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Croeso. Mae’n bwysig bod eich plentyn yn cyrraedd yr ysgol yn brydlon erbyn 9.00 y.b. Os yn hwyr, mae’n bwysig eich bod yn mynd at y swyddfa i lofnodi os gwelwch yn dda (system IPad newydd)
Mae’n bwysig bod eich plentyn yn cyrraedd yr ysgol yn brydlon erbyn 9.00 y.b. Os yn hwyr, mae’n bwysig eich bod yn mynd at y swyddfa i lofnodi os gwelwch yn dda (system IPad newydd) Os yw eich plentyn yn dost, ffoniwch yr ysgol yn y bore i esbonio neu ysgrifennwch lythyr er mwyn iddynt dderbyn y côd ‘absennol gyda chaniatad’. It is important that pupils arrive promptly by 9.00a.m. (reading session) If late, please sign in on the IPad at the main entrance. If your child is ill, please phone the school in the morning or write a letter on their return in order for them to receive the code ‘excused with permission’. LG Presenoldeb a Phrydlondeb Attendance & Punctuality
Addysg Gorfforol / P.E. Gwersi bob Dydd Mercher *Gwisg addas (dibynnu ar y tywydd!) Crys-t i newid ac esgidiau addas! *Lessons every Wednesday *Appropriate kit (weather appropriate also!) Plain white t-shirt to change into and appropriate footwear! Os nad oes llythyr yn esgusodi eich plentyn, byddant yn benthyg cit o’r ysgol. If we don’t receive a letter explaining why your child cannot take part in P.E. they will be given appropriate kit to wear A.H
Rheolau Ysgol Y Castell : • Cymreictod • Dangos Parch • Gwrando ar a dilyn cyfarwyddiadau • Cadw dwylo, traed a geiriau cas i’ch hunan! LG
Rheolau’r Dosbarth a Chamau PendantClass Rules and ‘Positive Steps’ LG Wal Graffiti / Graphiti wall
Newidiadau i drefn Gwaith Cartref – Tymor yr Hydref 2018 Y tymor hwn ein thema yw Y Blits. Hoffem i chi gymryd perchnogaeth o'ch gwaith cartref dros yr Hanner Tymor nesaf. Isod ceir tabl ble y gallwch chi ddewis tasgau. Dylech gwblhau un dasg iaith, un fathemateg ac un dasg cywaith yn ystod Hanner Tymor, gan gwblhau un dasg bob pythefnos. Gallwch gwblhau'r tair tasg mewn unrhyw drefn a disgwylir i chi gyflwyno'ch gwaith ar y dyddiadau canlynol: Tasg 1: erbyn 05/10/18, Tasg 2: erbyn 19/10/18, Tasg 3: ar ddydd Llun 05/11/18. Gallwch chi gwblhau mwy na thair tasg os dymunwch, ond rydym ond disgwyl i dair gael eu cyflwyno, gallwch chi hefyd ddefnyddio'r tab 'Gwaith Cartref' ar wefan yr ysgol os hoffech wneud unrhyw waith cartref sillafu neu fathemateg ychwanegol. Changes to Homework tasks – Autumn Term 2018 This term our theme is based on The Blitz. We would like you to take ownership of your homework over the next Half Term. Below is a table from which you can choose tasks. You should completeone language, one maths and one creative task during the Half Term, completing one task every two weeks. You can complete the three tasks in any order and your work needs to be submitted by the following dates: Task 1: by 05/10/18, Task 2: by 19/10/18, Task 3: on Monday 05/11/18. You can complete more than three tasks should you wish but we only expect three to be submitted, you can also use the ‘Homework’ tab on the school website should you wish to do any extra spelling or maths homework AH Trydarwch luniau / Tweet photos - #gcnyc5 #gcnf5
Yn ychwanegol, bydd angen - Dysgu geiriau gwasanaeth dosbarth. 2) Cyflwyniadau llafar unigol - Saesneg yn nhymor yr Hydref a Chymraeg yn y Gwanwyn. Additional to this, the pupils will need to - 1)Learn their words for the class assembly 2) Oracy presentations - English Autumn term / Welsh Spring term
Rhestr sillafu / Spelling listsYm Ml.5 mae’r plant yn derbyn profion sillafu yn wythnosol (Dydd Iau!) Mae llyfryn ysgol ac un ar gyfer adre. Fe fydd y plant yn derbyn geiriau Cymraeg/Saesneg fesul am yn ail wythnos.Mae yna batrymau i’r geiriau.Yr.5 pupils have weekly spelling tests (on a Thursday!) There is a spelling pack for home and for use in school. Your child will receive spelling words in Welsh one week and in English the following week. There are spelling patterns to the words.AH
Darllen yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2Reading in Key Stage 2 Rydym yn cynnal sesiynau darllen yn ddyddiol. We read on a daily basis with the children one group at a time. • Llyfrau Darllen / – Cymraeg /Saesneg bob yn ail • Reading Books – Welsh / English • Dylai’r plant ddod a’u llyfr adref yn ddyddiol a nol i’r ysgol BOB dydd er mwyn darllen peth cyntaf bob bore. • Children SHOULD remember to bring their reading books home every night, and return to school every morning. Cofiwch wneud unrhyw sylwadau am ddarllen eich plentyn yn y cofnod darlllen newydd byddwch yn ei dderbyn cyn hir (un sylwad yr wythnos ogydda) Remember to write any comments about your child’s reading in the reading record book you will receive shortly (one comment a week please) LG
Profion Mathemateg MawrBig Maths Tests • Wythnosol ar Ddydd Iau Weekly every Thursday • Bob yn ail wythnos gyda prawf geiriol/ • Every other week with word problem solving questions AH
Gwefan/ School WebsiteTudalen Maths Bl.5/ Year 5 Maths PageTudalen dosbarth / Class pageGwaith cartref / Homework www.ysgolycastell.com @ysgol_y_castell LG
Ein themau /Our themes Y Blits The Blitz Drachtiau Potions O am fyd rhyfeddol What a wonderful world Mods a rocyrs (60au) Mods and rockers (60’s) O Dan y Croen Skin deep Os ydych chi’n adnabod rhywyn all ddod mewn i siarad gyda’r plant / cysylltiadau ni gael mynd am drip - cysylltwch gyda ni. If you know of anyone who could come into school to talk to the pupils / connections for possible school trips - please contact us. LG
Beth sy’n newydd ym Ml.5? What’s new in Yr.5?
Aelodaeth yr Urdd / Urdd Membership £7 erbyn hanner tymor / £7 by half term LLANGRANNOG Eisteddfod 2019 / Rugby / Football/ Netball Llangrannog (Mai 13-17, 2019 13th-17th of May, 2019) Blaendal o £30 erbyn hanner tymor. Deposit of £30 by half term Cyfanswm / Total cost - £207 or £200 if you have already paid Urdd membership (You can pay in instalments ) You will receive a letter informing you what the children need to pack before we go. LG
Wythnosau Trawsgwricwlaidd / Cross-curricular Weeks. AH
Setio Mathemateg a Iaith/Setting for Mathematics and Language Blwyddyn 5 a 6 Years 5 and 6 LG
Pam y newidiadau? • Codi safonau Mathemateg a Iaith • Paratoi ar gyfer yr ysgol gyfun Why the changes? • Raising standards in Mathematics and Literacy • Preparation for secondary school LG
Sut awn ati? prawf gweithdrefnol • Prawf cenedlaethol prawf rhesymeg • Trafodaethau gyda athrawon Bl.4 ac asesiadau ar ddechrau Bl.5 How will we proceed? procedural test • National end of year test reasoning test • Discussions with the Yr.4 teachers, as well as Yr.5 assessments at the beginning of the year.. LG
Amserlen • Bydd cyd-gynllunio manwl, fel yr arfer, a bydd y plant yn dilyn yr un elfennau o’r cwricwlwm ar yr un pryd. • Bydd y llyfrau yn cael eu cadw yn y dosbarthiadau a’r athro grwp fydd yn gyfrifol am y marcio a’r adborth a’r asesu ar gyfer dysgu. • Mae’n bosibl i blentyn symyd grwp o fewn y flwyddyn. Timetable • Detailed planning and preparation will continue within the cohort and children will follow the same elements within the curriculum at the same time. • Books will be kept within the classroom with the group’s teacher responsible for marking, feedback and assessment for learning. • It is possible for children to change groups within the academic year. AH
Disgwyliadau diwedd Blwyddyn 5 End of year expectations for Yr.5 pupils English - http://learning.gov.wales/docs/learningwales/publications/150717-nc-english-en-v3.pdf Welsh - http://learning.gov.wales/docs/learningwales/publications/150717-nc-welsh-en-ve3.pdf Maths - http://learning.gov.wales/docs/learningwales/publications/150717-nc-maths-en-v2.pdf Popeth yn Lefel 3 ac elfennau o Lefel 4 Everything stated in Level 3 with elements of Level 4 LG
More Able and Talented MAT pupils: A pupil who performs higher than the expected level and is consistently higher than his / her peers. We would like to collect as much information as possible to ensure that we are aware of your child’s skills and talents. Academic - in which subject Sports - club / academy / regional / national level Music / Drama - grade Dance - grade / level Also, we are looking for specialists in a variety of areas who would be able to provide new and unique experiences to the learners in Ysgol Y Castell. It is possible to hold practical or question and answer sessions in the school, in the workplace or in the community. AH
Apwyntiadau / Appointments Eisiau gweld athro/athrawes eich plentyn/Y Pennaeth? Would like to speak to the teacher/Headmistress? Mae’n rhaid gwneud apwyntiad. You need to make an appointment. Ffoniwch/Telephone: Mrs Dainton 02920864790 LG