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The District Technology Plan. By Nanette Chapa. Developing a School Technology Plan.
The District Technology Plan By Nanette Chapa
Developing a School Technology Plan • To realize the benefits of technology, schools must develop a plan for integrating technology into the curriculum. An effective technology plan is based on the shared vision of educators, parents, community members, and business leaders who have technological expertise. (Critical Issue, 2010)
Key Points • A district technology plan should focus on integrating technology into the teaching and learning process to transform the way teachers teach and students learn. • At the very least, the technology plan should be embedded in or supplement the district’s comprehensive school improvement plan. • A planning committee is critical to the success of any technology plan. The committee should include expertise in planning, building a vision, needs assessment, curriculum and instruction, evaluation, goal setting, professional development, technology hardware, support and integration, media/marketing, and financial planning.
Factors to Consider • Teachers must have a reason to use technology • Promote teacher-development and training to meet student needs • Curricula must drive technology • Materials and hardware should fit the curricula • Technology involves interfacing with other classrooms, libraries and networks. • Technology planning is never-ending but continuous and changes as the district/school evolves. • Plan must include maintenance, troubleshooting and network management • Requires community support and involvement • Administrative support and involvement is critical to the successful integration of technology • Studies show that principal commitment and interest is the most critical factor for successful implementation of any school innovation-especially technology.
Plan Components • Introduction • Needs Assessment • Goals, Objectives, and Strategies • Budget • Evaluation • Appendix (Optional) (TPESC, 2010)
Introduction • District Information • Contact Information • Demographics • Plan Introduction • Years plan covers • Technology Planning Committee Members • Executive Summary
Needs Assessment Needs Assessment • Assessment process • Current conditions • Identified needs
Goals, Objectives, Strategies • Goals • Objectives • Strategies • Specific activities conducted to achieve objectives • Alignments/correlations (NCLB Requirements/E-rate criteria/CIPA ) • Required Details for Staff Development Defines: • what will be taught (content) • how it will be taught (methodology) • who will be taught (# of participants impacted), • how the classes will be structured (length of classes and how often), • who will teach the sessions (provider), and • how the impact of the training will be measured.
Budget • Technology Formula Funds • Title II, Part D for the current year of this plan • Budget Detail • Staff Development Costs and Funding Sources • Telecommunications and Internet Access Costs and Funding Sources • Materials and Supplies Costs and Funding Sources • Equipment Costs and Funding Sources • Maintenance Costs and Funding Sources • Miscellaneous Expenses Costs and Funding Sources
Evaluation • Process • Describes process used to monitor and document progress made in the implementation • Responsibility of the Technology Plan Committee • Evaluation Methods • Evaluation instruments
Appendix • Optional • Gives you a place to link to up to 10 appendix items that are hosted on your districts Web Server.
4 Components Correlated from Long Range Plan for Technology • Teaching and Learning (includes technology skills) • Educator Preparation and Development • Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support • Infrastructure for Technology These areas should be interwoven throughout the plan (Technology Plan)
Plan Format • Timeline for the length of the plan should be set • What technology will be outlined • Integrations of district mission, vision, goals • State Rubric guideline will be followed
TMISD Mission Statement Tuloso-Midway Independent School District educates every student to be a lifelong learner, a person of integrity, and a positive contributor to society.
TMISD Vision Statement The District’s vision is to create a district that provides relevant, meaningful curriculum; focuses on quality and rigorous expectations; ensures all students are successful, well-rounded and life-long learners; emphasizes instruction that is facilitative and re-search-based; and ensures a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment.
TMISD District Goals Goal 1 TMISD will teach and sustain a world-class curriculum that equips each student to reach full potential. Goal 2 TMISD will recruit, retain, and acknowledge effective student centered, highly qualified employees. Goal 3 TMISD will promote community involvement with all stakeholders in order to develop a dynamic learning community. Goal 4 TMISD will provide a safe, positive, and orderly environment that supports the educational needs of all students. Goal 5 TMISD will aggressively obtain and allocate resources to facilitate optimal student achievement. Goal 6 TMISD will incorporate innovative technologies to optimize teaching, learning and working. Goal 7 TMISD will demonstrate effective planning of maintenance, operations, and facilities.
TMISD Technology Plan 2008-2011 • Revise original plan • Continue with original goals • Revise objectives • Develop strategies for each objective • Determine state or status of objective • Determine timeline • Determine person(s) responsible • Determine what evidence will show objective met (correlated to NCLP and E-Rate) (STaRchart, 2010)
Plan Revision Example • GOAL 1: Teaching and Learning: Provide increased opportunities for students to use technology in the learning process. • OBJECTIVE 1.1:Endeavor to have all students achieve technology proficiency and academic success.
Plan Revision Example • GOAL 2: Educator Preparation & Development. • OBJECTIVE 1: Improve Teacher Training
Plan Revision Example • GOAL 3: Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support • OBJECTIVE 1: StrengthenLeadership and Vision
Plan Revision Example • GOAL 4: Infrastructure for Technology • OBJECTIVE 1: Local Area Network/Wide Area Network
Technology Planning Cycle • Develop a Committee • Make assignments and divide the work • Meet regularly • Share and revise • Appoint one person to consolidate the plan • Always get consensus from everyone as the plan is developed • School board and state agency must approve the district plan
References • (TPESC)Technology Planning and E-Rate Support Center. Retrieved on February 8, 2010, from http://tpesc.esc12.net/eplan/components.html • STaR Chart. Retrieved on February 9, 2010 from: http://starchart.esc12.net/nclb/default.html • Critical Issue: Developing a School or District Technology Plan. Learning Point Associates. Retrieved on February 9, 2010 from http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/methods/technlgy/te300.htm • A National Education Technology Plan: The Future is Now. ED.gov. Retrieved on February 9, 2010 from: http://www2.ed.gov