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1914 to Present. 1910’s. -Mexican Revolution begins (1910) -Chinese revolution as well as the establishment of republic in 1911-1912 -1914 Austria-Hungry declares War on Serbia starting World War I -Russian revolution in 1917; U. S. intervention in WWI -1918-Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
1910’s -Mexican Revolution begins (1910) -Chinese revolution as well as the establishment of republic in 1911-1912 -1914 Austria-Hungry declares War on Serbia starting World War I -Russian revolution in 1917; U. S. intervention in WWI -1918-Treaty of Brest-Litovsk -Treaty of Versailles as well as the End of World War I in 1919; Amritsar massacre in India
1920’s -Gandhi begins his non-cooperation movement in 1920 -Lenin begins his new economic policy in 1921 -Mussolini comes to power in Italy in 1922; formation of Soviet Union -1926- Fascist State in Italy -China is unified by Jiang Jieshi in 1927 -The first soviet Five-year plan begins in 1929 -Black Thursday; Stock Market crash beginning the Great Depression in 1929- ends in 1941
1930’s -Mao develops Guerrilla tactics in 1930 -1931, Japan invades Manchuria and later China (1937) -Hitler is elected chancellor of Germany in 1933; anti-Jewish legislation begins -Italy invades Ethiopia in 1935 -1935-1936- The Long March by Chinese Communists -1936-1939-Spanish Civil War -1937-Japanese invasion of mainland China -1939-Nazi- Soviet Pact -Nazi Germany invades Poland in 1939 starting World War II
1940’s -World War II battles on until 1945 -Holocaust begins in 1941 and lasts until WWII’s end -Japan bombs Pearl Harbor in 1941 as well as the United States entry into the war -In 1944 Ground Troops enter France during D-Day -The US drops the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 ending World War II; formation of United Nations. -1945-1949-Chinese Civil War -1946-1975-Decolonization of Asia, Africa, Caribbean begins; 1946-1989-Cold War -The Truman Doctrine announced in 1947; formation of GATT -The Berlin Blockade as well as the Marshall Plan in 1948 -The People’s Republic of China and NATO are established in 1949
1950’s -Korean War begins with the invasion of Communist North Korea in 1950 and lasts until 1953 -1951-U. S. Japan peace treaty -1952- U. S. occupation of Japan ends. -Batista’s rule in Cuba starts in 1952 and lasts until 1954 -1954- Vietnamese defeat of the French -1955 Bandung Conference -The Soviet Union sends troops to Hungry in 1956 -1957- European Common Market; Sputnik -1958-1961- Great Leap Forward -Fidel Castro seizes control of Cuba in 1959
1960’s -1960-Sino-Soviet Split -Failed Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961; Berlin Wall -1961-1973- U. S. Vietnam War -Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 -Kenya gains independence in 1963; assassination of Kennedy -1964-Gulf of Tonkin incident. - 1966- beginning of cultural revolution in China. -Soviet Union sends troops into Czechoslovakia in 1968; assassination of Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy; widespread political protest in the U. S.; Tet offensive in Vietnam.
1970’s -1971- Formation of Bangledesh -Civil war in Uganda in Africa in 1971 and ends later in 1994 -Soviet Union and USA sign to SALT treaty in 1972 -1973-USA and Vietnam sign Paris Peace Accord ending the Vietnam War in 1973; Yom Kippur War; OPEC oil embargo; overthrow of Chilean government -1975-end of Portuguese empire; communist victories in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos -In 1976 North Vietnam unifies all of Vietnam -1978-Egypt-Israelie peace treaty; normalization of U.S.-China diplomatic relations -Iranian Revolution begins in 1979
1980’s -1980s-South Korean democratization movement. The Iran-Iraq war begins in 1980 and does not end until 1988; Zimbabwe gains independence in 1980; Solidarity Trade Union in Poland -1983-restoration of Argentina’s democracy -1985- Gorbachev new Soviet leader. -1987-Beginning of Palestinian Intifada -The Berlin Wall crumbles in 1989; end of communist regimes in Eastern Europe; end of Sandinista government in Nicaragua -1989-Bejing Massacre; first democratic elections in Taiwan.
1990’s -1990- U.S. invasion of Panama; reunification of Germany -Gulf War begins in 1991; civil war in Somalia begins and ends in 1994. -The collapse of the Soviet Union happens in 1991; signing of -Maasrticht treaty -European Union is formed in 1993 -1994-Formation of NAFTA; Black majority rule in South Africa; genocide in Rwanda -1995-formation of WTO -Taliban forces take over Afghanistan in 1996 -1997-Kyoto Protocol on climate change Asian financial collapse Return of Hong Kong to China 1998-End of Mobuto era in Congo -Panama gains control of the Panama Canal in 1999
2000-2010 -1996-2001- Taliban government in Afghanistan -2000-renewed Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Robert Mugabe celebrates two decades in power in Zimbabwe, but faces widespread unrest. -September 11, 2001- Al Qaeda attack on the United States; International war on terrorism; U.S. invasion of Afghanistan -2003-U. S. invasion of Iraq- WMD’s? -2004 – Sudan civil war becomes acute; Indian Ocean Tsunami in December kills 300,000; expansion of European Union into Eastern Europe -2005 – Pope John-Paul II dies and Benedict XVI elected 2008 – Congo civil war intensifies; Sudanese President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir becomes the first national leader to be indicted by the International Criminal Court. 2009 – Somalia civil war intensifies