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Senior Project- Personal Training

Senior Project- Personal Training . Roger Holsapple . Research Paper. Body Types Ectomorph Tall, Fragile, Thin, Flat chest, Delicate build, Young appearance, Lightly muscled, Small Shoulders, Large brain, Has trouble gaining weight, Muscle growth takes longer Mesomorph:

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Senior Project- Personal Training

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  1. Senior Project- Personal Training Roger Holsapple

  2. Research Paper Body Types • Ectomorph • Tall, Fragile, Thin, Flat chest, Delicate build, Young appearance, Lightly muscled, Small Shoulders, Large brain, Has trouble gaining weight, Muscle growth takes longer • Mesomorph: • Athletic, Hard, muscular body, Overly mature appearance, Rectangular shaped, Thick skin, Upright posture, Gains or loses weight easily, Grows muscle quickly • Endomorph • Round shaped, Soft body, Flabby, Underdeveloped muscles,, Over-developed digestive system, Trouble losing weight, Generally gains muscle easily

  3. Facts • All about helping others reach there health goals • Have a passion • Consist of more than just going to the gym, it’s a lifestyle

  4. 12 Week Muscle building Program

  5. Nutrition • 6 lean meals a day • Eat Clean • 3 main macronutrients that make up whole foods: protein, carbohydrates, and fat. • Match body weight in grams of protein

  6. Supplements • Whey Protein • Multivitamin • Creatine • Natural Energy Supplement • Casein Protein

  7. Chest, Triceps, & Abs • Warm-Up • Chest • Flat Bench Press • Pec-Dec Fly • Incline Dumbbell Press • Incline Cable Fly • Triceps • Skull Crushers • Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment • Reverse Grip Triceps extension • Over Head Triceps extension • Abs: • Hanging knee raise super set with weighted crunches

  8. Back, Biceps, & Calves • Warm-up • Back • Wide-Grip Pull-ups • Bent T-Bar Row • Close-Grip Front LatPulldown • One-Arm Dumbbell Row • Straight-Arm Pulldown (With rope) • Biceps: • EZ Bar/Straight barbell curls • Single Dumbbell Curls • Hammer Curls • 21’s • Calves: • Standing Calf Raises • Donkey Calf Raise • Seated Calf Raise

  9. Cardio • 30 Minutes of giving anything cardiovascular your all until the times done . • Example: • Treadmill, Row machine, biking, swimming.

  10. Shoulders, Traps, & Abs • Warm-Up • Shoulders: • Dumbbell Shoulder Press • Side Lateral Raise • Reverse Pec Deck Flyes • Front RaiseSuperset with Upright Barbell Row • Traps: • Barbell Shrug • Abs: • Hanging leg raise super set with oblique weighted crunches

  11. Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves • Warm-Up • Quads: • Back Squats • Leg extension • Leg press (Close Feet) • Lunges • Hamstrings: • Reverse leg curl • Stiff leg deadlift • Calves: • Standing Calf Raises • Donkey Calf Raise • Seated Calf Raise

  12. Active Rest • Stay active doesn’t have to be intense weight training or cardio. As little as throwing a football or walking around the store. • Maintain diet and calorie intake

  13. Measurement's (Inches)

  14. Measurement's (Inches)

  15. Project Facilitator • Darrell Hamby • Body builder and a personal trainer • Showed me in depth work outs, information about supplements and nutrition, and knowledge of the life style and what it takes

  16. Challenges • Working around schedules • Keeping everyone on there diet plans and training a hundred and ten percent in the gym • Adapting to the individual weak spots • Keeping everyone motivated

  17. Knowledge after 12 weeks • Personal Training • Pursuing personal training in the future?

  18. Summary • What I have learned

  19. Thank you for your time

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