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Clusters in Catalonia 18th November 2013

Clusters in Catalonia 18th November 2013. Clusters: a global phenomena. CLUSTERS IN THE WORLD. Aprox. More than 3.000 initiatives in different countries and regions (*). +. Regions and countries with initiatives based on cluster development. Sweden Turkey Lithuania. Pakistan Kazakhstan

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Clusters in Catalonia 18th November 2013

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  1. Clusters in Catalonia18th November 2013

  2. Clusters: a global phenomena CLUSTERS IN THE WORLD • Aprox. More than 3.000 initiatives in different countries and regions (*) • + • Regions and countries with initiatives based on cluster development • Sweden • Turkey • Lithuania • Pakistan • Kazakhstan • Poland • …. • Austria • Jordanian • México • South Africa • .... • France • Estonia • Denmark • Slovenia • UK • Minas Gerais • ... • Basque Country • Scotland • Arizona • Catalonia • Massachusetts • Emilia-Romagna • Toscana • .... • New Zealand • Costa Rica • California • .... • - • 1980 • 1990 • 1992 • 1997 • 2001 • 2003 • 2005 • 2011 • (*) Estimation from TCI,European Cluster Observatory 2011

  3. Lessons learned • There are no good or bad sectors There are winning strategies and obsolete strategies in all sectors

  4. Why clusters? • COMPETITIVENESS • Last target • WINNING • STRATEGIES • BUSINESS • Success or future strategies in this business • Segment by business and not by statistical codes • CLUSTER • Tool: place to discuss group strategy and implement actions according to the strategy • 4

  5. Cluster Objective • + • Collective winning • strategy. • Obsolete collective • strategy. • Business Cooperation • Obsolete individual strategy. • Individual winning • strategy. • _ • _ • + • Competitiveness

  6. New business segmentation Gourmet food Cluster

  7. New business segmentation • FOOD • (Ordesa, Nestlé, Nafree, Haribo…) • KIDS CLUSTER • TOYS • Educa Borrás, Diset, IMC • Toys, Ninco…) • PERSONAL CARE -COSMETICS • (Arbora&Ausonia, Nenuco, Interparfum, Air-val…) • Schoolarship • (Jovi, Alpino-Dacs, • Busquets, Factis, Manley…) • URBAN FURNITURE • (Mein, Fund. Dúctil Benito • Gubern Casas…) • FASHION & COMPLEMENTS • ( Canada House,, Schuss, Gama Textil…) • PRINTING • (Edebé, Planeta infantil, La • Magrana, Casals, Barcanova…) • ENTERTAINMENT • (Falgas, Egar Baby, Planeta • Magic, Aventura Park…) • “SERVICES” – EDUCATION • (Invenio, Hamelin, Kids&Us…) • FURNITURE • (Pipoo, Baby Cinque, Asdara…) • MEDIA • (Imira Ent.,Neptuno) • CHILDCARE • (Jané, Play, Dorel Hisp…)

  8. Cluster Methodology • Cluster monitoring • Strategic Analysis • Definition main characteristics of the sector • Strategic analysis (competitive strengths) • Environment analysis • Business tendencies at global level • Suggested actions for companies • Suggested actions for Government • Action plan • Companies’ Strategic change • Technological change • Executive training • Internationalization • Benchmarking • Strategic Dive • Tailored actions • 3 • Stablishing governance • Set up • cluster association • 1 • Understanding the business • 2 • Changing the strategy in the right direction • Public presentation • 4 • Guarantying sustainability • Hiring Cluster manager • Month 0 • Month 4 • Month 16 • Month 20 • Strategic Change Process • Competitive analysis • Governance

  9. Search for the salmons

  10. Leadership: keypeople • Personal commitment with innovation • Break the conventional wisdom • Vision of the future • Business Ambition • Roots • Resilience (They try harder!!) FIRST PEOPLE, THEN STRATEGY

  11. The salmons are the engine of the cluster.

  12. High impact • Transformational projects • Strategic change process • Facilitation activities • Low impact • Short term • Long term


  14. But, how do we cooperate? • 1. Creating Trust • 2. Developing transformational projects based on the strategic challenges • 3. Working with small groups with leaders sharing the same vision • 4. Searching for your own profitability but also “sweating the t-shirt” for the others • Cooperation is a “muscle” • which develops exercising

  15. Joint distribution • Transformational Projects

  16. Transformational Projects • Sophisticating the demand: Lighting Academy

  17. PRIVATE LEADERSHIP IS ESSENTIAL • HIGH PRIORITY • Research in ICT • Sourcing in China • Logistics in Morocco • OUTLET • Support to tax reliefs • LEGO • New products T.I • Brand marketing • Marketing China • Tablet’s Promotion No projects without private leadership • Promotion of retail • SHORT TERM LONG TERM • Training • manufacturing centers • Support to companies’ strategic change • Simulation tools • Connect • EU Brand • LOW PRIORITY

  18. The future will be hybrid • Intercluster projects • PROJECT HEALTH AND SPORTS

  19. The future will be hybrid • Intercluster projects • Children’s health • Medical devices cluster • Acuaculture cluster • Kid’s cluster • Sports cluster

  20. The salmons are the engine of the cluster, projects are the gasoline.

  21. TCI Headquarters • Catalonia: A Holistic Cluster Ecosystem • Pro-clusters • Government since 1993 • 1.000 active companies • in 24 clusters • Business Schools • (IESE,ESADE) • training • Cluster Professionals • Some world-leading • Cluster Consultants

  22. Moltes gràcies!!! • Joan Martí Estévez • Manager of Cluster Development • jomarti@gencat.cat @ACCIO

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