Science As scientists, we will explore lights and shadows. We will take part in investigations by monitoring the position of the sun and shadows at different times of the day. We will learn that shadows are formed when light travelling from a source is blocked. We will use our experiments withdifferent materials tounderstand how they affect light from a source. Literacy We continue to focus on guided and individual reading each day; please discuss texts at home and hear your child read regularly to aid comprehension and skills, including forming opinions about texts. In class we will be teaching Literacy through ‘Talk for Writing’ looking at a ‘Defeating the monster’ tale. This will involve learning a model text through story mapping, story telling and drama. The children will then use this as a building block for their own creative stories. We will also be looking once again at poetry. Weekly spelling homework will continue to be issued, as well as a focus on spelling common key words correctly. Art / Design technology We will experiment with light and shadow in art through a variety of media such as making jointed shadow puppets, sundials and photo sensitive paper to create effects. Dragons & Shadows Lower KS2 MFL French We will be learning the names of fruit and vegetables in French as well as revising numbers 1-20. P.E. / Games Mr Moore will be teaching athletics skills to all three classes this term. This will include running, hurdling, throwing for distance and jumping. Larch start swimming this termand Maple and Mulberry will be making the most of the fine weather to play team games and practise for Sports’ day. Wells Cricket Club have organised a four-week block of coaching to Yr3/4 classes on Fridays. Maths We will continue to focus on securing knowledge of place value, ordering and comparing numbers, and understanding and using data. We will working within all four operations and continue to check using inverses. There will be a strong focus on mental maths and the language that it uses such as ‘total’ and ‘sum of’. Children will have regular opportunities to put their mathematical understanding into practise by solving everyday problems and solving puzzles. Please help your child learn facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 times tables with regular practise. There will also be a focus on position and direction which will also be used during other topic sessions. QUEST FOCUS How does light travel and what effect does it have on what we see - or imagine, with shadows and reflection. Music Children will focus on ‘Dragon scales’, exploring melodies and scales. Mrs Lynch will be working with us on Fridays to continue to develop the children’s singing. PSCHE This half term, our focus will be: Empathy This will involve children considering and learning more about the qualities of Courtesy, honesty, fairness and thoughtfulness in developing and maintaining relationships. Religious Education We will consider Moral choices this term. How do we decide what is right and what is wrong?
1 / 2 Other information Home learning: homework will be given out on Tuesdays, to be returned the following Monday. On occasion, homework, particularly if it is research based, will be over two weeks. Swimming - Larch class OUTDOOR LEARNING All classes will endeavour to use our outdoor space throughout the week (even if it’s raining sometimes!) To make this possible, it is important that children have a pair of wellies, a waterproof coat and a pair of old trousers on their peg at all times, in addition to a standard PE kit. Dates to note 23rd April – St George’s day – Inspire day, dressing up and discovering dragons! 8th May Visit by stained glass craftsperson Week beginning 12th May Visit to Wells Cathedral TBC 19th – 21st Year 4 Residential And a visit from an optician Dear parent/guardian, Welcome to the summer term! Last term was packed with robot-themed activities and opportunities for both your children and you to discover and expand skills and knowledge and we anticipate building on that enthusiasm for learning this term. We will be giving out assignments for children to do and would appreciate your involvement as it really helps enthuse and expand your child’s thinking and curiosity about the world around them. Children benefit hugely from regular reading and conversation, so please encourage them in building these skills by talking to them about their interests and reminding them, as we do, to take their books home to read together. They have a reading record book for you to write any comments. Your child will continue to need a named P.E. kit (and swimming kit for LARCH class), with training bottoms for outdoors; a water bottle and a healthy (fruit or veg) snack each day. As the weather improves, a sunhat and suncream should also be provided. We value our strong relationships between the children we teach and you their parents; part of this will be us coming outside during the week, to give us all a chance to have a chat about any news, concerns etc. However, if you would prefer to make an appointment, as always, you are very welcome. We are looking forward to a very busy, enjoyable and interesting school term and hope you and your child are too! What do you want to discover? What might you already know? If any parents have any interest or expertise, we would like to know about it!