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Learning Medical Terminology. Recognizing the S tems/Prefixes/Suffixes Prepared by T.V.Tran. It’s all Greek (or Latin) to me!. Learning and understanding the roots of most words in the field of Health and Medicine can help you to understand what is being discussed ORIGIN OF MEDICAL TERMS
Learning Medical Terminology Recognizing the Stems/Prefixes/Suffixes Prepared by T.V.Tran
It’s all Greek (or Latin) to me! Learning and understanding the roots of most words in the field of Health and Medicine can help you to understand what is being discussed ORIGIN OF MEDICAL TERMS Hippocrates was a Hippocrates was a Greek physician and is known as the is known as the “father of medicine.” 75% of medical terms are based on terms are based on either Greek or Latin words.
Two basic rules for building medicalwords: Rule 1: A stem word (the main meaning) is used before a suffix that begins with a vowel • Scler/ + Osis = Sclerosis = (hardening) (abnormal condition) Sclerosis • Rule 2: A combining vowel – usually an o (Sometimes ‘a,’ ‘e,’ ‘i,’ ‘u,’ or ‘y.’is used to link a stem word to a suffix that begins with a consonant and to link a stem word to another stem word to form a compound word. • Colon + o + scope = colonoscope (colon) (instrument to view) Colon + o + scopy = the procedure Colonoscopy
Stem (or root) words – main stem (part) of word and can appear at the beginning (prefix) in the middle or at the end of the word (suffix) • cardi = heart • gastr or ventr = stomach • hepat = liver • nephr or ren = kidney • oste or ossi = bone • thorac or steth = chest • arthr = joint • cyt = root for cell • colp = vagina • derm = skin
Compound Words A combining vowel is used to link a stem word to another stem word to another one for a compound word such as: • Gastr + o + enter = itis = gastroenteritis (stomach) (intestine) (inflammation) • Oste + o + arthr + itis= osteoarthritis (bone) (joint) (inflammation)
Suffixes pt 1 • A suffix is a word ending. Changing the suffix gives medical words a new meaning. • Usually indicates a procedure, condition, disorder or disease. • Most suffixes are derived from Greek or Latin words. (A suffix that is well known is – ology – the study of)
What is a SUFFIX part 2 A suffix is the word ending that follows the word stem and changes its changes its meaning. A suffix often indicates the: • procedure • condition • disorder • disease
Notice the connecting vowel Enterotomy Appendectomy Gastrorrhaphy Cystoplasty Steatorrhea Tomy – cut or incision Rhaphy- sewing Plasty – molding/repair Rhea - discharge Suffixes – terms used in surgery
Nephrotomy is… Gastroplasty is… Colporrhaphy is… Appendectomy is… Incision of the kidney Surgical operation for morbid obesity that changes the shape of the stomach surgical repair of a defect in the vaginal wall Removal/cutting of appendix Quick review of surgical terms
Suffixes = word endings • Arthr/o + centesis = arthrocentesis (joint) (puncture) • Thorac/o + -tomy = thoracotomy (chest) (incision) • Gastro/o + -megaly = gastromegaly (stomach) (enlargement) • Colon/o + -scopy = colonoscopy (colon) (see/search)
Suffix-disease/change in body/usedfor diagnoses • Hepatitis: hepa - liver; itis- inflammation of • Splenomegaly: Spleno – spleen; megaly-large • Acrophobia: acro – edge; phobia- fear of • Artheriosclerosis: atherio-artery; sclerosis-hardening of • Cardiogram: cardio-heart; gram - record or write • Laparoscopy: laparo-abdomen; scopy- to look in or search
PREFIXES A prefix is a word element located at the beginning of a word. • Prefixes can alter the meaning of the word. • Usually indicates a number, time,position, direction, color, or sense of negation.
peri - prefix means around hemi - prefix means half micro - prefix means small Neo - prefix means new a part of the word part of the word that precedes word root and changes its changes Often indicates location, time, or number. prefix means before/in front
Some Prefixes • Peri + cardio + logy = pericardiology (around) (heart-pericardium) (study of) • Hyper + therm + -ia = hyperthermia (excessive) ( heat) (condition) • Intra + muscul + -ar = intramuscular (in, within) (muscle) (relating to) • Macro + gloss + -ia = macroglossia (large - enlargement) (tongue) (condition)
Cardi ---? heart. Do you remember what cardi means? – it is a root that means … • -ogist – suffix that means one who • -ology – is a suffix that means the study of ----------------------------------------------- So Cardiology is… Cardiologist is… the study of the heart. one who studies the heart.
Review quiz – 10 questions • All medical terms can be broken down into word parts. The three word parts are the prefix, the stem (root), and the suffix. Usually, only two of these parts are present in a medical term. The word parts, then, of a medical term may include the _________, the stem, and the suffix. prefix
2. The part of the word which gives the basic meaning to the word is called the ___________. stem
3. Dermatology is _____________________________. The study of skin The branch of medicine concerned with the study of the skin, diseases of the skin, and the relationship of cutaneous lesions to systemic disease
4. Osteo is a stem which means bone. A person who has osteo-arthritis, for example, has inflammation of the ______ and joint. bone
5. Rhino and naso are stems which mean nose. A person who has rhinitis has inflammation of the __________. nose
So…rhinoplasty is ____________________________. Surgery to reshape the nose
Nephritis is Nephritis is inflammation of the kidney.
8. Laryngo is a stem meaning larynx or voice box. A laryngoscopy is an examination of the interior of the __________. Larynx
9. Phlebo and veno are stems which mean vein. A phlebectomy is the _____________________________ Surgical removal of veins such as varicose veins on the surface of the legs.
10. Arterio is a stem which means artery. A person who has arteriosclerosis has ________________________. Hardening of the arteries
There are many sources for medical terminology on the internet. Always consult your instructor for recommended ones. http://medlineplus.gov/ http://www.medic8.com/MedicalDictionary.htm http://www.nlm.nih.gov/ http://www.medterms.com/script/main/hp.asp http://www.medicinenet.com/diseases_and_conditions/article.htm