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School based Comprehensive Evaluation. Std. X. Aim. The aim of education is to provide a holistic approach of learning to the students. In order to fulfill this aim , it is necessary to provide an all-round development to the students.
Aim • The aim of education is to provide a holistic approach of learning to the students. • In order to fulfill this aim , it is necessary to provide an all-round development to the students. • This can be done by implementing a continuous and comprehensive evolution method in the institution. • Under this, both Scholastic and Co-Scholastic aspects should be given due recognition.
Different parts of the country such as Jammu and Kashmir , Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab have adopted school-based comprehensive Evaluation in their education system.
EvaluationSCE has two broad categories • Scholastic Assessment (A) Formative Assessment (B) Summative Assessment 2. Co - Scholastic Assessment
S C E Scholastic 1. English 2. Mathematics 3. Science and Technology 4. Social Science 5.Gujarati 6.Hindi/Sanskrit Optional subjects:-- 7. P. T. / Computer (School) F A S A Co- Scholastic 1. Values 2. Life Skills INDICATORS (Set of Characteristics) * Make separate book for writing INDICATORS.
Formative Assessment • FA is a tool to monitor a student’s progress in a non-threatening and supportive environment. • FA is conducted during a course of instruction for providing continuous feedback to both the teachers and students. • FA includes activities related to the chapter but not necessarily from the chapter.
Procedure of Formative Assessment • Short Test :-- Blanks, Match the following, Answer in one sentence, Reason, Arrange in order, Find the false word from the underlined words. • Answer in one –two words. • Map work and making time line. • Identify the pictures. • Paragraph writing and making list. • Oral test.
(G) State true or False. (H) Assertion reason. • Quizzing :-- MCQ , Identify picture / video, True/False, Map work, Blanks, Grammar Test, Who said to whom. (J) Experiments :- Collect Information. (k) Classification. (L) Practicals.
(M) Class Work. (N) Home Work :-- Chart, Picture cuttings, scrap book. (O) Observations. (P) By street play, role play, Mono acting. (Q) Poster, Slogan Competition (R) Forming Clubs. (S) Arrange the order:-- Events of History, English sentence, Experiment or Theorem, Increasing and Decreasing order. (T) Project work. (U) Forming story.
Summative Assessment • Pen-paper test :-- (a) M.C.Q. (b) Short & Long Questions 2. Assessment :-- Marks and Grades
Scholastic Evaluation(Optional Subject :- P . T. / Computer ) Semester 1 [ 15 M ] Semester 2 [ 15 M ] F A 1 ( 5 M) F A 3 ( 5 M ) F A 2 ( 5 M) F A 4 ( 5 M ) S A 1 ( 5 M) S A 2 ( 5 M ) – Prelims (full course) [ Theory(50)+ Practical(50)= 100 m ] convert into 5 m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Examination :--(18th February 2015) • 50 m theory +50 m practical =100 m. Convert into 70%. • Final Result = 70% + Sem 1(15%) + Sem 2 (15%)= 100% • Grade. Note : -- Minimum 17 marks in each section ( Theory & Practical)
Co-Scholastic Assessment • In order to transform a student into an ideal human being and a responsible citizen. • It is equally important to inculcate VALUES and LIFE SKILLS. • For this teachers has to observe:-- How a student behaves under various circumstances. How he handles various situations. What is his attitude towards work and life. • These things can be observed and assessed with the help of a set of characteristics that the learner displays. These characteristics are called “INDICATORS”.
Co – Scholastic Evaluation [ 1 ] Values :-- a) Nationalism • Leadership • Honesty • Co-operation • Compassion [ 2 ] Life Skills :-- • Communication Skill • Stress Management Skill • Time management Skill • Health Management Skill • Financial Management Skill • Environmental Management Skill
Co-Scholastic Grading Indicators Grade • 8 & above --- A • 3 to 7 --- B • less than 3 --- C
School Logo GUJARAT REFINERY ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOL (Managed by The Society of St. Basil) Jawaharnagar P.O., Dist:- Vadodara -391 320 Phone : 0265 – 2236554 E-mail ID:- principalgrems@yahoo.co.in School Registration Number:- 2419 PROGRESS REPORT – 2011 – 2012 Std. : X Section :- ________ I. Name of the student : _________________________________________ Date of Birth : _________________________________________ G.R. Number : _________________________________________ Roll Number : _________________________________________ Address : _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Contact Number: ______________________ (M) ______________________ Mother’s Name : ____________________ Father’s Name : ______________ II. HEALTH STATUS Height : ______________________ Weight: __________________ Blood Group : _______________Vision : (Left) ________ (Right) _______ Teeth: _____________________ Oral Hygiene : _____________________ Specific Ailment , if any : ________________________________________ III. Specimen signature of Mother: ________________ Father : ________________
Grading System Section I – A – Main Subject To pass a candidate has to score minimum ‘D’ grade. Section I – B – Optional Subject
Percentile Rank:- Percentile means, percentage of students obtaining less marks than the student. Example:- Suppose, there are 60 students in a class and one student has scored 85 marks in Mathematics, 54 students of this class have obtained less than 85 marks. Then ……… Percentile Rank: Percentile Rank of this student is 90. Remarks:- Miss / Master _______________ has passed and promoted / is promoted to Std. _________ Section ________. She / He Needs Improvement in Std. IX. School will reopens on ___________ at _____________. Sign : of Class Teacher Principal. Note : Parents are requested to return this card to the respective Class Teacher within three days after the receipt of this card. They can keep this card with them after the declaration of the Final Result. A fine of Rs. 50 will be levied on those who lose this progress report.
Minimum Passing Marks Out of 30 (School Level) : 10 Out of 70 (Board): 23
Assessment Schedule for Academic Year 2014 - 15 FA 1 : June, July FA 2 : August, September SA 1 : 18.9.2014 onwards FA 3 : October, November FA 4 : December, January SA 2 : 29.1.15 onwards Exam for Optional Subject: 18.2.15 Board Examination : 12.3.15