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Conference Call Agenda. Establishing Second SARG Priority ConsequenceSteps, timeline and resourcesSARC Technical Assistance SystemTechnical Assistance TeamTTA Plan and accessing resourcesEvaluationSubmission of DeliverablesProcessDeadlinesReportingE-SARG Procedures and TACross-site evalua
1. SARG 2009 Steps to Success Senta Goudy, FL DCF SARG Project Coordinator
Carol Hays, Community Systems/CSII
2. Conference Call Agenda Establishing Second SARG Priority Consequence
Steps, timeline and resources
SARC Technical Assistance System
Technical Assistance Team
TTA Plan and accessing resources
Submission of Deliverables
E-SARG Procedures and TA
Cross-site evaluation
3. SARG Phase I: Follow the Steps Deliverable 1: Due for all within 30 days of receipt of contract
Reconvene Needs Assessment Committee/Data Workgroup
Complete SARG Phase I Appendix C
Next Steps (deadlines vary for Phase I):
Prioritize consequence and substance abuse related behavior (Appendix D)
Identify population most involved (Appendix E)
Brainstorm local sources of data for each intervening variable (Appendix F)
Collect and examine data for local contributing factors (Appendix G)
Develop Phase I Community Level Logic Model (Appendix H)
Submit DRAFT Phase I forms for technical review (deliverable)
Revise/resubmit within 2 weeks of receiving feedback (deliverable)
Submit final forms to FSU for final review by DCF when technical review completed (deliverable)
4. Establishing Second SARG Priority Committee reviews data to identify priority consequence and its relationship to substance abuse behavior
Consider factors such as
Cost (economic , heath, social)
Community priority
Follow Guiding Questions for Needs Assessment
Committee reviews data to identify priority population involved in behavior and consequence
Coalition needs to deliberate and vote on priority consequence/ behavior (reflect in meeting summary notes)
Complete SARG Phase I Appendices: A-E
5. SARG Phase I: Follow the Steps Brainstorm contributing local contributing factors related to each intervening variable (see sample logic models)
Seek local measures/information about each intervening variable (consult data sources matrix)
Survey data (FYSAS, CORE, local surveys, etc)
Community indicators (Coroner, ACHA, Law Enforcement, School, Health Dept, etc)
Observations (environmental scans, safety assessments etc)
Key Informant Interviews (Local experts, law enforcement, school counselors, doctors/pharmacists, ABT, DEA, etc)
Focus groups (priority pop, impact pops such as parents, key leaders, adults)
Wherever possible try to corroborate local contributing factors with more than one measure
6. Capacity Building Objectives for Assessment Identify/Develop new data sources to measure consequences, behaviors (across the life span), and intervening variables/local contributing factors
Identify gaps in local data systems
Identify gaps in policies/practices
Identify gaps in awareness/knowledge/skills/ attitudes/behaviors that are relevant to the consequence and drug
7. Resources to Assist SARG Manual: Phase I –please read
Guiding questions for needs assessment
Phase I tools
Available on E-SARG (http://fcpr.fsu.edu/sarg/)
Data sources matrix (will be available on E-SARG)
Alcohol and related consequences
Marijuana and related consequences
Prescription drugs and related consequences
8. Sample Data Sources Matrix
9. Data Analysis FYSAS and other data analysis
DCF can provide analysis of FYSAS data upon request
Use your environmental scan results (for alcohol issues) as a data source
New environmental scan tools are under development for other drug issues (prescription drugs and marijuana) and will be available on eSARG. Conference calls will be scheduled to review
DCF can request reports or analysis of other data sets as needed (e.g. ACHA data, Alc Related Motor Vehicle Crashes)
10. Coaching and Review If you need TA to coach your team through a step in the Phase I process, please submit a TA request—only one is necessary to establish coaching
Some TA will be provided in a learning community format for counties addressing the same consequences or drug use behaviors
If you would like a technical review and feedback of a Phase I form, please submit with a TA request
11. Introducing the Florida SARC
12. FL SARC Technical Assistance System Identifies technical assistance and training needs
Develops statewide TTA plan to prioritize and deliver training and technical assistance
Provides ongoing tailored coaching for system-wide (coalition, agency, community) capacity development
Provides targeted training opportunities in local, regional and statewide venues
Evaluates TTA outcomes and impacts
13. SARC Support Team: Community Coaches
14. Community Coaches Each provides support to approximately 8 counties
Help each assigned county assess capacity building needs
Includes coalition, agencies, and community stakeholders
Develops with coalition and agencies annual TTA plan
Assists with assuring readiness to receive TTA
Assists with overcoming barriers to capacity building
Your Community Coach will be contacting you very soon to schedule a visit!!
15. SARC Support Team: Resource Team
16. Law Enforcement Training Team
17. Resource Team Technical expertise to support the SARG process, specific strategies, sustainability
Provide targeted training and technical assistance in response to needs identified in your SARG plan (goal 2) or in consultation with your Community Coach
Will assist you to assure readiness for training for greatest effectiveness
Be sure training is completed before implementing strategies
18. Training Trainings are targeted to specific outcomes—these need to be clearly connected to your logic model and outcomes in your Comprehensive Action Plan
To maximize resources, some training will be provided in your community and some will be offered in multi-county settings
To maximize sustainability, some trainings will be provided in a Training of Trainers (TOT) format
All trainings will be evaluated (post assessment only)
You will receive an evaluation report you can use to report outcomes
19. Technical Assistance (TA) TA may be provided by e-mail, phone, conference call, webinar, or in person
TA may be provided in a learning community format
We’re here to help you…please ask!
Please include TA you receive in your monthly report
All TA will be evaluated—you’ll receive an e-mailed request to complete an evaluation of the TA you receive.
20. SARC Support Team: Fire Startersand New SARG Coordinator Support
21. SARC Support Team: Contract and Reporting Support
22. Requesting TTA For TTA required before Sept 30, please make requests using the TTA request form
Must be submitted by community (e.g. SARG Coordinator or other coalition member)
Please list name of person requesting TA and title
Please send to Carol Hays (chays@communitysystemsonline.com)
Please don’t send to Resource Team member
TTA Request form available on E-SARG under Resources tab
Some TTA requests may be delayed depending on training schedules
24. Identifying Your TA Needs and Plan Consider your current capacity building objectives (goal 2)
What additional capacity will your community need (consider the coalition, partner agencies, and community stakeholders)
Most strategies require training to ensure fidelity
What TA will you need to complete SARG round 2?
Your Community Coach will bring a TTA menu and will work with you to develop your TTA plan for the year when they meet with you in September
Training requests that require additional resources not in your approved SARG budget must be aligned with your logic model and plan outcomes
If we don’t currently have a resource to meet your needs, we will try to find one
25. SAMPLE: TTA Menu
26. Preparing to Accomplish TA Outcomes We want your training to be effective
Once training specialist is assigned, they will contact you to lay the ground work
TTA Menu specifies critical information about each training—note the length of the training session
Please work with trainer or training coordinator to assure:
appropriate time is allotted for training
the right people will be in each training session
that participants will be ready to receive and apply the information
27. Building Readiness for Training Orientations and overviews of various trainings will be offered to assure you understand what outcomes and audiences various trainings target and how to strategically target your participants
If you need to build awareness, interest, support and readiness, please let the trainer know so they can assist. Training may be a multi-step process
28. Preparing for Law Enforcement Training Overview Sue Carrigan has identified counties with Law Enforcement knowledge/skill building in their plans
Sue will be hosting a conference call on how to work with your law enforcement agencies to assure the training you bring to them is what they need
Webinar will also provide overview of Responsible Beverage Service Training of Trainers developed by Broward County. This training will be offered around the state for groupings of targeted counties.
Date: September 2nd at 1:00 p.m. ET
Please RSVP to Sue’s invitation to attend the conference call
If you do not currently have LE knowledge/skill building outcomes in your plan but want to attend, please submit TTA request indicating your intended outcomes and how this would support your plan
29. Training/TA Evaluation The SARC system is using a common evaluation instrument for all trainings.
Primary outcomes are perceived accomplishment of training objectives and intention to apply information learned
Once training is scheduled FSU will e-mail the local point of contact (as indicated by the trainer) the evaluation forms and a sign in sheet and will snail mail a pre-addressed envelope.
Local point of contact prints sign in sheet and enough evaluation forms for participants
Local point of contact administers evaluation form at the conclusion of training and mails forms and sign in sheet back to FSU in envelope provided
FSU will e-mail a report to local point of contact and trainer
30. Procedures for Submitting Deliverables All SARG deliverables must be submitted to Kathleen Roberts at FSU (kmr05g@fsu.edu)
Deliverables will receive a technical review prior to submission to FSU
Currently technical review provided by Carol Hays and Susan Woodford
Please submit draft deliverables to Carol Hays for technical review and feedback
Please respond to feedback within two weeks
Carol or Susan will let you know and FSU know when deliverable is ready for final review
You will receive an e-mail from Kathleen requesting your deliverable for final review by DCF
DCF will notify FSU of review outcome; FSU will notify you
31. DCF Support, Review and Final Approval Your DCF Prevention Team:
Skip Forsyth, Prevention Team Leader and SPF SIG Project Director
Senta Goudy, SPF SIG/SARG Project Coordinator
Anika Foster, SAMHSA/CSAP Prevention Fellow
Hal Johnson and Linda Loy, FYSAS data coordinator/analysts
Tanja Waller, Project Assistant
Work with SEOW and state data systems to assure valid, reliable data and epidemiological research, review/approve needs assessments and logic models
Review/approve strategic plans
Developing Evidence Based Work Group to review evidence on strategies and review/approve strategic plans
Provide and leverage funding to address identified capacity gaps
32. Reporting Importance of reporting
Process (SARG round I and II)
Barriers (how can TA help?)
Successes (follow your implementation/action steps; indicate these benchmarks as you accomplish them)
Outcomes (follow your evaluation plan)
Reporting builds VALUE of our outcomes
E-SARG data entry
Questions and clarification
33. Thanks so much for your commitment to the process and for all that you do to prevent and reduce the consequences of substance use in your county and across Florida.