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European-wide field trials for residential fuel cell micro-CHP

European-wide field trials for residential fuel cell micro-CHP. Commercial in Confidence

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European-wide field trials for residential fuel cell micro-CHP

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  1. European-wide field trials for residential fuel cell micro-CHP Commercial in Confidence All technical information displayed in this presentation is confidential and should not be used for any other purposes than scoping potential for commercial agreements, or entering into commercial discussions. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union´s 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) for the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking Technology Initiative under Grant Agreement Number 303462.

  2. Agenda • Brief presentation of the project • Overview of FC m CHP technology and its benefits • Technology deployed under ene.field • Typical agreements between ene.field manufacturers and associated field partners Comments (EE): NOTE this presentation is intentionally extensive. Slides can be removed depending on how relevant they are for the audience and / or time allocated for the presentation. Typical use for this presentation could be Conferences, Regional workshops etc.

  3. Agenda • Brief presentation of the project • Overview of FC m CHP technology and its benefits • Technology deployed under ene.field • Typical agreements between ene.field manufacturers and associated field partners 3

  4. Introduction to ene.field v • ene.field is the largest European demonstration of the latest smart energy solution for private homes, fuel cell micro-CHP. • It will deploy up to 1,000 Fuel Cell heating systems in 12 key European member states. • Project duration of 5 years. Systems will be demonstrated for 2 to 3 years. • Outputs of the project include: Detailed performance data, lifecycle cost and environmental assessments, market analysis, commercialisation strategy. Countries where units are currently expected to be installed 4

  5. ene.field is a European platform for FC mCHP • The consortium brings together 26 partners including: • the leading European FC micro-CHP developers, • leading European utilities, • leading research institutes, • partners in charge of dissemination and coordination of the project. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) is committing c. €26 million to ene.fieldunder the EU's 7th Framework Programme for funding research and development. 5

  6. Agenda • Brief presentation of the project • Overview of FC m CHP technology and its benefits • Technology deployed under ene.field • Typical agreements between ene.field manufacturers and associated field partners 6

  7. Fuel Cell micro Combined Heat and Power systems (FC mCHP) 1/2 v System description • Produce both heat and electricity for a building using a single fuel. Primarily produces electricity with heat being produced as a by-product. • Well suited to the retrofit market and compatible with new build properties. • Noise and vibration free source of power. • Low local emissions When heat demand is too large for the system the peak demand boiler will switch on and provide heat. This peak demand boiler operates like a conventional gas boiler. Source: Fuel Cell Handbook (fifth edition), EG&G Services Parsons, Inc., 2000. and Fundamental physics and chemistry of direct electrochemical oxidation in SOFC (see www.ene.field.eu) 7

  8. Fuel Cell micro Combined Heat and Power systems (FC mCHP) 2/2 v • FC description • Combines hydrogen produced from the fuel and oxygen from the air to produce power, heat and water through an electrochemical reaction. • Can operate on a variety of fuels, including: • natural gas (L and H), • biofuels and • hydrogen Standard Fuel Cell system Source: Fuel Cell Handbook (fifth edition), EG&G Services Parsons, Inc., 2000. and Fundamental physics and chemistry of direct electrochemical oxidation in SOFC (see www.ene.field.eu) 8

  9. A growing market and interest for FC mCHP v The last 5 years have seen a steep increase in sales worldwide as well as the implementation of numerous schemes to incentivise the uptake of mCHP. Countries with incentives for mCHP FC mCHP sales worldwide Source: Code project at http://www.code-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/231210-European-Summary-Report-on-CHP-support-schemes.pdf(table) and data from Delta Energy & Environment at http://www.cogeneurope.eu/medialibrary/2013/04/23/ccf35af0/John%20Murray%20-%20Delta%20EE.pdf(Graph).

  10. A growing interest at the European policy level v • Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU) • Defines micro-CHP as a cogeneration unit with a maximum capacity below 50 kWe. • Member States shall conduct a comprehensive assessment of introducing high-efficiency CHP & DHC, which shall also consider the potential for micro-CHP. • Member States are encouraged to facilitate the grid connection to micro-cogeneration units. • Simplified notification “install and inform” procedure for the installation of micro-CHP is recommended. • Energy performance of Buildings Directive (2010/31/EU) • Cogeneration, including micro-CHP, is part of the toolbox of energy efficient measures to improve the energy efficiency in buildings. • European Parliament Microgeneration Resolution (adopted on 12th September 2013) • Calls on the Commission to put more emphasis on realising the potential of small scale technologies, including micro-CHP. • Micro-CHP is mentioned as an important small scale technology to save energy in buildings, contributing together with renewables to zero- or positive- energy buildings.

  11. Why are policy makers and industry pursuing CHP? 1/2 Carbon savings, reduced local emissions & energy efficiency • In the EU, the building sector is responsible for: • 40% of energy consumption • 36% of total CO2emissions. Challenges • FC mCHP can achieve carbon savings of up to 50%1. • FC mCHPtransfers electricity generation to the local level and alleviates transmission losses. Benefits 11 1. compared with a natural gas condensing boiler and European grid mix electricity

  12. Why are policy makers and industry pursuing CHP? 2/2 Cost savings, markets development & smart grid application • Rapidly increasing electricity demand. • Integration of high capacity of intermittent renewables on electricity grids. • Required investment in grid reinforcement, storage and generating capacity. • Required application to support smart grid infrastructure. Challenges • FC mCHP can produce low cost electricity from gas. • FC mCHP can address renewable intermittency and nuclear inflexibility. • FC mCHPcan provide a flexible response to real time prices via smart metering. • FC mCHPcan empower consumers by giving them control of their electricity bills. Benefits 12

  13. An efficient way to produce and deliver energy v • Micro CHP allows decentralisedgeneration of heat and power at peak time. • High electrical / thermal efficiencies. • Decentralised supply of heat / electricity. • No losses from transportation. • Reduce CO2 associated with energy production at peak time. • Less constraints for grid operation. • CHP is the most efficient way to deliver / produce energy as it is based on simultaneous production of electricity and thermal energy used to meet local loads. Source: H2FC SUPERGEN at http://www.h2fcsupergen.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Progress-in-Fuel-Cell-mCHP-Prof-Nigel-Brandon-Imperial.pdf (illustration and data for graph), 13

  14. Advanced and innovative technologies v • FC mCHP also generates less harmful emissions for the environment and for people’s health (CO2, PM, Sox, etc.). • FC mCHP has a higher overall efficiency than a traditional boiler or even than other mCHP solutions. CO2 savings potential *) Calculated according to residual power value method Source: Callux project, 2012

  15. Agenda • Brief presentation of the project • Overview of FC m CHP technology and its benefits • Technology deployed under ene.field • Typical agreements between ene.field manufacturers and associated field partners

  16. Technical characteristics of systems in ene.field v The systems deployed in ene.field present a good coverage of various type of requirements thanks to a wide range of technology, size and fuels.

  17. A cost effective solution for a low carbon energy production v • Cost savings • Savings in energy costs for end-users (average est. between €800 and €1,200*): • High overall efficiency of the system • Displaced cost of electricity • Additional savings thanks to national grants for low carbon technologies. • Carbon savings (CO2 emissions) • Can achieve carbon savings of up to 50%* when compared with a natural gas condensing boiler. • No soot / PM and limited nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions. • * Depending on household characteristics, location, national prices and grant(s) available. • Savings vary depending on national energy mix and local utilities prices.

  18. Examples of field trials v Elcore2400 system at family Aberl installed by the company SchröterHaustechnik • Mr.Schröter, owner of SchröterHaustechnik: • “I want to support new technologies like the fuel cell that improves energy efficiency in homes, reduces COemissions and contributes to the success of the energy transition”. • Mr.Aberl: • “We wanted to get involved with this innovative fuel cell cogeneration system tailored for single family homes and achieve significant energy savings“. The house of family Aberl (Munich region) • Single-family home • Mid-terrace house • 120m² living space • 300W electrical power (base load energy demand) • 600W thermal output (warm water / heating) Source: Elcore, Press release 06/09/13.

  19. Examples of field trials • Mr.Bossler: • “I immediately proposed to my family that we apply to take part in the test when I read about the Municipal Works’ invitation. I am promising myself lower heating costs and, by generating current at the same time, even further cost savings. Now I can’t wait to see the results,” v BAXI INNOTECH, the Homburg Municiple Works and family Bossler are backing fuel cells for heat and power generation in the home: Wolfgang Ast, Managing Director of the Homburg Municipal Works, Friedrich and Julia Bossler and Guido Gummert, Managing Director of BAXI INNOTECH ( from left to right) Source: BaxiInnotech, Press release 06/09/13.

  20. Agenda • Brief presentation of the project • Overview of FC m CHP technology and its benefits • Technology deployed under ene.field • Typical agreements between ene.field manufacturers & associated field partners 20

  21. Roles and responsibilities sharing between field partner and ene.field project partners • Trial agreement • Upgrade at end of trial • Installation of units • Optimisation • Manufacture of units v Field partners are supported at all the stages by the manufacturer(s) they are collaborating with. The manufacturer are coordinating all exchanges with ene.field. • CHP supplier • CHP Supplier • Field support • Monitoring and maintenance • CHP supplier and field partner • CHP supplier and field partner • CHP supplier and field partner • CHP supplier • andfield partner • CHP supplier and field partner • Site selection • Ongoing operation • field partner • field partner Co-ordination and communication with ene.field • CHP Supplier 21

  22. Opportunities to become an Associated Field Partner v Associated field partners are field partners that contribute to the project and in return benefit from specific advantages otherwise only accessible to project partners. • Advantages Basic requirements* • They have the opportunity to gain: • access to processed data from all trials in the project / information exchanges, • familiarity with this new technology and prepare for wider market entry, • valuable market and product insights by interacting with a flagship European project and key market players and, • use of the ene.fieldbranding. • The basis requirements to benefit of this status are to: • find a minimum of 5 sites and to take part in the trial*, • work with systems’ manufacturers on the site selection and setting up of the units and, • collaborate with the manufacturer to establish monitoring activities required by the project. * Please note field partners can deploy less than 5 units but will not benefit from the same advantages as Associated Field Partners.

  23. Detail of typical services included in commercial offer* * Please note that the details of the commercial offer will vary between manufacturers. Details of agreements should be discussed with each manufacturer.

  24. Dissemination offer to associated field partners 1/2 v This offer includes deliverables, reports and marketing information and tools the use of which is otherwise restricted to ene.field partners. Access to project’s deliverables • Database of energy demand profiles, • Report on technical performance, • Summary of issues encountered, • Surveys and Barriers Report, • LCC and LCA • Report on economics of mCHP to 2030, • Report on EU FC mCHP supply chain, • Report on the policy requirements for mCHP, • Report on macro-economic & environmental impact. Access to processed data from all trials • Biannual reports will be generated with data from the field trials (based on anonymised data) • Specific contents of reports will analyse the units deployed in the field overall and by climate zone and details aggregated and mean running hours, efficiency, electricity and heat produced.

  25. Dissemination offer to associated field partners 2/2 v This offer includes deliverables, reports and marketing information and tools the use of which is otherwise restricted to ene.field partners. Access information (meetings & seminars) • Invitation to specific dissemination events organised ahead of the annual assemblies. • Opportunity to receive information and results from the field trials. • Invitation to join the utilities working group. • Dependent on manufacturer: invitation to specific seminars organised by manufacturer(s) they are conducting field trials with. Use of the ene.field branding • Dedicated page on the ene.field website (www.enefield.eu) with your logo. • Access to dissemination material and specific logo to recognise your contribution. Final logo design to be determined

  26. ene.field – coordination team contact details v • Please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to get additional information about the ene.field systems or would like to be put in contact with one or several of the FC mCHP manufacturers involved in the project. • COGEN Europe is the project co-ordinator and the leader of the dissemination Work Package. • Element Energy is the work package leader coordinating the implementation of the demonstration sites under ene.field.

  27. ANNEX

  28. An efficient way to produce and deliver energy • Micro CHP allows decentralisedgeneration of heat and power at peak time. • Reduce CO2 associated with energy production at peak time. • Less constrains for grid operation. Source: H2FC SUPERGEN at http://www.h2fcsupergen.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Progress-in-Fuel-Cell-mCHP-Prof-Nigel-Brandon-Imperial.pdf (illustration and data for graph), 29

  29. Advanced and innovative technologies Comparing efficiency and CO2 savings from various mCHP technologies The efficiency % shown on this graph for FC systems are calculated as the average of the efficiency of the systems deployed in ene.field Source: Element Energy, 2013 (Table) and data from Delta Energy & Environment (Graph) at http://www.cogeneurope.eu/medialibrary/2013/04/23/ccf35af0/John%20Murray%20-%20Delta%20EE.pdf

  30. Technical characteristics of systems in ene.field

  31. Allocation of sensors in ACOS700 – Detailed monitoring

  32. Monitoring requirements specific to ene.field • All installations are monitored for a two year minimum period, creating a highly valuable dataset on product performance. • This raw data will be analysed throughout the project and will form the basis of a series of technical and market studies. • This will allow the partners to understand how the technology can be integrated into a range of house types, performance under real thermal demands, aspects of the consumer attitudes toward the technology and the interactions with the local electricity supply network. ACOS700 aka “Callux-box” from IDS GmbH (source: IDS) • Communication gateway/data logger for collecting and archiving in database servers. It includes: • 2 Ethernet ports (ETH 0 and ETH1), • a wireless communication port (M-Bus), • internal communication networks (S1 and S2), • a mini-USB service port for direct connection, • a plug in electrical power connection (PWR).

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