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Comm Arts-Day 1 (computers are not needed). Here is a student example chart: Your task is to take this chart and turn it into a stanza comparing the person to a monkey. Start off like this “I am a monkey…” Five lined stanza, three minutes. Lesson Goal and Essential Question.
Comm Arts-Day 1 (computers are not needed) • Here is a student example chart: • Your task is to take this chart and turn it into a stanza comparing the person to a monkey. Start off like this “I am a monkey…” Five lined stanza, three minutes.
Lesson Goal and Essential Question • Lesson Goal: I can use words / language to evoke a personal response from the reader. • Essential Question: What common qualities are in all effective pieces of writing?
The Last Stanza • The last stanza may be used to really get at who you are. Leave the reader with a picture, a question, or a firm idea. However you choose to express who you are make sure you use imagery to help it connect to the reader.
Example Last Stanza • I can see • Myself throughout nature • In the terror and might • Of a bright and raging gray storm, • But also in the silence that follows after the cool rain. • I am strength.
FCAS for your poem (any questions?) • There are at least four examples of original figurative language based on personal qualities (highlighted) 40pts • Uses language from ALL five senses to evoke a response from the reader (underlined) 50pts • Uses appropriate poem form: stanzas and line breaks (At least five stanza, five lines each) 10pts
Exit Ticket • What have you used in your writing today that you could use in writing a story, research paper, or essay? How would you use it?