitments are rarely articulated in partnership agreements.

  3. Key Observations The Game-Changers: For local actors to be able to play a more independent role in service delivery and sectoral leadership/participation, they need: More collaborative partnerships. These should be based on mutual accountability and which draw on coaching and mentoring relationships, rather than sub-contracting/sub-granting. Sustained institutional capacity building. This requires a combination of longer term coaching/mentoring rather than training; and access to unearmarked institutional resources.

  4. Localisation Priorities

  5. Priorities and Next Steps Partnerships: Mentoring/Coaching Partnerships: Identify at least one UN/INGO to implement by embedding or seconding a specialist to a local organisation. Global EC/CPAoRto support documentation and advocacy with donors. Leadership Coaching – identify partner with financial resources; discussion with Micromentor. Global EC/CPAoR to facilitate discussion. Partnership Culture: Facilitate a special session on the Principles of Partnership in CPSSWG meeting, including securing commitments from members. Global EC/CPAoR to finalise analysis of surveys and provide guidance on methodology.

  6. Priorities and Next Steps Institutional Capacity Building Mentoring/Coaching Strategies: Leverage NHF funding for coaching/mentoring approaches to institutional capacity building (finalise menu of options and support partners’ applications). Global EC/CPAoR to support documentation, and provide resources for audits if unearmarked funding is successful. Develop Institutional Action Plans: Identify partner with resources to facilitate capacity assessment and planning, drawing on SHAPE Framework. Global EC/CPAoR to facilitate contact with SHAPE partners and support documentation. Sector Strategy: Draft and incorporate sector institutional capacity strategy into CP Sector Strategy for 2018. Global EC/CPAoR to support drafting and share with other WGs.

  7. Priorities and Next Steps Leadership, Decision-Making; Participation and Influence Co-leadership for CPSSWG: Explore tripartite leadership arrangement with Govt and if agreed, identify local partner. NHF could also be approached for funding (through Priority 8) for local partner and/or an INGO to provide shadowing/coaching/ mentoring. Global EC/CPAoR to provide sample ToRs. Finalise Strategic Advisory Group: To include local actors, and support these local actors to apply for funding through NHF to support their participation. Global EC/CPAoR to support with sample ToRs for Advisory Group and link local members with other SAG representatives in other countries. Expand engagement with non-usual actors: Establish structured communication with at least 1 academic and 1 private sector partner; and explore partnership options with Translators Without Borders.

  8. Priorities and Next Steps Other recommendations for Global EC/CP AoR Expand membership – e.g. Creative Associates, DRC/DDG, ChristianAid, ActionAid all working on CPiE/Education Finalise tools: Partnership self-assessment (with ICVA/IFRC?) Menu of Partnership Options Training Module for Coordinators Support contributions to global dialogue (joint blog with NNGOs?)

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