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Preparing for the School Workforce Census. (Autumn 2009). Programme (am). 09:00 Reminder of the requirements 09:20 Preparing SIMS for the Census (I) 10:20 Tea/coffee break 10:40 Preparing SIMS for the Census (II) 11:40 Question and answer session
Preparing for the School Workforce Census (Autumn 2009)
Programme (am) 09:00 Reminder of the requirements 09:20 Preparing SIMS for the Census (I) 10:20 Tea/coffee break 10:40 Preparing SIMS for the Census (II) 11:40 Question and answer session 12 noon End of session
Questions to be addressed… • Who is included in the Census? • What data is included in the Census? (Focus = qualifications and curriculum module) • When is the data to be submitted? • How do we submit the data? • What do we need to do now?
Who is included in the Census? • Regular Teachers (inc. agency staff) – i.e. in continuous service of one month or more; • Support staff – e.g. teaching assistants, medical staff, librarians, technicians, and admin staff etc; • Centrally employed teachers, such as peripatetic and advisory teachers, and support staff; • A headcountonly of: i) 3rd party support staff (e.g. paid through an agency); and ii) occasional teachers with service of less than one month.
Who is excluded from the Census? • Temporary staff on contracts of less than one month; • Trainee teachers on teaching practice (inc. a SCITT programme); • Any workforce members who carry out their activities before or after the school day (including cleaners) – as only staff that are employed to work during the normal school day are in scope of the Census.
What will be included in the Census? • Staff details – e.g. name, d.o.b, gender, date of birth, ethnicity, disability etc; • Contract details – i.e. role(s), hours and salary; • Absence - including absence for training, unpaid leave, secondment, and maternity/paternity; • Curriculum and Qualifications - for secondary teachers and TAs working in maths & science; • Teacher vacancy details. N.B. Only the Staff Details and Contract modules apply to all three census returns.
Minimum data set The following items must be provided for each member of the workforce, to allow partial records to be matched: • Teacher number; • Family name; • Given names; • Former family names (Teacher & TAs); • Date of birth; • NI Number; • Gender.
The Absence module • Applies to the Spring Census only (i.e. Jan); • ALL schools are required to supply absence data for 1st Jan 2009 – 31st Dec 2009 (in the Jan 2010 Census); • “For the purpose of the Workforce Census, Absence refers to any activity that takes a member of staff away from normal duties with their usual employer. Such activity can be scheduled or unscheduled.” DCSF Guidance Document
N.B. These are not absences: • A member of the leadership group observing a trainee teacher; • A head teacher linking up with a cluster group in the locality for a development workshop or to discuss common issues; • Staff meetings; • Field trips; • PPA time; and • INSET days.
Qualifications & Curriculum modules • Apply to the Autumn Census only (and to all qualified Teachers and Teaching Assistants of Maths and Science). • Curriculum applies only to Secondary Schools that use a computerised timetable system that interfaces with their management information system.
Qualifications data required • TAs (of maths & science) and Unqualified Teachers - any relevant post A-level qualification; • Teachers - ITT qualification*; and relevant post-QTS qualifications (e.g. higher level NVQ); Note: Qualifications such as NPQH,CSBM and DSBM will be obtained directly from the NCSL and there is no need to enter these. *The DCSF has access to some of this data, but the GTC’s data is incomplete for teachers who qualified before 1986.
Accessing the GTC data • The GTC has produced a web-based system that provides schools with information about the teachers they employ, specifically relating to an individual’s qualifications: https://www.gtce.org.uk/employeraccess/LoginAction.do • GTC contact details - Telephone: 0870 0014 823 Email: employeraccess@gtce.org.uk
Level 4 qualifications • Include: Bachelor degrees; graduate certificates and diplomas; diplomas of HE and FE; certificates of HE; foundation degrees; and HNDs. e.g. Level 4 Certificate in Early Years Practice • Ofqual’s website (see link below) highlights how qualifications compare to NVQ level 4: http://www.ofqual.gov.uk/52.aspx • N.B. For some staff more than one record will be required to cover all their qualifications.
Qualifications fields • Qualification code – i.e. PGCE, BEd, Cert Ed, BA/BSc, MA/MSc, Phd, other NVQ Level 4 equivalent qualification, or *non UK teaching qualification (*refer to NARIC if unsure). • Subject code 1 – from JACS code list given in Appendix 2 of the guidance notes (and samples shown on next slide); • Subject code 2 – as above, but optional field • Verified – to be ticked if the original qualification certificate has been seen by the LA or a member of the school management team.
Qualifications fields cont… • Class of qualification – e.g. upper second class honours; pass (i.e. degree without honours); general degree; degree awarded outside the UK and Eire; not known… [See full list on TC’s qualifications data collection sheet] • Date of award – dd/mm/yyyy? • Country of origin – self explanatory
Some sample subject codes… G100 - Maths; Q300 - English studies; C100 - Biology; F100 - Chemistry; H100 - Engineering; L100 - Economics; L700 - Human and social geography; R100 - French; R200 - German; V100/200/300 - History period/area/topic; W100 - Fine art; W300 - Music; X900 – Others in Education.
The Curriculum module • The curriculum module data items are: • Subject code: one of CBDS subject codes; • Hours: number of hours taught per week of that subject; • NC year group: NC year not age of pupils. • N.B. One entry is required for each combination of Subject and NC Year Group, that the person teaches.
Data Protection • The Data Protection Act 1998 - safeguards over the use of personal data by organisations; • Schools need to issue a Fair Processing Notice (FPN) to all teachers and support staff (inc. staff employed in VA and Foundation Schools); • The FPN informs staff of the purposes for which their personal data may be held and used by the school, Local Authority, DCSF etc. • Also suggest you look at the LGA's advice on handing data: http://www.idea.gov.uk/idk/core/ page.do?pageId=9040133
Frequently Asked Questions • Are modern foreign language assistants included in the Workforce Census? • What happens if a Headteacher is split between two schools? • What do I do if a member of staff has 2 jobs but both do not fall into the criteria for the Census? • Are individuals entitled to opt out of the census? • If an employee is absent for only part of Census Day, should I record them as present or absent?
Preparing for the School Workforce Census How do we submit the data?
Submitting the data In SIMS: • Produce a SWF return; • Validate the return to check for errors; and • Authorise the return to create an xml file. On the web: • Go to the COLLECT familiarisation/live blade: https://data.dfes.gov.uk/COLLECTPORTALLIve/mainpage.aspx • Enter your username and password to log in.
COLLECT first steps - Click on the… • Name of the collection you require: e.g. ‘School Workforce Autumn Term 2009’; • ‘Select data collection’ button to access the collection; • ‘Upload return from file’ button; • ‘Browse’ button to navigate to the required file; • ‘Upload’ button to load the data into COLLECT. N.B.Do not use the back navigation button!
Using COLLECT • Open return - can investigate validation errors from here and annotate with notes. N.B. Click ‘all errors’ button to view all errors; • Edit return - to edit data ; although we suggest you make amendments in SIMS and then re-upload your file; • Submit return - when you are happy with the return and want to make it available to your LA; • Export to file - e.g. into xml format; but this facility will probably not be used by schools; • Delete return - but will lose any amendments! • Launch reports – can be used to find all errors within the return
What next? • Start recording: i) absences (from Jan ’09); and ii) the destination of leavers & origin of starters (from Sept ‘09); • Check that staff details (inc. contract information) are entered correctly in SIMS; • Enter qualifications data from either: a) the GTC; or b) the school files onto SIMS; • Distribute Fair Processing Notices; and then send a data collection sheet to staff, to check their information and fill in any gaps.
What support is available? • DCSF guidance - www.teachernet.gov.uk e.g: www.teachernet.gov.uk/docbank/index.cfm?id=12001 • DSG helpdesk - Tel: 01325 392626 Email - dsg.helpdesk@dcsf.gsi.gov.uk • LA project team - thomascash@wiltshire.gov.uk joannemackrill@wiltshire.gov.uk N.B. TC will forward you all some guidance on using COLLECT.