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The Second Assembly

The Second Assembly. Our Opportunity or Our Excuse?. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together… (Heb 10:25). Which assembling of ourselves are we obliged not to forsake? All scheduled assemblies of local church What is our authority for multiple assemblies? (Sunday and others)

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The Second Assembly

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Second Assembly Our Opportunity or Our Excuse?

  2. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together… (Heb 10:25) • Which assembling of ourselves are we obliged not to forsake? • All scheduled assemblies of local church • What is our authority for multiple assemblies? (Sunday and others) • Why have them? • How do we view our participation in them? • What happens when we forsake them?

  3. By what Authority?(Matt 21:23; Col 3:17) First day assembly • Apostolic approved example, Acts 20:7 (Phil 4:9) • Necessary inference, 1 Cor 16:2 • “I’ll come when I can” is not a disciple mindset, Luke 6:40 Purposes(1 Cor 14:26) Worship and Edify • Break bread, Acts 20:7; 1 Cor 11:20, 33 • Teach word, Acts 20:7 • Give, 1 Cor 16:2 • Pray, 1 Cor 14:15-19 • Sing, Eph 5:19

  4. Bible Authority for Additional Assemblies • The Lord’s Day, 1 Cor 11:17-18; 14:26 • Other days, Acts 2:46 (42); 5:42 • Purposes for additional assemblies: • Worship God, Eph 5:19; Col 3:16; Heb 13:15 • Feed church, Acts 20:28; 1 Cor 14:26 • Stir up love and good works, Heb 10:24 • Unity of the church, 1 Cor 11:33 • “Wait” – To receive, accept, expect (1 Cor 16:11; Heb 11:10)

  5. Concerns over Wrong Attitudes about Worship Assemblies

  6. Deemphasizing Faithful Attendance at All Assemblies (Heb 6:11-12) • “As long as I make it to one of the services” (to eat the Lord’s Supper) • Classes are not viewed as important • Singing services are view as inferior • Some weary of full attendance…such attitudes wearies God! Isa 43:22-24 (Mal 1:13); Psa 122:1 (Rom 12:1-2)

  7. “Onesters” • Description by a 19th century Methodist of those who only attended Sunday morning services • Revised form today: • The Christian who forsakes some of the assemblies, thinking that “showing up once on Sunday is really all that matters anyway”

  8. “Not On Sunday Night”(Gus Nichols) I love the church that Jesus built, And I know that it is right; I go every Sunday morn, But not on Sunday night. I love to sing the songs of God, Such worship must be right; This I do on Sunday morn, But not on Sunday night.

  9. “Not On Sunday Night”(Gus Nichols) And may God bless our preacher, too; And give him power and might; But put a sinner in my place, I won’t be there Sunday night. I love to hear the Gospel too, It gives me pure delight. I hear it every Sunday morn, But not on Sunday night.

  10. “Not On Sunday Night”(Gus Nichols) And I’d go thru rain and sleet and snow, Do anything that’s right To be in church on Sunday morn, But not on Sunday night. I know I need more hope and strength To keep me in the fight; For help I come on Sunday morn, But not on Sunday night.

  11. “Not On Sunday Night”(Gus Nichols) Yes, we all must someday die; I hope I’ll be doing right; So I might die on Sunday morn, And not on Sunday night. “The glory has departed”! 1 Sam 4:19-22

  12. Concern over the Erosion of the Attitude of Excellence • Instead of doing “all we can do” we reduce ourselves to what is “the least I must do” • Mediocrity and apathy! • “What do I have to do”, not “what can I do”? Matt 15:7-9 (Luke 10:39; Acts 2:42)

  13. Concern over the Erosion of the Attitude of Excellence • Rebuttal: “But life is so busy today” • Life in NT times was daily subsistence • Our lives have much leisure time • Could it be our complaint is because we do not think we have enough leisure time to always be assembling with the church? • Press toward high calling, Phil 3:13-14 • Takes sacrifice, priorities and commitment, Luke 9:57-60

  14. When We Choose Not to Attend All Services in our Power to Attend (2 Cor 8:12) • We set a poor example, Matt 5:16; 1 Pet 2:11-12 (cf. 1 Tim 4:12) • We are poor stewards of time, Eph 5:16 • We fail to sacrifice for Lord, Mk 12:41-44 • Have not set proper priorities, Matt 6:33-34

  15. Hebrews 10:24-26: Do not sin 2 Corinthians 13:5: Examine and repent The Assembling of Ourselves Together

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