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Founding Fathers Presentation

All of you have been assigned a Founding Father to research : You must answer the following questions in your presentation : Who was he, where was he from , what did he do? What ideas or beliefs did he have ? How did he contribute to the founding of America ?

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Founding Fathers Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. All of youhavebeenassigned a FoundingFathertoresearch: Youmustanswerthefollowingquestions in yourpresentation: Whowas he, wherewas he from, whatdid he do? What ideas orbeliefsdid he have? Howdid he contributetothefounding of America? Whatlegacydid he leavebehind? FoundingFathersPresentation Yourpresentationis oral only, and shouldlast no more than 4 minutes.

  2. Grading Youwillreceive 3 different grades foryour oral exam: PresentationQuality: Howwellwastheinformationorganized and puttogether? Doestheinformationanswerthetopicquestions? Oral Presenation: Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Fluency Application of the PSP: ThisTrimester´s PSP is ¨UsinganOutline¨

  3. Use of anOutline • Anoutlineis a general plan of the material used in a writtenworkorpresentation • Putmainpointsorsubjectsonthefirstrow, and indentsmallersupportingdetailsbelow. • Outlinesshouldnot be wholesentences, butrather short reminders of whatyouwanttosay. Youmust prepare anoutlineforyour oral exam and turnitinto me printed!

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