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Join us from October 17th to 21st for a week filled with fun activities and learning in Llangrannog. Separate cabins for boys and girls, tasty meals, no electronics, and engaging math sessions. Enhance reading skills, enjoy lovely Welsh scenery, and participate in various educational programs.
CroesoiFlwyddyn 6 Welcome to Year 6
Llangrannog 17.10.16 – 21.10.16 Cabanaumerched a chabanaubechgynarwahân Boys and Girls will be in seperate cabins. Osoes problem, mi wnaigysylltu! If there’s a problem, I’ll phone! No news is good news! 4 pryd y dydd 4 meals a day Enwauar y dillad, sachgysgu a bag sachgysgu. Names on clothes, sleeping bags and sleeping bag bag. £15 Dim bydelectronig No electrics Fe fyddyruchafbwyntiauarTrydar! Highlights will be on Twitter.
Amserlen y dydd Timetable
Gwasanaethau Assemblies
CLIC – RhifauRhagorol C – Counting (Cyfrif) L – Learn its (DysguFfeithiau) I – It’s nothing new (Dim BydNewydd) C – Calculation (Cyfrifiadau) *20 munud ar ddechrau pob gwers mathemateg i ddatblygu rhifyddeg pen / 20 minute session at the start of every maths lesson to develop mental arithmetic *CLIC yn debyg am bythefnos ond yn mynd yn fwyfwy heriol / CLIC will be similar for a fortnight with the level of challenge developing daily. * Dydd Gwener bydd profion yn targedu gwahanol gyd-destunau rhif / Every Friday there will be tests targeting various number contexts. CLIC – Big Maths
Iaith Language
GwaithCartref Llyfr Cyswllt Contact Book Home Work
Newyddiadurwr y Penwythnos • Once during the year • 3 minute presentation followed by questions • They will present information orally! Can use cue cards but try not to read. • Could be a story on a local, national or global stage, whatever draws their attention. • Unwaithynystod y flwyddyn • Cyflwyniad o ryw 3 munudgydachwestiynauiddilyn. • Maennhw’ncyflwynogwybodaetharlafar – maecroesoiddyntgaelcardiaucymorthondddimdarllen air am air. • Gallu bod ynnewyddionarlefelleol, cenedlaetholneufyd-eang – unrhywstorisydd o ddiddordebiddynnhw. Weekend Reporter
Darllen Bydd un grŵp y dydd yn darllen gyda’r gweddill yn datblygu sgiliau amrywiol. One group will read daily with the rest developing various skills. Mae hi’n holl bwysig bod pob plentyn yn darllen adref pob nos / It is important that every child reads at home every night. Pwysig! Reading
DarllenGrŵp • Cynnig cyfle i addysgu darllen. / Opportunity to teach reading. • Grwpiau bach o blant o allu darllen tebyg yn cymhwyso strategaethau sydd ganddynt eisoes i ddarllen a deall testunau anghyfarwydd. /The children will work in groups with children si • Dewis testunau yn ofalus i alluogi’r plant i ddefnyddio’u strategaethau i oresgyn problemau o fewn y testun. /Texts will be chosen where children will apply strategies to overcome any problems within the texts. • Helpu i wella dealltwriaeth o’r testun trwy holi a thrafodaeth - plant yn dysgu oddi wrth ei gilydd. /Through discussion and questioning the children will develop their understanding and they will learn from each other. • Cyfleoedd i ganolbwyntio ar uwch fedrau darllen. / An opportunity to work closely on higher order reading skills. • Byddaf yn gwrando ar bob un yn darllen yn annibynnol yn ystod y sesiwn. / I will listen to every one reading independently during the session. Guided Group Reading
Cyd-destunauDysgu 1. Ynni Energy 2. Rhyfeddodau’rByd What a Wonderful World 3. Cestyll a Dreigiau Castles and Dragons 4. O Dan y Croen Skin Deep 5. Pontio Transition Learning Context
AddysgGorfforol Prynhawn dydd Llun Prynhawn dydd Mawrth Monday Afternoon Tuesday Afternoon Physical Education
LlyfrauGwaith Ysgrifben las Taclusrwydd Blue Pen Neatness Balchder Proudness Work Books
AsesuDiweddCyfnod Cymraeg Welsh Saesneg English Mathemateg Mathematics Gwyddoniaeth Science Byddwnynasesugwaitheichplentyn o fisMedi. Byddwnynmynd â phrofiliaurhaio’rdisgyblioni’wcymedroligydagysgolionclwstwrGlantaf, felrhan o gynlluncenedlaethol. We will be assessing your child’s work from September. During the summer term we will take some children’s books as profiles to show Glantaf’s cluster schools, as part of the national moderation scheme. 4 Lefel Level 5 Lefel Level 6 Lefel Level End of Key Stage Assessment
Addysg a LlesEmosiynol Education and Emotional Welfare
Diolchynfawr! Thank You!