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Course Planning

Counsellors 2011/12. Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12International Students (by grade)C.I.A. Ms. FarnellMs. GillMs. GillMs. GillMs. FarnellMs. Gill /Ms. FarnellMs. O'Connor. Key Points for Consideration. Personal Future ChoicesCurrent Graduation RequirementsPost-Secondary Admission Requirements.

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Course Planning

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Course Planning 2010/11

    2. Counsellors 2011/12 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 International Students (by grade) C.I.A Ms. Farnell Ms. Gill Ms. Gill Ms. Gill Ms. Farnell Ms. Gill /Ms. Farnell Ms. O’Connor Introduce CounsellorsIntroduce Counsellors

    3. Key Points for Consideration Personal Future Choices Current Graduation Requirements Post-Secondary Admission Requirements

    4. Student/Parent Roles Research courses available/required Familiarize self with course booklet Investigate options/interests Complete Course Selection 5 Year Plan Take course selection sheet home to discuss with parents Register for your courses at home Return completed course selection sheet to counsellor no later than Feb. 20th

    5. Counsellor Role Provide course information and graduation requirements Provide academic, career and personal counselling Keep current on Graduation/ Post Secondary Requirements Answer questions and direct to resources

    6. Post UHill Options… a) University b) College Uhill c) Upgrade/Adult Ed d) Trade School e) Work f) Gap Year

    7. Graduation Requirements Courses vs. Credits Required credits 48 Credits Elective credits 32 Credits Graduation Transition 4 Credits Grade 12 level 16 Credits (including English 12) Total credits to graduate= 80

    8. Required Courses Grades 10 - 12 English 10 4 credits English 11 or Com 11 4 credits English 12 or Com 12 4 credits Social Studies 10 4 credits Social Studies 11 4 credits Foundations of Math and Pre-Calculus 10 4 credits Foundations of Math 11 or Pre-Calculus 11 4 credits

    9. Required Courses Science 10 4 credits Science 11 4 credits PE 10 4 credits Applied Skills or Fine Arts (10-12) 4 credits Planning 10 4 credits Total- 48 required credits

    10. Required Courses Math (3 choices) Path 1) Foundations of Math 11,12 University* 2) Pre-Calculus Math 11,12 University* 3) Applications and Workplace Graduation/ Math 10,11 Technical** * Common Foundations of Math and Pre-Calculus 10 **Dependent on program choice

    12. Required Courses Science 11 (5 choices) Path 1) Biology* University 2) Chemistry* University 3) Physics* University 4) Earth Science** University 5) Science and Technology** Graduation * Also offered at the Honours level ** Not offered at UHill

    13. Graduation Exams Provincial Exams Math 10 20% of final mark Science 10 20% of final mark English 10 20% of final mark Social Studies 11 20% of final mark Grade 12 Provincial Exams- 40% (English 12 or COM 12 required)

    14. Elective Courses Applied Skills Business Education Home Economics Technology Education Fine Arts Visual Arts Drama Music Academics (beyond requirements)

    15. Planning 10 Education and Careers (self awareness, post secondary education and training, labour market information, job seeking/keeping, employment standard/workplace safety, support networks/resources, transition plan) Health (healthy lifestyles, health information, healthy relationships, safe schools, health decisions) Finances (financial literacy, costs of education and career options, financial plan)

    16. Grad Transitions (Grade 11/12) A 4 credit course where students must demonstrate they have met the following requirements for: Personal Health - maintain a personal health plan and participate in at least 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous physical activity. Community Connections - participate in at least 30 hours of work experience and/or community service and describe what was learned. Career and Life - complete a transition plan and present significant accomplishments.

    17. Course Selection

    18. Course Selection

    19. External Credits Approved credits authorized by Ministry of Education Credits given upon successful completion of these learning activities which were developed outside of the BC school system

    20. External Credits Cont. Languages (Grade 6+ in another country) Music (RCM Grade 6 and above) Dance Drama Sports: Athletics, Coaching Youth Development: (Scouts, Guides) Industrial Development: (Driver’s Ed., Industrial First-aid)

    21. Honours Courses Honours courses at University Hill: Better prepare students for curriculum covered at the university level. Are more challenging in that they also cover the Advanced Placement (AP) curriculum over two years. Cover the AP curriculum; however these courses DO NOT show as an AP course on a University Hill transcript. Do not require that the AP exam for that course be written.

    22. Why take AP exams? AP course credit may be given by a university if the student scores a 4 or 5 on the AP exam. AP exams taken in grade 11 can be used for University entrance requirements at many universities. AP Exam marks can be used in calculating Provincial Exam Scholarships.

    23. Post Secondary Information Admission requirements vary from one institution to the next Check University web sites www.educationplanner.bc.ca (information on all BC public post secondary programs) www.canlearn.ca (Canadian institutions and programs) www.collegeboard.org (info. On U.S. schools)

    24. American Universities Look at both Gr. 11 marks and term 1 of Gr. 12 Also look at extra-curricular activities Plan to write SAT or ACT exams in June of Gr. 11 or November of Gr. 12 Register early—spots fill up quickly! It is suggested that students are well prepared and write the SAT or ACT exam once It is student’s responsibility to research what individual universities require (ie. SAT II exams) For more information visit www.collegeboard.org

    25. UBC General Admission (ARTS 2011-Vancouver) En 11*, SS 11, PMa 11 Foundations of Math 11/12 or Pre-Calculus Math 11 (2013) Sc 11 (BI11, CH11, PH11, or ESC11) Language 11** (not beginner’s level) En 12* 3 other Provincially Examinable courses (BI12, CH12, PH 12, PMa 12, FR 12, SP12, “Lang” 12, GEO 12, HI 12, LIT 12)

    26. UBC General Admission (SCIENCE 2011-Vancouver) English 11*, Social Studies 11, Principles of Math 11, Language 11 Physics 11 and Chemistry 11 Principles of Math 12 (min. 67%) Pre-Calculus Math 12 (2013) English 12* 2 other Provincially Examinable courses including at least one of BI12, CH12, PH12 * Minimum of 70% in En 11 OR En 12 mandatory

    27. UBC General Admission (Commerce 2010) English 11, Social Studies 11, PMath 11 or Pre-Calculus Math 11 (2013) Science 11 (BI11, CH11, PH11, or ESC11) Second Language 11 (not beginner’s level) English 12 Principles of Math 12 or Pre-Calculus 12 (2013) 2 other Provincially Examinable courses *Calculus 12 is highly recommended

    28. UBC General Admission (for 2012) New approved courses for admissions requirements: Calculus 12 Economics 12 Law 12 Social Justice 12 Sustainable Resources 12

    29. SFU General Admission (ARTS 2011) En 11, SS 11, PMa 11 Foundations of Math 11/12 or Pre-Calculus Math 11 (2013) Sc 11 (BI11, CH11, PH11, or ESC11) Language 11 (Beginner’s level acceptable) En 12 3 other Provincially Examinable courses (BI12, CH12, PH 12, PMa 12, FR 12, SP12, “Lang” 12, GEO 12, HI 12, LIT 12)

    30. SFU General Admission (SCIENCES 2011) En 11, SS 11, PMa 11 or Pre-Calculus Math 11 (2013) Sc 11 (BI11, CH11, PH11, or ESC11) Language 11 (Beginner’s level acceptable) En 12 PMa 12 or Pre-Calculus Math 12 (2013) 2 other Provincially Examinable courses including at least one of BI12, CH12, PH12

    31. U of T General Admission (ARTS/COMMERCE 2011) EN 11, SS 11, PMa 11, Language 11 Science 11 4 Grade 12 courses including: EN 12 plus 3 Provincially Examinable courses PMa12 (Pre-Calculus 12) and Calculus 12 are also required for Commerce

    32. U of T General Admission (SCIENCE 2011) EN11, SS 11, PMa 11, Language 11 Physics 11 and Chemistry 11 4 Grade 12 courses including: EN 12, PMa 12 (Pre-Calculus 12) 1 SC one other Provincially Examinable courses A 5th course, Calculus 12 is also required for some programs

    33. Course Planning Booklet 2011 Booklets can be downloaded at: http://uhill-sec.vsb.bc.ca/ Please refer to course booklet to choose courses. Make sure that correct course code and grade level are selected

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