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Addressing the link between illiteracy and poverty, this project advocates for Functional Literacy Learning to empower individuals in need. With Rotary's CLE approach, we aim to provide sustainable literacy solutions globally.
Main Global Problem Poverty
113 million youths have no opportunities to go to school 113 million youths have no opportunities to go to school Half a billionlive onless thanUS $ 2 a day Half a billionlive onless thanUS $ 2 a day 130 millionyouths are illiterate 130 millionyouths are illiterate 88 millionsareunemployed 88 millionsareunemployed 10 millionyoung people(15-24 years oldmostly in Africaand Asia) arecurrently livingwith HIV orAIDS Over 200millions were trying to survive on less than US $ 1 a day Over 200millions were trying to survive on less than US $ 1 a day Millionsaremalnutrition Millionsaremalnutrition Causes & Statistics: nThe UN World Youth Report, 2005
Illiteracy causes Poverty and Social Life Development n More than one quarter of the world’s population is unable to read or write. nMillions more are functionally illiterate i.e.- they don’t posses reading and writing skills necessary to meet the demands of everyday life. - not limited to developing countries, it is also a serious problem in industrialized nations e.g. 27 million in USA, 75% are unemployed.
Illiteracy causes Poverty and Social Life Development nLack of knowledge / Ability and Life skills nUnemployment nHealth problems(malnutrition, personal health care etc.) nSocial problems (criminal and reckless activities)- e.g. in India, many of the 40,000 fatal traffic accidents that occur each year are caused by truck drivers who can’t read traffic signs.
The only one solutionis to offer a properFunctional Literacy Learningfor people as Education for All
Functional Literacy means: 1. Being able to communicate at the critical thinking level 2. Being able to develop quality of life (vocation skills, life improvement, ethics and morality) 3. Being able to learn other subject areas and having life-long education
Rotary’s Policy nThe United Nations has identified illiteracy as one of the most serious obstacles to economic, political, and social development. nThe RI Board, in 1986 made literacy a 10-year program of emphasis for Rotary. nIn 1992, extend the emphasis to the year 2000 and expanded the scope to address the issue of functional literacy.
Rotary’s Policy RI President Glenn Kinross in 1997 set up the Literacy and Numeracy Task Force headed by PDG. Dr. Richard Walkerwho introduced“Lighthouse Literacy Project” using CLE (Concentrated Language Encounter) for teaching languages to alleviate mass illiteracy around the world.
CLE In 1985,Dr. Walker came to Thailand to helpDr. Saowalak at Srinakharinwirot Universityin Bangkok to develop and starteda pilot CLE approach (Thai language)in primary schools, Northeast of Thailand with cooperation of The Ministry of Education.
CLE nLater, the project received a 5-year 3H Grants from TRF. nThe program proved to be successful, The Ministry of Education adopted the program throughout the country.
Literacy Lighthouse Strategies 1. Starting CLE pilot projects, strategically located in developing countries around the world. 2. Using Thailand as a Lighthouse to serve as CLE Training Center for Technical & Project Coordinators from those developing countries. 3. Implementing the projects through RI and TRF funding.
RI / TRF / Other Organizations Local/National Educational Institution & others Effective Literacy Training Program (CLE) Rotary Clubs Project Coordinator Technical Coordinator Inservice Teacher (Administration (RTN)) (Qualified Educator) (Qualified Teacher) CLE Class Model or Program Replicate/Disseminate to other areas Expand other model programs RI Lighthouse Literacy Strategies
Literacy Lighthouse Strategies Require: 1. Continuity 2. Long-term commitment
Why “CLE” ? 1. The system has been successfully implemented in more than 10 countries with different languages around the world with significantly positive research result evidences. 2. It can be adaptable to every language and culture. 3. It is inexpensive. 4. It is an integrative program that covers all educational improvement.
Why “CLE” ? 5. It covers all the needs to be solved in order to alleviate mass illiteracy. 6. It can achieve Literacy at functional level. - CLE has 3 models and it could take up to 6 years for formal education.
The Lighthouse Literacy Program Concerns 4 Areas 1. Formal Education 2. Adult, especially for women 3. Street Children 4. Special Program Ethnic group and disables(the blinds, the deafs etc.)
Vocational Skills Ethics / Morality Personality Emotional intelligence Multiple intelligence Responsibility Sharing / Democratic concepts Communicative Skills Creativity Life - Long Education CLE Literacy Program Life Development
PolioPlus Literacy 1. We use OPV to get rid of Polio viruses. 1. We use CLE to get rid of illiteracy. 2. OPV is the drug of choice for Polio eradication. 2. CLE is the drug of choice for alleviation of mass illiteracy. 3. The job is almost done. 3. Rotary own CLE. How can we utilize it the get a job done?