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Cerevrovascular disease

Cerevrovascular disease. Dr. Basu MD. Topic. Cerebral (intracranial) hemorrhage Types Etiology Morphology Clinical features. Intracranial hemorrhage: types. Non traumatic [ Spontaneous hemorrhage] Intracerebral ( Primary Brain Parenchymal Hemorrhage ) Sub-arachnoid Hemorrhage

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Cerevrovascular disease

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  1. Cerevrovascular disease Dr. Basu MD

  2. Topic • Cerebral (intracranial) hemorrhage • Types • Etiology • Morphology • Clinical features

  3. Intracranial hemorrhage: types • Non traumatic [Spontaneous hemorrhage] • Intracerebral (Primary Brain Parenchymal Hemorrhage) • Sub-arachnoid Hemorrhage • Mixed Hemorrhage • Traumatic

  4. Spontaneous hemorrhage:Etiology A . Intracerebral (intraparenchymal) - predominantly, hypertensive. B. Subarachnoid - predominantly, aneurysmal. C. Mixed intracerebral and subarachnoid - usually associated with rupture of arteriovenous malformations.

  5. Spontaneous Intracerebral / intraparenchymal hemorrhage AGE : MIDDLE TO LATE ADULT LIFE PICK AGE : 60 YEARS Cause: 1.Acute and chronic raise of blood pressure. 2. Rupture of Charcot – Bouchard microaneurysm 50 % of all hemorrhage

  6. Risk factors: It can develop in an ischemic Infract particularly if reperfusion occur. If the patient is on anticoagulant therapy In case of Amyloid angiopathy. Location: Putamen – 60% Thalamus Pons Spontaneous Intracerebral / intraparenchymal hemorrhage

  7. Hemorrhages involving the basal ganglia area ; Hypertensive hemorrhage

  8. Rupture of Charcot – Bouchard microaneurysm • IT IS A FEATURE OF CHRONIC HYPERTANSION • Involve a vessels less than 300micrometer in Diameter. • SITE: BASAL GANGLIA

  9. Complication of Intracranial hemorrhage • Mass effect can cause Herniation • Secondary Brain stem or Duret hemorrhage

  10. Clinical Features : Hypertensive hemorrhage • Sudden loss of consciousness • Vomiting, Headache [ increased intracranial pressure ] • EFFECT OF BRAIN STEM COMPRESSION • IRREGULAR RESPIRATION • PERIOD OF APNEA [ CHEYNE STROKE BREATHING] • DILATED NONRESPONSIVE PUPIL • SPASTICITY

  11. SUBARACHONOID HAEMORRHAGE • Etiology: • RUPTURE OF SACCULAR Aneurysm ( Berry aneurysm ) • Size: 6-10 mm.

  12. Berry aneurysms arise in a weak (ness) point in the arterial wall (media). Disease associated: Marfan syndrome, Ehlar Danlos, Adult polycystic kidney disease. Berry aneurysm Angiogram

  13. Circle of Willis : And the sites of berry aneurysm.

  14. Morphology If less than 3 mm in diameter = asymptomatic. 30 % Cases multiple. CSF : will show blood.

  15. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

  16. Clinical features : Subarachnoid Hemorrhage • Women are effected more than male. • Giant aneurysm > 25 mm in diameter. • It gradually enlarges from child hood, become large enough to produce symptoms in adulthood by sudden increased blood pressure.

  17. Clinical Signs : In subarachnoid Hemorrhage. • Headache, come , vomiting is present, herniation, acute Hydrocephalous. Additional features: • EVIDENCE OF MENINGIAL IRITATION IS PRESENT • 1. NECK RIGIDITY • 2. BLOODY CSF

  18. Mixed intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage Cause: Vascular malformations. This are 4 TYPES • ARTERIOVANOUS MALFORMATION • CAPILLARY TELANGECTASIS • VENOUS ANGIOMA • CAVERNOUS ANGIOMA

  19. ARTERIOVANOUS MALFORMATION • Common in the cerebral hemispheres. Males are affected twice as often as females. • AGE = 10 – 30




  23. Classification according to the anatomical Location of the Hemorrhage. THREE TYPES 1. Epidural Hematoma 2. Sub-dural Hematoma. 3. Traumatic parenchymal Injuries.

  24. Epidural Hematoma Cause Rupture of Meningeal Artery on the occasion of a skull fracture. X- ray: show evidence of lateral skull area fracture.

  25. CT Scan = Fusiform Hyperdense lesion; produce mass effect.

  26. Clinical Effect : Mass Effect • If not immediately drained: • It will cause the following effects :- 1. Uncal and Tonsillar Herniation 2. Brain Stem compression and DEATH

  27. Sub-Dural Hematoma • Cause: Rupture of the Bridging Veins

  28. CT Showing the Hematoma CAUSE: Key: Small brain big skull. More brain mobility. RAPID CANGE IN THE HEAD Velocity. Types: Acute Subdural Hematoma (child) Chronic subdural hematoma ( adult)

  29. Acute Subdural Hematoma • Seen in infants • Cause: • More spacer in cranium, less brain matter • Excess brain mobility • Hemorrhage due to minor trauma.

  30. CHRONIC SUBDURAL HEMATOMA • Relative slow progress, contain venous blood. • Associated with brain atrophy, which gives ‘brain’ more mobility. • This make the vein more vulnerable to trauma.

  31. CHRONIC SUBDURAL HEMATOMA : CLINICAL PICTURE HEAD Injury, or, Minor trauma 2 weeks/2 months Onset of Headache, dizziness, consciousness disturbance.

  32. Traumatic Parenchymal Injuries • Concussion • Contusion and Laceration • Intracerebral hemorrhage • Generalized brain edema.

  33. Concussion • Definition • Concussion may result when the head strikes against an object or is struck by an object. • Concussions may produce unconsciousness or bleeding in or around the brain.

  34. This can cause concussion !!

  35. Concussion • It is associated with minimum morphological change. • Unconsciousness is due to the injury to the Reticular activating System.

  36. Contusion and Laceration • Contusion = Injury to theSuperficial Brain parenchyma due to the Blunt trauma. • Laceration = CONTUSION +TEAR OF THE SUPERFICIAL LAYERS OF THE BRAIN.

  37. Coup Contusion Hit on Immobile Head Injury Directly beneath the area of blunt force: no skull fracture

  38. Contrecoup contusion INJURY In fall if the occipital area strikes the floor Injury in the Frontal and temporal poles area in a mobile head.


  40. Traumatic Intracerebral hemorrhage • Multiple often associate with contusion and edema of the Brain.

  41. Diffuse axonal injury • Injury to white matter • Damage to axon at node of Ranvier. • Common sites: • Corpus callosum, periventricular area, hippocampus. • Clinical: coma after trauma without evicence of parenchymal injury. • Histology: axonal swelling.

  42. Spinal cord injury: location

  43. Thank You !!!

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