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Abolitionist-a person who strongly favors doing away with slavery.

A. Abolitionist-a person who strongly favors doing away with slavery. Amendment-an addition to a formal document such as the constitution. Adobe-a sun dried mud brick used to build the homes of some Native Americans. B. Backcountry-a region of hill’s and forests west of the tide-waters.

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Abolitionist-a person who strongly favors doing away with slavery.

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  1. A. • Abolitionist-a person who strongly favors doing away with slavery. • Amendment-an addition to a formal document such as the constitution. • Adobe-a sun dried mud brick used to build the homes of some Native Americans.

  2. B. • Backcountry-a region of hill’s and forests west of the tide-waters. • Burgesses-elected representatives to an assembly. • Boycott-to refresh to buy items from a particular .

  3. C. • Cabinet- a group of advisers to the president. • California's- Mexicans who lived in California. • Canal- an artificial waterway.

  4. D. • Debtor- person or country that loans money. • Decree- an order or decision given by one in authority. • Demiliarize- to remove armed forces from an area.

  5. E. • Effigy- rag figure representing an unpopular in dividable. • Emancipate- to free from slavery. • Embargo- an order prohibiting trade with another country.

  6. F. • Fugitive-runaway or trying to run away. • Federalism-the sharing of powers between federal and state government. • Federalists- supporters of the constiution.

  7. G. • Genocide- the deliberate destruction of a racial , political , or cultural group. • Global warmer-a steady increase in average world tem-peratures. • Guerrilla- referring to surprise attacks or rather than organized Harare.

  8. H. • Habeas corpus-a legal order for an inquiry to determine whether a person has been lawfully imprisoned • Harrison, William- 9th president of the United States and member of the Whig Party • Horizontal integration- the combining of competing firms into one corporation.

  9. I. Impeach- to formally charge a public official with misconduct in office. Implied powers-powers not specifically mentioned in the constitution. Import- to buy goods from foreign goods.

  10. J. • Judicial Review-the right of the supreme court to determine if a law violates the constitution.

  11. K. • John F. Kennedy- 35th president Kansas- Nebraska Act- called bleeding Kansas.

  12. L. • Legislative branch- the branch of government that makes the nations laws. • Literacy- the ability to read and write. • Loyalist- American colonist who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independent.

  13. M. • Martyr- a person who sacrifices his/her life for a principle. • Migration- a movement of a large number of people into a new home land. • Militia- a group of civilians trained to fight in emergehcies.

  14. N. • Naturalization- to grant full citizenship to a foreigner. • Neutral- taking no side in a conflict. • Neutral rights- the right to sail the seas and not take sides in a war.

  15. O. • Ordinance- a law or regulation. • Overseer- a person who supersizes a large operation or its workers. • Ozone- the layer of gas composed of a form of oxygen that protects the earths and its people from cancer-causing sun rays.

  16. P. • Petition- a formal request. • Plantation- a large estate run by an owner or manager and formed by laborers. • Privateer- armed private ship.

  17. Q. • Quakers- protestant group of dissent-tears.

  18. R. • Ratify- to give official approval to. • Republic- a government in which citizens rule through elected representation. • resolution- a formal expression of opinion.

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