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4.3.1 Power

4.3 Logic Part Trouble. 4.3.1 Power. Power-On Trouble. Circuit Diagram. +2.6V MSMP2. U503. +1.8V_ MSMP1. +2.9V_ RX0. +2.9V_ RX1. +2.6V_ MSMP2. U502. +2.8V_ TCXO. +2.6V_ MSMA. +1.4V_ MSMC. START. Push power-on key and check the level change of U502 PWR_ON.

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4.3.1 Power

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  1. 4.3 Logic Part Trouble 4.3.1 Power Power-On Trouble Circuit Diagram +2.6V MSMP2 U503 +1.8V_ MSMP1 +2.9V_ RX0 +2.9V_ RX1 +2.6V_ MSMP2 U502 +2.8V_ TCXO +2.6V_ MSMA +1.4V_ MSMC

  2. START Push power-on key and check the level change of U502 PWR_ON Check the voltage Level of the following port at U502 +1.4V_MSMC +2.6V_MSMP2 +1.8V_MSMP1 +2.6V_MSMA +2.8V_TCXO +2.9V_RX The logic level at PS_HOLD(R502) of U502 = High ? Does it work properly? Does it work properly? Checking Flow YES NO Check Battery Voltage > 3.4V ? Charge of Change Battery and try again YES NO Check the contact of power-key or dome switch YES NO Replace the U502 YES NO Re-download software & try again YES NO NO The power-on procedure is completed. The problem may be elsewhere. YES Replace the main board. The Phone will power on.

  3. Charging Trouble Circuit Diagram V_CHAR Test Points Q602 C605 VBATT(+VPWR) Q600 Q601 Q603 Pin1 CON603

  4. START Voltage at +VPWR of Q603 = 4.2V? The logic level at CHG_MODE of Q602 = Low? Is the battery charged Checking Flow SETTING : Connect the battery and the charging adaptor (TA) to the phone YES NO The charging adaptor (TA) is out of order. Change the charging adaptor. Voltage at +V_CHAR of Q601 = 5V? YES NO Voltage at C605 = 5V? Replace Q600, Q601 YES NO Replace Q603 YES NO Replace Q602 YES NO The battery may have the problem Change the battery and try again. YES Charging will operate properly

  5. 4.3.2 LCD LCD Trouble Circuit Diagram • LCD Control signals From MSM : D2[0:15], MLCD_REST/, SLCD_RESET/, MLCD_CS/, SLCD_CS/, WE2/, RS • Check point - The assembly status of the LCD Module - The Soldering of connector F408 Test Points F409 CON400 F407 +2.8V_LCD F403 F405 U502 F404 F406

  6. Checking Flow START Yes Voltage at +2.8V_LCD of U502 = 2.8V? No Replace U502 Yes Check the Control signal D2[0:15], RESET/, LCD_CS/, WE2/,RS ; Check F403, F404, F405, F406, F407, F408, F409 Yes Check CON400 soldering No Re-solder CON400 Yes Change the LCD Module

  7. 4.3.3 Camera Camera Trouble Circuit Diagram • Camera Control signals From MSM : CAM_DATA[0:7], CAM_REST/, CAM_SDA, CAM_SCL, CAM_CLK_IN, CAM_PCLK

  8. Test Points • Check point - The assembly status of the Camera Module - The Soldering of connector L400 CON601 X400 U503 VR603 VR600 VR601 VR602 U505

  9. Checking Flow START Check the clock to Camera at L400(48MHz) No Replace X400 Yes Check the clock from Camera at VR602 : CAM_PCLK No Replace the Camera module Yes Check the voltage of the following LDOs : +2.8V_CAM_AVDD +2.8V_CAM_VDD +1.8V_CAM_VDD No Replace U503/U505 Yes Check the Control signal CAM_DATA[0:7], CAM_RESET/, CAM_SDA, CAM_SCL ; Check VR600, VR601, VR602, VR603 Yes Check CON601 soldering No Re-solder CON601 Yes Camera will work properly

  10. 4.3.4 Audio Speaker Trouble Circuit Diagram Test Points C302 C301 U301 L304 L303 L301 L302

  11. Checking Flow SETTING : “Melody on” at sounds of test menu. START Voltage at L300 Is about 3.4~4.2V NO Replace L300 Yes Check the audio signal at C301, C302 Check the Soldering of C301, C302 NO NO Replace MSM Yes Yes Re-solder C301, C302 Check the audio signal at L301~L304 Check the Soldering of U301 NO NO Replace U301 Yes Yes Re-solder U301 Check the state Of contact of speaker NO Replace Speaker Yes Speaker will work properly

  12. Receiver Trouble Circuit Diagram Test Points L306 L305 C302 C301 U301 L304 L303 L301 L302

  13. Checking Flow START Voltage at L300 Is about 3.4~4.2V NO Replace L300 Yes Check the audio signal at C301, C302 Check the Soldering of C301, C302 NO NO Replace MSM Yes Yes Re-solder C301, C302 Check the audio signal at L305, L306 Check the Soldering of U301 NO NO Replace U301 Yes Yes Re-solder U301 Check the state Of contact of receiver NO Replace Receiver Yes Receiver will work properly

  14. Headset Trouble Circuit Diagram Test Points C311 C309 L306 L305 C302 C301 U301 L304 L303 L301 L302

  15. Checking Flow START Insert the headset to the handset. Yes Headset detect problem Does the audio Profile of the phone change to the headset mode? No 1 Yes Set the audio part of the test equipment to echo mode Set the audio part of the test equipment to continuous wave mode Can you hear your voice from the headset? Headset receiving Path problem No Change the headset and try again. Yes Can you hear the sound from the headset? No 2 No Can you hear your voice from the headset? Yes Yes Headset sending path problem 3 4 The headset will work properly Headset receiving path problem 2 Level of C309, C311 is about 1.2V ? Download S/W No Yes Check soldering of Pin2,3 of CON302 No Re-soldering of Pin2,3 of CON302 Yes Change main board

  16. Headset detect problem 1 Headset detect problem Level of pin4 of CON302 Is 1.65~2.10V? Check soldering R315 No No Yes Yes Re-solder R315 Check soldering Q300 No Re-solder Q300 Yes Level of EAR_JACK_SENSE/ Is low? No Download SW Yes 4 Headset sending path problem Headset sending path problem 3 Level of pin4 of CON302 Is 1.65~2.10V? No Re-solder R315 Yes No Does it work? Download SW Yes Does it work well? No Change main board Yes 4

  17. Mic Trouble Circuit Diagram Test Points M200 R238

  18. Checking Flow SETTING : After initialize 5515C, Test Cellular START Check the voltage level at R238 is 1.0~2.0V Check the soldering Of R238 No No Re-solder R238 Yes Yes Replace MSM Check the signal level at each side of MIC. No Replace the microphone Yes Check the soldering at C2001, C2002 No Re-soldering C2001, C2002 Yes Check the soldering of MIC NETWORK No Re-solder MIC NETWORK Yes MIC will work properly

  19. 4.3.6 Vibrator, Mini SD Detect, and USB Interface Vibrator Circuit Diagram Test Points Q402 D400 Q401 R418 R417 R416

  20. Checking Flow SETTING : “Vibrator on” at Sounds of test menu START Is the voltage of MOTOR_EN about 2.6V ? No Change the main board Yes Check soldering of R416, R417, R418 No Re-solder R416, R417, R418 Yes Is Q401, Q402 Working? No Replace Q401, Q402 Yes Check the state at Contact of Vibrator No Re-contact vibrator Yes Replace Vibrator Yes The vibrator will Work properly

  21. Micro SD Detect Circuit Diagram Test Points CON300 PIN 1 PIN 2 PIN 3 PIN 4 PIN 5 PIN 7 PIN 8 PIN 9 U502 R503

  22. Checking Flow SETTING : Insert the mini SD card into the phone START Level of SD_DETECT at PIN 9 of CON300 is ‘High’ ? No Check the soldering of R327 & CON300 Yes Level of +3.0V_SD at U502 is 3.0V ? No Replace U502 Yes Levels of SD_CMD(PIN3 of CON300) and SD_DATA[0]~DATA[3](CON300) are ‘High’ ? No Replace the MSM Yes Access a file in the micro SD ; play music or view a PIX/FLIX Frequency of SD_CLK(PIN5 of CON300) is about 9.6MHz ? No Replace the main board Yes THE MINI SD CARD WILL BE DETECTED

  23. USB Interface Circuit Diagram Test Points X200 R200 R538 U502 C538

  24. Check the soldering X200,R200 Check the soldering U502 The Frequency at X200 is 48 MHz? Check the voltage of the following port at U502 VIO=2.6V? VPU=3.3V? Check the voltage level at R537 Is it almost 3.3V? Checking Flow START YES NO Level of VBUS at R538 is 5.0V ? Check the connecting of the data cable YES NO NO Re-soldering U502 YES Replace U502 YES NO NO Re-soldering X200,R200 YES Replace X200,R200 YES NO Level of USB_SUPEND at C538 is ‘Low’ ? Replace the MSM YES NO NO Re-soldering R537,R544,R545 Check the soldering R537,R544,R545 YES YES Replace U502 THE USB INTERFACE WILL WORK PROPERLY

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