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School Workforce Census. Guidance for schools. Programme. 10:00am Welcome 10:15am Rationale & benefits 10:30am Census requirements 11:00am Preparing for the Census 11:30am Feedback from pilot school 11:45am Plenary & questions
School Workforce Census Guidance for schools
Programme 10:00am Welcome 10:15am Rationale & benefits 10:30am Census requirements 11:00am Preparing for the Census 11:30am Feedback from pilot school 11:45am Plenary & questions 12 noon End
Questions to be addressed… • What is the rationale for developing the Census? • Who is included in the Census? • What information is required? • When is the data to be submitted to the DCSF? • What are the Data Protection issues? • What do we need to do next?
Rationale for developing the SWfC • Support for the New Relationship with Schools; • Provide information to support existing policies; and to develop better evidence based policies, both at national and local level; • Make better use of the data that is collected - e.g. provide data back to LAs and schools; • Reduce the number of existing data surveys…
What will the Census replace? • 618G – The annual survey of teachers in service and teacher vacancies; • The Annual School Census staffing questions; • The Secondary Schools’ Curriculum and Staffing Survey (SSCSS); • The Office of Manpower Economics (OME) survey of Teacher Pay; • The NEOST annual survey of teacher resignations and recruitment.
What are the benefits to schools? • Data rationalisation: e.g. no duplication of data requests from the LA and DCSF; • Strategic support: Schools will be able to benchmark themselves with other schools; • Workforce modernisation: e.g. details of working arrangements may be used to facilitate cover provision; • Pay monitoring: e.g. pay data can be used for budget forecasting in school.
Who will be included in the Census? • Regular Teachers (inc. agency staff) – i.e. in continuous service of one month or more; • Support staff – e.g. teaching assistants, medical staff, librarians, technicians, and admin staff etc; • Centrally employed teachers, such as peripatetic and advisory teachers, and support staff; • A headcountonly of: i) 3rd party support staff (e.g. paid through an agency); and ii) occasional teachers with service of less than one month.
Additional Support Staff • The support staff categories equate to the counts currently required for the School Census, with the addition of some new staff. For example: • Cleaners, • Caretakers; and • Supervisory assistants (MDSAs).
A temporary change… • Schools may provide a headcount for SLA staff (e.g. peripatetic music teachers) in 2010; • This is a temporary measure as full details will be required in 2011; • Software suppliers will not be able to incorporate this change for 2009, but are looking at ways of how to record this for 2010 onwards.
Who is excluded from the Census? • Temporary staff on contracts of less than one month; • Trainee teachers on teaching practice; including School-Centred Initial Teacher Training; • Individual records for support staff who are not directly employed by the school or LA.
What will be included in the Census? • Staff details – e.g. name, age, gender, date of birth, ethnicity etc; • Contract details – i.e. role(s), hours and salary; • Absence - including absence for training, unpaid leave, secondment, and maternity/paternity; • Curriculum and Qualifications - for secondary teachers and TAs working in maths & science; • Teacher vacancy details. N.B. Only the Staff Details and Contract modules apply to all three census returns.
The Absence Module • Applies to the Spring Census only (i.e. Jan); • All Wiltshire schools are required to supply absence data from 1st Jan ‘09 – 31st Dec ‘09; • “For the purpose of the Workforce Census, Absence refers to any activity that takes a member of staff away from normal duties with their usual employer. Such activity can be scheduled or unscheduled.” DCSF Guidance Document
Qualifications & Curriculum Modules • Apply to the Autumn Census only (and to all qualified Teachers and Teaching Assistants of Maths and Science). • Curriculum applies only to Secondary Schools that use a computerised timetable system that interfaces with their management information system.
Qualifications data • Teaching Assistants (maths & science only) – any relevant post A-level qualification; • UnqualifiedTeachers - as above; • Teachers - ITT qualification*; and relevant post-QTS qualifications (e.g. higher level NVQ); *The DCSF has access to some of this data, but the GTC’s data is incomplete for teachers who qualified before 1986.
Submitting the data • Schools will load the file directly from their Information Management System into the internet-based COLLECT system; • The Local Authority will validate/check the schools’ data and then “approve” the return. • N.B. Schools will have used COLLECT before for the School Census, so will be familiar with the procedures by Sept ‘09.
Data Protection • The Data Protection Act 1998 - safeguards over the use of personal data by organisations; • LAs need to issue a Fair Processing Notice (FPN) to all teachers and support staff (inc. staff employed in VA and Foundation Schools); • The FPN informs staff of the purposes for which their personal data may be held and used by the school, Local Authority, DCSF etc.
General Data Security • BECTA have released guidance for schools on data security (and the LGA will also be producing some): http://schools.becta.org.uk/index.php?section=lv&catcode=ss_lv_saf_dp_03&rid=14734 • The guidance covers 4 key areas - Impact levels and labelling - Data encryption - Audit logging incident handling - Secure and remote access
What next? • Start recording: absences (Jan 09), leavers’ destination and origin of starters (Sept 09); • Issue Fair Processing Notices to: teachers (inc. agency teachers), TAs and other support staff; • Send a data collection sheet to staff, to check their information and fill in any gaps needed for the Census.
What support is available? • DCSF guidance:www.teachernet.gov.uk e.g:www.teachernet.gov.uk/docbank/index.cfm?id=12001 • DSG helpdesk - Tel: 01325 392626 Email: dsg.helpdesk@dcsf.gsi.gov.uk • Consultative group; • LA project team: Co-ordinator and Analyst; • Additional training, if required: 1) “Hands on” SIMS course ? 2) COLLECT briefing session ?
Contact email School Workforce Census Consultant: joanne.mackrill@blueyonder.co.uk