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USE OF EVMS AT SIMULTANIOUS ELECTIONS. REQUIREMENT OF EVMS FOR SIMULTANIOUS ELECTIONS/POLL. Two separate sets of EVMs are to be used- one set for Lok Sabha elections and the others et for Assembly elections.
REQUIREMENT OF EVMS FOR SIMULTANIOUS ELECTIONS/POLL • Two separate sets of EVMs are to be used- one set for Lok Sabha elections and the others et for Assembly elections • Ballot units and Control unit will be required double of the polling stations
IDENTIFICATION OF EVMS a) COLOUR STICKERS & ADDRESS TAGS i) WHITE Sticker and Address tag - used for LOKSABHA elections ii) PINK Sticker and Address tag - used for ASSEMBLY elections iii) Identification sticker will be pasted on the top of the cover of the “the battery candidate set section
iv) The white sticker will have the legend of ‘LOK SABHA’ printed bold letters on the control units which are used for Lok Sabha elections and pink sticker will have the legend of‘VIDHAN SABHA’ printed bold letters on control units which are used for Assembly elections. Language either English or regional language. v) Identification sticker shall be fixed on the top of the carrying cases of both control units and ballot units.
BALLOT UNITS • White colour ballot paper fixed on the transparent screen of the ballot unit in respect of LOK SABHA elections and pink colour ballot paper fixed on the transparent screen of the ballot unit in respect of ASSEMBLY elections
PREPARATION OF EVMS IN DIFFERENT PLACES • Preparation of EVMs for Assembly and Lok Sabha elections shall be done in separate rooms or halls but not in the same hall or room since the consisting candidates will be different to Lok Sabha and Assembly elections. In case two different rooms are not available for preparation of EVMs one by one shall be taken up.
STORAGE OF PREPARED UNITS FOR LOK SABHA AND ASSEBBLY ELECTIONS Prepared units/EVMs shall be stored in different rooms for LOK SABHA and ASSENBLY and a signed be fixed out side accordingly REGISTER FOR ALLOCATION OF EVMS Two separate Registers to be opened for LOK SABHA and ASSEMBLY elections and also enter the distinct identification numbers of the control units and Ballot units allocated to each polling station.
CONDUCT OF POLL • ELECTION MATERIALS FOR POLLING STATION • The essential items required for each polling station have been mentioned in greater detail in the Handbook for Presiding Officers and at Annexure XII. • VOTER’S REGISTER. • For the conduct of poll for both the elections, only ONE Voter’s Register is to be used. The • signatures of voters for both the elections shall be taken in the same register. • VOTER’S SLIPS- WHITE & PINK paper with photo and details of voter etc.,
.COMPOSITION OF POLLING PARTIES As per the existing instructions one presiding officer and 5 polling officers will be appointed for conduct of poll in simultaneous elections. If the voters are more than 1200, an extra Polling Officer will be appointed. • DUTY OF POLLING PARTY First Polling Officer: He will be identifying the electors and will be in charge of marked copy of the electoral roll
Second Polling Officer: He will be in charge of the indelible ink and voter’s register. • Third Polling Officer: He will be in charge of the Voter’s Slips. • Fourth Polling Officer: He will be in charge of the Control Unit for Lok Sabha election • Fifth Polling Officer: He will be in charge of the Control Unit for State Assembly Election. • Presiding Officer: He will be over all in-charge of the polling station and supervise the smooth conduct of poll.
VOTING BY BLIND NAD INFIRM VOTERS AND PROXY VOTERS If the President Officer is satisfied that owing to blindness or other physical infirmity, an elector is unable to recognize the symbol on the ballot unit or unable to record his vote by pressing the appropriate button thereon without assistance, the Presiding Officer shall permit that elector under Rule 49N to take with him a companion of not less than 18 years of age to the voting compartment for recording the vote on his behalf and in accordance with his wishes.
TENDERS VOTES • If a person presents himself at the polling station and seeks to vote representing himself to be a particular elector person has already voted as such elector, the Presiding Officer shall satisfy • himself about the identity of the elector concerned. If the Presiding Officer is satisfied about the identity of the elector on his satisfactorily answering such questions relating to his identity as the Presiding Officer may ask, he shall allow the elector concerned to vote by means of a tendered ballot paper, but not through the voting machine.
ACCOUNTS OF VOTES RECORDED • After the close of poll, the Presiding Officer is required to prepare, under Rule 49S, an account of votes recorded in the voting machine. Such account shall be prepared in Part-I of Form-17C.This should be prepared in duplicate. It should be noted for that accounts of votes in Part-I of Form- 17C shall be prepared separately for the Parliamentary and Assembly elections.
SAFE CUSTODY OF VOTING MACHINES AFTER POLL. • The Control unit should kept on the top of the ballot unit and put to gather in the strong room along with ballot paper account, PO diary..17A register and Sector officer diary. SAFE CUSTODY OF METAL SEALS,RUBBER STAMPS ETC • After completion of the PO should handover the Metal seal, Distinguish mark,(2) arrow cross rubber stamp duly sealing separate envelops covered all in a big envelop cover with indication on the top of the cover in the reception center
DEATH OF A CANDIDATE BEFORE POLL • As per the amended Section 52 of RP Act only in the event of death of a candidate set up by a recognized political party in the following circumstances the poll shall be adjourned- The said candidate dies at the time of after11.00A.M. on the last date for making nominations and his nomination is found valid under Section 36 or ii) His nomination has been found valid on scrutiny under 36 and has not withdrawn his candidature under Section 37, and he dies ,and his either case a report of his death is received at any time before the publication of the list of contesting candidates under Section 3 ,or iii) He dies as a contesting candidate and a report of his death is received before the commencement of the poll.
ADJOURNMENT OF POLL: U/S 57(1) of RP Act ,1951the presiding officer is empowered to adjourn the poll an account of i) A natural calamity like flood ,heavy snow fall , a sever storm and the like or ii) Non receipt or loss or damage to essential polling material like EVMs, ballot boxes, ballot papers, authentic copy of electoral roll and like ,or iii) Disturbance of peace at the polling station making it possible to take the poll, or
iv) Non arrival of the polling party at the poling due to obstruction on the way or any other serious difficulty, or v) Any other sufficient cause Whenever the polis adjourned by the presiding officer is required to report the fact to the Returning officer who in turn report the matter to the Commission for further directions.
PROCEDURE FOR COMPLETING THE ADJURNED POLL i) you shall report the fact and circumstance immediately to the Election Commission, to the Chief Electoral officer and the Competent authority. ii) Seek the approval of the Election Commission about the date , hours/time and place which you propose for holding the adjourned poll
iii) After approval the Election Commission inform the candidates or their Election agents accordingly in writing and also affix a notice in the notice board of R.O. iv) Announce by the beat of drum or other wise in the polling area about the place, polling station , date and time of poll. v) A consolidated report to be submitted by the Election Commission in the format U/S 57 of RP Act mentioned in ANNEXURE XXX VII-A of all polling stations where the poll has been adjourned.
vi) where the poll could not commence with in tw hours from the schedule time due to non functioning of EVM or any other reason i.e., non arrival of poling party, material adjourned poll should be recommended to the Commission vii) Where the poll has been adjourned at a polling station under the provision of 57(1) of RP Act 1951,the adjourned poll will recommence from the stage at which it was left immediately before the adjournment.
PROCEDURE FOR HOLDING FRESH POLL . • U/S 58 of RP Act,1951 the Election Commission is Competent authority to declare the poll at a poling station is void if at the polling station- i) Any voting machine has been unlawfully taken away by unauthorized person, or ii) Any voting machine has been accidentally or unlawfully destroyed or lost or tampered with and the result of the poll cannot ascertained or
iii) Machine failure during the recording of votes or iv) Any error or irregularity in procedure as is likely to vitiate the poll has been committed. v) RO should report the facts in Annexure XXXIV-B
PROCEDURE FOR HOLDING FRESH POLL IN CASE OF BOOTH CAPTURE. i) Under Section 58A of RP ACT,1951( as defined in Section 135A) has taken place at a polling station in such a manner the result of the polling station cannot be ascertained the RO shall report the facts to the Election Commission forthwith in ANNEXURE XXXIV-C and after obtaining the permission if the Commission direct a fresh poll to be taken up the RO has to conduct fresh poll ii) If the Election countermanded by the Commission on account of a large number of) booth capturing taken place all proceedings for that elections will commence a new and a fresh notification calling for the election will be issued
CLOSING OF VOTING MACHINE IN THE CASE OF BOOTH CAPTURE i) Under Rule 49 X provides that where PO of a polling station is of the opinion that booth capturing is taken place at the polling station, immediately close the control unit of the voting machine and ensure that no further vote can be recorded and shall detach the ballot unit from the control unit. ii) As soon as the PO closed the voting machine ,he should report the matter with full facts to the RO. The RO in turn shall report the fats to DEO and Election Commission through the fastest means of Communication
REPORTS TO BE SUBMIITED TO THE COMMISSION ON THE DAY OF POLL Three comprehensive report have to be submitted to the commission by the R.O. concerned – 1st report -at 1300 hours,2nd report at 1900 hours and 3rd report after close of poll by 700 hours next morning.. Basing on theses reports the Commission will decide whether to taken up counting process or not in each constituency. In failure it will be viewed seriously which lead serious consequences
STORAGE OF EVMS IN STRONG ROOMS Log book to be maintained giving the details of persons entering room, purpose of such entry, time of entry, time of exit signature of guards etc., as mentioned in the ANNEXUR XXXIV