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GÉANT is a powerful infrastructure network developed from TEN-155, covering 31 countries and interconnecting over 3,000 institutions. With gigabit speeds, global connectivity, and guaranteed quality of service, GÉANT aims to support research collaboration and cooperation worldwide.
GÉANT: European Research at full speed eBalkans Conference, Thessaloniki (Greece), 29 June 2001 Marine Chartois, DANTE
A project: 4-year project, officially started 01 Nov. 2000 Total estimated costs: 200M Euro 80M EC co-funding (Framework V Programme - IST) Policy agreed to by a Consortium of 26 NRENs, DANTE as co-ordinating partner What is GÉANT? (1)
A network Developed from TEN-155 Fully operational in November 2001 Covering 31 countries through 27 NRENs Interconnecting over 3,000 institutions What is GÉANT? (2)
Participants and Geography
Gigabit Speeds Geographic Expansion Global Connectivity Guaranteed Quality of Service GÉANT - The Goals
Backbone speeds: initial target: core at 2.5 Gbps network achieved: 9 trunks at 10 Gbps and 11 trunks at 2.5 Gbps Access speeds: 11 NRENs to connect at 2.5 Gbps Future plans: 100’s of Gbps within four years GÉANT - The Goals (1) Gigabit Speeds
TEN-155: 21 NRENs linked 25 countries connected in total GÉANT: 27 NRENS 31 countries - 6 new countries, 2 in the Balkans Open to further connections from national organisations GÉANT - The Goals (2) Geographic Expansion
Connectivity to other regions of the world European Distributed Access: effective distribution mechanism through backbone core uniform presentation of the European networks GÉANT - The Goals (3) Global Connectivity
TEN-155 continuity: TEN-155 Managed Bandwidth Service, using ATM technology End-to-end QoS with NREN involvement Different types of QoS: Guaranteed bandwidth Predictable delay and jitter Guaranteed bandwidth + predictable delay and jitter GÉANT - The Goals (4) Guaranteed QoS
A network for research: TF-NGN, SEQUIN http://www.dante.net/tf-ngn http://www.dante.net/sequin Initiatives with IPv6: TF-NGN, 6NET Proposal Co-operation with Grids: EuroGrid, DataGrid Joint development clauses with suppliers GÉANT - A Development Platform
A powerful infrastructure The most advanced network of its kind world-wide Available to support research collaboration throughout Europe… … and co-operation with other regions of the world http://www.dante.net/geant/ GÉANT in short