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Remarriage: A Biblical Examination of an Emotional & Controversial Subject

This article explores the topic of divorce and remarriage from a biblical perspective, examining the privileges and restrictions outlined in Scripture. It discusses the conditions under which remarriage is permissible and the consequences faced by those who are divorced or put away unlawfully. The Pauline exception and its implications are also explored.

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Remarriage: A Biblical Examination of an Emotional & Controversial Subject

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  1. Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage D I V O R C E Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject

  2. REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some • Remember…God’s original plan for marriage did not contemplate divorce & remarriage Gen 2:18-25 • Still, the Scripture does “grant” remarriage privileges…yet, only for some…not everyone • To those whose 1st mate has died • To those who divorce an unfaithful 1st mate

  3. REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some • Remarriages do not enjoy the “innocence” of original marriages • Previous marriages and how they ended must be considered before one remarries another • This is important even if the potential spouse has previously put away a fornicator

  4. REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some • Most likely assumption Ù divorced people will remarry • Even Jesus taught this “assumption” Mt 5:32a • Re: remarriage, the over-riding concern is that subsequent marriage(s) not lead to adultery • This sin is “automatic” when the original marriage was not dissolved scripturally

  5. REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some • In discussing remarriage, we will confine our “definition” to marrying another person • Reconciling will not be considered 1 Cor 7:10-11 • When Jesus discussed remarriage, we believe He was talking about marrying someone other than your original spouse

  6. REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some The Gospel Accounts • Those who are put away (i.e. divorced) have NO right to remarry Mt 5:32b Lk 16:18b • The type of divorce is irrelevant in this matter • Those who are put away lawfully(for fornication) or unlawfully(for any other reason) may not remarry another person with Divine approval

  7. Remarriage is not adulterous when the divorce is for the cause of fornication. REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some The Gospel Accounts • Those who put away (divorce) a mate for reasons other than fornication are guilty of adultery when they remarry Mt 19:9a Mk 10:11-12 Lk 16:18a • Rule re: the exception clause of Mt 19:9…

  8. REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some The Gospel Accounts • Those who are put away face a difficult life • If they have been divorced unlawfully, reconciliation must occur 1 Cor 7:10-11 • If they have been divorced lawfully, reconciliation might occur later if the original spouse consents • If the previous putting away spouse has remarried, the put away has no other recourse but celibacy

  9. REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some The Gospel Accounts • Those who are put away face a difficult life • If the previous putting away spouse has remarried, the put away has no other recourse but celibacy • A hard, difficult life indeed…but not impossible • Theirs would be a life that can be lived “for the sake of the kingdom of heaven” Mt 19:12 • Overall principle Ù consequences outlive sin

  10. REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some 1 Cor 7:12-16 • A passage many use to offer authorization for acceptable divorce and remarriage • Often called the “Pauline exception” • PrincipleÙ apostles were never at liberty to change (make exceptions) to what Divine law mandated Mk 13:9-11 Mt 16:19 Jn 20:23

  11. REMARRIAGE – An Option For Some 1 Cor 7:12-16 • For Paul to offer another exception to God’s marriage law re: divorce and remarriage would have him acting outside his apostolic authority • Not something he (or any other apostle) would ever do cp. Acts 4:20

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